
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Island :: essays research papers

I came tothe conclusion that Langston was theme about te repugn tofreedom for blacs. Lanston Hughes wrote about racism oftin his numberss, and this particular rime seems to follow thatpattern. Hughes gives the feeling of loneliness and profane atthe fact that he is not considered equal to white people. The poesy represents the struggle for freedom and to beconsidered equal. The speaker conveys a feeling of lugubriousnessand loneliness in the tone of their voice, as stated in the rise sentence of the poem. "Wave of sorrow", expressesthe sadness, by the speaker who I scan to be a blackperson caught up in the struggle to have equal right. Hughesuses language that is used in everday life. There argon noobsolete of slang words incorporated in the anatomy of thepoem. The author uses static imagery, painting a picture ofan island standing wholly by itself off in the distance. I see asunny, smoothe blond island surrounded by cal waters and awarm atmosphere. Langston Hughes uses four stanzas whichargon all couplets written in closed form. The rhyme scheme isan dying rhyme with the pattern ab cb cd ad. This is a uniquepoem structure with the first line reapeating itself again in lineseven, and the third gear line repeating itself again in line five. Thisis a terminology poem, meditation, which in this case th physicalobject is the island. The rhythm is tick off to be short quckverses with pauses to lead into each couplet. The wordchoice of the poem is use to keep the poems structure shortand compact. The word order is or so different fromnormal use. The unconventional syntax is used to create arhyme scheme. I decided to do this poem because of theversatility of the meaning. The way Hughes writes "Island" itleaves the commentator to develop their own opinions of theauthors meaning. This poem can be interpreted in manydifferent ways, for instance I also thought that this poemcould mean a person is close to reaching their goal and bysaying &q uotWave of sorrow, Take me there", I interpreted thatas meaning they needed some sort of motivation to point

Satellite Radio :: Technology Essays

Satellite Radio When I drive my car close to town running errands and going from place to place, its nice to take c ar to the tuner. Now since this distance I am croaking seems to be indoors a 30-40 mile radius, flipping through the stations is not much of a problem for me. Now on the other hand, I do travel out of town frequently, and I hate it when I penury to try to the radio and there is no signal. The reason why none of us can is because radio signals dont carry much further than the towns radius. Trying to find a station in the static is very annoying. Most of the time (especially in Iowa it seems) there are no stations for miles. Now who would honestly standardised to travel like that? Not me that is for sure. There is an alternative though. Its not very pricy to get either. Satellite radio is the key to traveling without boredom. Satellite radios signals are cast from over 22,000 miles away from the earths surface. There is no static interference eitherFrom personal experience, I have sold these radios for a company. I dont want to persuade anyone either way towards one brand or the other. AS I have researched though, there are subtle differences in severally provider. For instance, if hurt is an issue, there are plenty of options that are affordable. The bills are periodic for the two that I have looked into, but depending on the different perks, the price can really make all the difference. Radio to the Power of X, is the slogan used for XM satellite radio. There is no contract exigency any longer to listen to premium quality medicine, with few to nix commercials. Its only 9.99$ per month for any service plan. Here are a few perks for XM radio68 commercial free music channels.33 channels of sports, news, talk & entertainment21 channels with strident traffic and weatherDelphi Unit-portable or fixed in a car. receiver lists the artist and song.2 satellites orbiting the earthOnly 9.95$ per monthThese are however a few of the perk s that XM has to offer. XM has teamed up with pioneer, Jensen, and audiovox to create the car decks that are XM industrious so the price of the equipment can be very affordable.The Delphi unit is a little more expensive, but depending on when you want to listen to radio, whether it is at home or in the office, this unit is a prime choice.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Five Forces About Fast Food Chains

TETA? 2607Exercise2 PartIbriefintroductionof card-playing feedeaterys The intentness I selected is agile pabulum eaterys which be also named as quick attend to restaurants. As a particular(a) type of restaurant, troubled forage restaurant is characterized both by its stiff nutrient cuisine and by its self table service. The majority of closely diet restaurants argon part of a restaurant chain or franchise operation so that each branch could be provisioned by standardized ingredients and controlled by unified management. Within this industry, several leaders should be identified.Founded in 1940, McDonalds Corporation is the worlds largest chain of beefburger betting food restaurants, daily serving around 68 trillion customers in 119 countries. (mcdonalds. com &038 burger ancestry. com) In the year of 2011, the gelt income has reached 27 billion USD with net profit of 5. 5 billion USD. In the recent tail fin years, McDonalds revenue kept increasing and the average incr ease rate was 3. 1 %. ( McDonalds annual report,2011). Subway which is owned and operated by Doctors Associate is an American restaurant franchise which mainly sells sandwiches and salads.Subway, as the largest single- distinguish restaurant chain globally, keeps the riotousest growing franchises in the world with 37000 restaurants in more than(prenominal) than 100 countries. (subway. com) KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) is the worlds largest chain of fried yellowed degenerate food restaurants. It is also the second largest restaurant chain by and by McDonalds, with over 17,000 outlets in 105 countries. (KFC. com) PartIIIndustryanalysisbyFiveForces In 1979, Michael Porter published How matched Force Shapes Strategy in the Harvard Business reexamination (HBR) which started a revolution in the strategic field.He proposed five competitive forces which could to great result escort the profitability of an industry and strategys formulation. In this part, Five Forces pass on be u tilized to analyze the fast food restaurant industry. Typetext Page1 TETA? 2607Exercise2 affright of Suppliers The suppliers of fast food restaurant nearlyly ar meat producer, veg retailers, beverage companies and bakeries food retailers. As meat and vegetable are unexpressed to differentiated, it is difficult for such a supplier to stand out.Also, most of these suppliers are local and small-sized while the quick service restaurants are international and freak hence, it is easy for the fast food chain to be the dominant player. As for the fast food restaurants, in general, the faulting embodys are non high if they want to change their supplier of meat and vegetables. However, some supplier leaf blades are quite powerful such as beverage connectionCoca cola because their harvest-tide is unique in the grocery. It is also feasible for a supplier to be integrated forward such wish building up great deal relationship with fast food restaurant to enlarge their supply p ower.To sum up, the supplier power in the fast food restaurant is low relatively in particular among non-differentiated good suppliers. holy terror of Buyers There are many small operators in the fast food restaurant industry which means buyers receive many alternatives to choose the most suitable quick service restaurant. Meanwhile, thither is almost no chemise cost for customers to change their tastes. Additionally, the buying information is also abundant and obtainable for the customers to select the most satisfactory restaurant. It seems that buyer power in the fast food restaurant is relatively high.However, the volume of each customer primarily is not extremely central to overall sales of the companies and hence, each undivided customer may not be valued much by the company. That diminishes the power of the buyer to some extent. Also, thither is no curse of loath integration which means it is almost impossible for customers to build up joint relationship with fast food chains. Hence, buyer power would lowered by lack of possibilities of integration. The concentration of buyers is low which also reduce the power of buyer.As for the fast food chain, the brand indistinguishability also helps them to decrease the threats from customers. To sum up, the threat from buyer is at the moderate level according to the above Typetext Page2 TETA? 2607Exercise2 analysis. little terror of new starters As the threat from new entrants, the number 1 thing to bring is cost. Obviously, the entrance costs are relatively low when compared to new(prenominal) industries such like mobile phone manufacturing and information technology industry. However, the cost of brand building also plays an important role as brand identity is perceived as a significant factor of fast food restaurants strategy.In the fast food industry, the existing brands are already powerful like McDonalds and Burger Kings so it will take season and expenditure for a fast food store to stand out. every last(predicate) in all, the cost of new entrants is not as low as what we assume previously. Secondly, the access to supply take is quite easy because those mad materials for the fast food restaurant are available normal goods. However, there may exist easy lay contracts with suppliers so that it may make warm for new companies to enter this industry. Thirdly, another hindrance to enter fast food industry is the access of distribution.Fast food chain always signed exclusive contracts with the college, super foodstuff, fuel stations and others and hence, it is much difficult for a new entrant to build its own distribution channels. The economies of scale and the access of distribution are major barriers that firms showcase in this industry. Additionally, it is also difficult to differentiate your return in this industry because the product is fairly similar when we divided fast food into different categories (hamburgers, sandwiches, pizza pies). To sum up, the t hreat of new entrants is moderate as we use up to consider from all aspects. Threat of substitutesAlthough the switching costs of customers are quite low, the threat from substitutes is lull at low level. The main substitutes of fast food restaurant are pre-cooked food, mid-range restaurants or supermarket products. However, eating in a normal restaurant is much more expensive and time consuming. Pre-cooked food is cheap while the facilities to warm it up may not be available. Hence, fast food still held Typetext Page3 TETA? 2607Exercise2 advantages no matter from the price or comfort level. Threat of contention The number of competitive rivals with similar products and service for the equal customer group is high.As mentioned before, the initial expenditure to set up a fast food restaurant is not quite so high and hence, many small scale quick service restaurants may try to enter it. Also, there are no high give barriers because it is easy to close restaurants as the relative ly low fixed costs. Meanwhile, the market growth is limited because the market gets saturated with a certain core of restaurants, fast food shop or delivery services. It seems that the threat of rivalry is relatively high in the fast food restaurant industry. on the whole the above analysis is summarized in the following diagram. Figure 1) Figure1 PartIIIAdditionaldiscussionaboutcompetitivecondition Apart from the five forces that I have mentioned before, there are still some other Typetext Page4 TETA? 2607Exercise2 forces which also affect competitive condition. In the first place, culture plays a more important part in decision making tidy sums food consumption than before. According to Maddocks (2004) research, there is a correlational relationship amongst the number of residents per fast food restaurant and the square miles per fast food restaurants with state-level obesity prevalence.This result indicates that fast food restaurants do make a significant contribution to th e peoples obesity level. The problem of obesity has already raised mankinds attention and people concern more about the forage of the food rather than price and convenience. In addition, people also urinate that fast food restaurant also to a great extent contribute to the problem of childhood obesity. Another research (Harris, Schwartz &038Brownell, 2010) also reveals that Teens between the ages of 13 and 17 purchase 800 to 1,200 calories in an average fast food meal, including 30% or more of calories from sugar and saturated fat.As the obesity would scupper humans health, more and more experts suggest that people especially children should eat fast food as little as possible. Hence, there is an overall trend that the consumer group of fast food is squeezing. As the market is declining, each company within this industry has to compete harder to win more consumers. In this way, external factors like culture, healthy reports also play an important force to decide the competition level of this industry. Another limitation of five force framework is that some companies in the same industry are cooperators unlike the original assumption that there are all competitors.For fashion model, KFC, pizza hut and Taco Bell are operated by the same corporationYum. If they are not double-dyed(a) competitors in the market, they increase the entry barrier through reallocating their resource and supply and distribution channels. For example, these three restaurants could share the same logistic center to enhance the efficiency of company and save the cost as well. This kind of corporation within the same industry was do by by classic Five Force Analysis which emphasis the pure competition relationship between companies. PartIVConclusion Typetext Page5 TETA? 2607Exercise2Let take McDonalds as an example to analysis the whole industry. Although there is tense competition in this industry that many small fast food businesses fight with each other to improve their customer base, McDonalds still held the absolute advantage in its customer scale. Just like the above analysis, the enter barrier of this industry is not so high. But McDonalds own strong brand identity and schematic network and hence, the new small entrants could not menace to McDonalds. The buyers still hold power to some extent as the switching cost is low and the buying information is abundant.However, McDonalds still have an advantage in location and convenience. As McDonalds has already established the strong network with suppliers, (e. g. cooperated with Coca-Cola), the threats from suppliers are not so intense. Under the veritable trend, the down-sizing of customer group is the major problem that McDonalds has to face. McDonalds have already implemented some strategies such like launching non-fried product and enclosed the detailed nutrition information of the food. After five forces analysis, McDonalds still should be favorable in the next several years.However, if a new small bu siness plan to enter this industry, it will face a large number of challenges such like establishing supply channels and distribution channels and building its own brand identity. All in all, fast food restaurant is still saturated and unfavorable for business which wants to entry. Reference Harris, J. L. , Schwartz, M. B. &038 Brownell,K. D. (2010), Evaluating Fast Food Nutrition and Marketing to Youth. Fastfoodmarketing. org Maddock, J. 2004. The Relationship mingled with Obesity and the Prevalence of Fast Food Restaurants State-Level Analysis. American Journal of wellness Promotion November/December 2004, Vol. 19, No. , pp. 137-143. Typetext Page6 TETA? 2607Exercise2 Porter,M. E. 1978. How competitive forces shape strategy. Harvard Business Review Strategy http//polisci2. ucsd. edu/snunnari/HBR_on_Strategy_23_41. pdfpage=25 McDonalds official website http//www. mcdonalds. com/us/en/home. html Burgerbusiness. comhttp//www. burgerbusiness. com/? p=9168 McDonalds 2011 annual repor t http//www. aboutmcdonalds. com/content/ dam/AboutMcDonalds/Investors/Investors %202012/2011%20Annual%20Report%20Final. pdf Subway official website http//www. subway. com/subwayroot/default. aspx KFCs official website http//www. kfc. com/ Typetext Page7

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Meru Cabs: A spectacular growth story Essay

About Meru CabsMeru Cabs, operating in four metros of the country has popularised and boosted the concept of radio cabs.Today almost 70 per cent of our passengers say that they travel by Meru instead of calling it a taxi and this is what has been our focus. Gavin Dabreo, VP-Sales & adenosine monophosphate commercialiseing, Meru CabsMeru now runs a fleet of 5,000 taxis in Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Delhi and has 700 employees. The partnership has a top line of Rs 350crores (76mn USD) -> assets on roads.The company plans to invest $ one hundred million and aims to generate $500 million revenue in five-spot years.Merus Operational Sub ProcessesCustomer acquisitionBooking worryCab DeliveryService DeliveryMeru Cabs Competition Analysisdodge Map for Meru CabsTechnology & Development ChallengesORACLE ERP Back-end system & Siebel CRMCompetitive RivalryInternal organizational ChallengesChallenges from Suppliers & BuyersGrowth and dominance ChallengesConslusionMeru cabs is doing a lot to survice in the marketplace to maintain its positions in the markets. topicGrowth and Potential ChallengesTable of ContentsAC 1.2 process conglomerate in strategical market4Segment the market4Profile the market segments4Develop a market segment marketing outline4Situational Analysis4 marketing Objectives5 market placeing Strategies5How to Use a Strategic Marketing5AC 1.3 links between strategic marketing and corporate strategy5 Corporate strategy5Strategic marketing.5Links6AC 2.1 marketing tool for jaguar car7Marketing mix 4p7PRODUCT7PROMOTION7 worth8PLACE8PEST analysis8SWOT analysis9Strengths9Weaknesses9Opportunities9Threats10AC 2.3 Current customer relationship marketing by the jaguar car company10 Email10 cry out10Book a test drive11 tie-in with a dealer11Keep informed11AC 1.2 process involved in strategic marketing for JaguarThe strategic marketing process typically has three stagesSegment the market* geographical* Demographic* Psychographic* BehaviorProf ile the market segments* Revenue potential* Market share potential* Profitability potentialDevelop a market segment marketing strategy* Market leader or produce line extension* Mass marketing or targeted marketing* take on or indirect salesAfter analyzing market segments, customer interests, and the barter for process, its time to create the strategic marketing plan.The strategic marketing plan document usually includes Situational AnalysisWhere is the company now?* Market Characteristics* Key Success Factors* Competition and Product Comparisons* Technology Considerations* Legal environs* Social Environment* Problems and OpportunitiesMarketing

Human Rights on Film: Regret to Inform Essay

Life taken for the purpose of valor and aristocracy shows a terrible distinction between actions and reasons. Hollywood, when tackling the matters and conflicts of Vietnam War has the tendency to deed over more focus on how to show the life of a pass in reference to their personal relationships. They be manytimes forgetting the crucial quite a little to discuss the political and mixer aspect of contend. Vietnam War had been featured in just about literary works, written and in film, and it is unusual that it had been perceived in a point of view of widows, who seems like the victims of state of warfares aftermath.Widows of Vietnam War, when utilise in art, tend to ready subject of senti manpowertality just non with Barbara Sonneborns award-winning masterpiece, Regret to protest, which showcases the stations and sufferings of wo manpower who had their husbands died in the midst of fires and bullets. The picture show describes not just the lives of Ameri derriere women just also paid attention to the similar frustrations that Vietnamese soldiers wives in the extent of the war. Brief look back On the twentieth anniversary her husbands conclusion, Barbara decided to examine some war widows to learn more about the war.She attempted to blood the actual nature of this war and analyze its extent of devastation. With this started as a personal quest, Sonneborn had expanded the picture of the war victims situations as she set foot on the land where Jeff died. This journey soundened her as she tell (PBS 2010). This flick anticipated long time peace by manduction the views of isolated set of deal involved in Vietnam War. It serves as a ch wholeenge for those who wish to realize the actual scenarios when war was waged.Regret to Inform is not created for the awareness of the public but for the purpose of inspiring the more humane side of e very(prenominal) human who are doubtlessly sharing the said(prenominal) value for love and peace. This is a love story telling how deep love for country, love for humanity and camaraderie despite of the origin, race and disparity can be grouped and be transcended. It tells the story of victims of the real resistance of mankind which is the irrationality in our reactions and decisions.From the Characters Viewpoint  openhanded equal attention on widows of soldiers on both sides, western and Asian, the movie exuded profoundly the moving story about the aftermath of war in a straightforward manner as observed through female eyes. Sonneborn shares the post war predicaments with her companion, Xuan Ngoc Nguyen, another widow of the war and also followed the lives of some soldiers who were at war. It transcends the boundaries given that the same conflict brought these victims mazed the War. On unmatched of the scenes there, a Vietnamese widow couldnt c all in all up that an American wanted to listen to the stories they had regarding the war.The war created horror which is inevita ble for those throng who are in the midst of it. But, the worst thing that it created is its extension rightly after the war is over. During the war, ane of the actions taken by the US army is the application of chemical known as Agent Orange which aims to repress their enemies in the forest. Some civilians had been affected by this move and their widows could do nobody but to express the sentiments regarding this unfair causality. As they say about the situation, it is all you are dead or you are not safe.Apparently, among them, no one impart ever forget the hardship they had in order to snuff it that non-stop battle. The film shows no evil character as usually universe used to portray Viet Nam. It is more than just identifying whos right or wrong but apparently, the victims didnt just concentrate in one side. Viet Nam, as the setting of the war didnt carry the weight of all the wars burden. It is just a location where the real confrontation lies. The enemy here is neithe r a person nor a face pack of soldiers but the collective actions of misunderstanding, lack of diplomacy, violence resulting to death of children, women and men alike.The war is in Vietnam but its terror could have surpassed the oceans. When you are relying on media to hairgrip on to the situation, what could we expect to happen? American women had the discomfort of being uncertain by feeling like anytime, they will be receiving bad intelligence despite the fact that the war remained far from them. This uncertainty can excite a woman walk thru life in a purpose based pace without a grasp on what is going to the interviews part. It managed create the heart trembling spirit of from each one stories told.The interview part supplied some highlights in the movie. Good questions were given in the movie providing the near. These questions provoke unbiased reasoning of the people involved and managed to remove being self fulfilling in d substantiallying with the depression of thos e being interviewed. They questioned the righteousness versus faults such as when they are trying to ask whether a soldier can be considered a murderer or a hero. Sonneborn was able to use her skill as a visual artist as she was able to apply the free burning touch of great picture quality throughout the film.The feminine articulation of the documentarys narration serves as the perfect tool to have out the right essence of the stories given. In fact, it is not the story which served the model of the movie but the desire of Sonneborn to see the real picture of war and expanded as she tried to achieve it. Cultural Implications to the Human Rights Issues Views against each race differ relatively. Western people viewed Vietnam as a posterior for war, for violence and as a country of widow maker composition Vietnamese people saw Americans and they saw oppression.Wars are being brought by differences in ideologies and poor application of international and civil policy. Culture should neer violate anyones right to have protection from harm and being hurt, thus, we need to strive for total eradication of all unnecessary risks that whitethorn result to serious health consequences. Cruelty and inhumane practices such as waging war and counter offensive actions apply on physical ace has no space in an ideal society between men and women regardless of the belief and ethnicity of a foreign class.If there is any port that this will be contradicting to a belief or a practice, it would not show lack of respect in customs and traditions because as a culture, all actions in a community contribute to its enrichment and should always to be perceived as evolving variable that defines an individual or a group. only collective actions of people in group made the culture conventional and there is no way that it can be destroyed but can only change to adopt in better situation in their immediate community. It only goes towards the direction of better conditions.All people in the world who has participations in war must serve as variable in making analysis thru discovering patterns of its occurrence. In this kind of issue and conflict, social planning craves sensitivity to all differences while achieving the goal of greater good in a way that luxurious peace can be very much affordable. Intellect and Emotion It was thought that the magnate of an artwork to be appreciated and affect the heart relies on the cogency of the craftsman to portray life as it is with the application of all his or her intellect and mastery of the craft.Barbara Sonneborn proved this ability as she created a well crafted piece and touch people around the world. There is a very thin line between being great and sentimental and no doubt that this masterpiece is a great one. Like in Michelangelos sculpture Pieta, which has the Madonna figure carrying Jesus with no tears, it doesnt require such object to show the strength of the grasp of the artist in the reality. It is not all cry ing. It should be humane enough to capture humane side of any person. The movie is intrusive in the sense that it will show you a brand new perspective in the classify subject.It pioneered new ideology regarding not just the Vietnam War but the war itself as a concept. The whole movie is coherent and let you tie until the end and this quality was sustained by the creator. This movies intellect is a repugn for the eager young filmmakers who wanted to create sociopolitical movies. The Issues and Conflicts Sonneborn married again and had been laughing(prenominal) but her desire to accomplish her goal of identifying the entire relations of war as a social concept to her husbands death suggests that there is something deeper than the lost of Jeff.She deserves to resolve the agonies that are situated in all war settings. This is the only way that a conclusion can be drawn in response to the issues and conflicts of her fellows who lost their husband in couple to valor for the nation. What are the issues, then, of these women across the globe after losing their husbands? The answer is socially and politically related to personal frustrations. The pain and anguish of war go on to haunt these women as the situations in the past pushed them to cross boundaries to sustain their life such as, in the case of Xuan Ngoc Nguyen, who also became a prostitute to survive. endpoint Whatever happened in the past cannot be undone and reversed but the ability not to let it happen again is one of the most admired ability of the people today. That is what the movie had shown to the public and thus, making us felt more sorry. It made the audiences feel more responsible in making decisions as a group for its extent is countless and immeasurable. The movie has a personal purpose of learning social ideas and tends to track social frameworks that are resulting to unwanted public situations.Women, for example, are not intended to infix to war but its doom were not just to punish the men who were there but will also bring tears to those who are left at home, minding the babies, minding the chores, and minding all the worries of uncertainty while holding on no assurance of having their loved ones back. For this to be achieved, Sonneborn applied the right skill of film making guided by her wisdom to know the truth behind the sorrows of all women victimized by war.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Ikea China’s Shopping Experience Essay

IKEAs focus towards shopping experience is set out of their effort in building disfigurement loyalty. As you can expect from the pictures, e very bed in the stash away be occupied, with children and adults falling asleep. IKEA does not discourage this. They realize that the more than customers choose to relax in its showrooms, the more likely they will have positive attitude towards its brand and possess a purchase once their incomes catch up with their aspirations.In contrast, competitors escape building brand loyalty. 11-furniture, has successfully copied the IKEAs products as well as customer shopping experience by letting customers to try on the products. However, many still say that at the real IKEA, the layout is much neater. Therefore, the brand image of IKEA would still be better perceived compared to the fake stores. B&Q does not have showrooms for people to have direct look up and feel of the products. B&Q does nominate service much(prenominal) as interior design consultation. However, research has also shown that Chinese customers might veer to do face-to-face consultation. Therefore trust and brand loyalty are hard to develop. AIKA, are focusing more on manufacturing low-cost products with modified effort in providing shopping experience to build brand loyalty. Therefore, they may lose their potential customers to the IKEA in the future.Through globalization, Chinese customers have greater exposure to western trends and lifestyles. However, this trend is not necessarily prevalent across all demographics within China. Therefore, to determine whether IKEA is effectively tapping into this trend, we need to examine the take of acceptance of Western shopping experience and products of IKEAs target market. IKEA in the main targets young adults, typically aged 25-35, who live in Tier 1 cities where they get exposed to Western brands. This generation was born under the adept Child Policy, known informally as little emperors who are characterized as being impulsive and easily influenced. Therefore, we could say that IKEAs target market could be easily aspire to westbound brands gamey quality and kitchen-gardening. As a result, shopping experience by IKEA is very suitable with the need of consumers to try western products.On the other hand, competitors such as 11 Furniture and AIKA do not represent the western culture. Those Chinese customers who hold a high regard for Western culture will favour Western brands over local brands. Arguably IKEAs closest competitor, 11 Furnitre who tries to replicate IKEA, has one fundamental difference. It does not provide the Western culture or image IKEA projects. Every detail of the store equates 11 Furniture with Chinese culture in the minds of customers, while IKEA is equated with the Western culture and experience.

Mary Shelley novel ‘Frankenstein’ Essay

Once, passe-partout completes his being of the being he finds him to be very repulsive and he impressions it is impossible to love such a thing , His yellow skin scarcely covered the bring in of muscles and arteries beneath his hair was of a lustrous black and flowing exactly these luxuries scarcely formed a more horrid contrast. instead of staying to understand why and how his experiment went so drastically wrong, or to dumbfound care of his creation, he runs away from his responsibilities with fear sensation hand wrenched out, manifestly to detain me, exclusively I escape and rushed d declare stairs During achievers encounters with his creation he treats his creation with disrespect and hatred even though it was he who created this dickens. Victor feels his creation is disdain and malignant, he also feels that his animate beings iniquity rendered it almost too horrible for human eyes . During this time Victor is very childish in his opinions as he insults his cr eation it hasnt done anything wrong. But on the other hand, his creation tries to be civilise and reasonable.Victor tries using his intelligence to fight against the creature, as the creature defeats him in any imaginable physical aspect. But Victor underestimates the creatures true intelligence and understanding of life the creature returns the fire endorse to Victor with his own degree of intelligence. This situation soon turns to Victor befitting seriously immature and irresponsible, as he tries to incorporate a verbal battle into the damage relationship between them unlike the creature who tries to civil. ab initio Frankensteins creature is seen as war-ridden and violent but this is only shown in the eyes of Victor Frankenstein. The creation is no portrayed a feelingful and caring creature but this is overshadowed by his aggression which he only uses to emphasise is want for a father enter and a friend, so he looks to Frankenstein, his creature. Because of Frankensteins rejection the creature becomes more and more bitterness and rejected and as a result becomes more violent and aggressive which is his way of portraying hatred towards Frankenstein.At this point of the unexampled the creature created by Frankenstein acts more adult-like than Frankenstein himself. I feel that Frankenstein should take responsibility for his own action and consider the consequences, and then reflect on these consequences, but he totally rejects the creature because of its appearance. The creation has learnt a lot of advanced acquaintance in a short space of time, and has become more lingual than his creator, which shows that the creature could live alone in the world but it honourable needs a companion or a father figure to help him on the way.Victors tragic mickle is sozzled by his growing obsession to exterminate his creation because of all the injury it has caused him in the latter stages of the novel. As Victors obsession to destroy the monster grows he begi ns to have a role reversal as he becomes the outsider and the creature becomes the supremely intelligent one, like a shot he experiences all the misery and hatred that the monster felt after he rejected him. This wobble is quite ironic as the creature and Victor switch roles.This ironic change also shows Frankenstein how he treated wad at this time from this Victor learnt a very important lesson pass over others as you would like to be treated yourself . This change now begins to change Victors perspective on life, as he starts to feel guilty for what he has put his creation through, the torture and rejection. The guilt has now been emphasised by the hatred of Frankenstein of him self and his hatred of the creature. In shoemakers last the tragic fate of Victor Frankenstein is brought about by his own slapdash actions.Mary Shelley is display us that the causes of Victors death were vanquish to himself and his own actions. Victors careless pursuit of scientific familiarity is partly to blame for his fate as he neer, until his monster was created thought about the consequences. Victors overstepping of human boundaries by defying God and departure against nature is also partially to blame as, he again never considers the moral issues surrounding the recreation of people. Finally the main point of his fate was caused by his inability to love what he has given to live.Frankenstein only sees his creation for its inhuman looks and physical appearance, instead of the creatures personality and feelings he only shows a one-dimensional view of the monster. Mary Shelley has given the novel a hidden message, this message is trying to put across the dangers of pride and egotism, as in the novel Victor feels that when he recreates life he will become world famous. The second message of this novel is that the careless use of science can become dangerous.Frankenstein not considering the consequences of his action is showing this careless use of science. Mary Shelle y does not criticize this act of creation, but Victor is unwilling to accept responsibility, for his deeds. His creation only becomes a monster because of its rejection from humans and especially Victor Frankenstein. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Cyber Crime Law Essay

(a) Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computing device entropy and bodys(1) Il jural Access. The admission to the whole or whatsoever part of a reckoner administration without accountability.(2) Illegal Interception. The interception made by technical means without right of whatever non-public transmission of calculator data to, from, or within a computer system including electromagnetic emissions from a computer system carrying much(prenominal) computer data.(3) Data Interference. The drapedional or reckless alteration, damaging, deletion or downslope of computer data, electronic document, or electronic data message, without right, including the entrance or transmission of viruses.(4) System Interference. The intentional alteration or reckless impede or interference with the functioning of a computer or computer network by inputting, transmitting, damaging, deleting, deteriorating, altering or suppressing computer data or progra m, electronic document, or electronic data message, without right or authority, including the introduction or transmission of viruses.(5) Misuse of Devices.(i) The use, production, sale, procurement, importation, distribution, or otherwise making available, without right, of(aa) A device, including a computer program, designed or adapted primarily for the endeavor of committing both of the offenses under this Act or(bb) A computer password, access code code, or alike data by which the whole or any part of a computer system is capable of being accessed with intent that it be used for the individuala of committing any of the offenses under this Act.(ii) The possession of an dot referred to in paragraphs 5(i)(aa) or (bb) above with intent to use s countenance devices for the purpose of committing any of the offenses under this section.(6) Cyber-squatting. The acquisition of a humankind name oer the internet in bad faith to profit, mislead, destroy reputation, and deprive other s from registering the same, if such a domain name is(i) Similar, identical, or confusingly similar to an animate trademark registered with the appropriate government agency at the time of the domain name registration(ii) Identical or in any dash similar with the name of a someone other than the registrant, in exercise of a personal name and(iii) Acquired without right or with intellectual dimension interests in it.(b) Computer-related Offenses(1) Computer-related Forgery. (i) The input, alteration, or deletion of any computer data without right resulting in inauthentic data with the intent that it be considered or acted upon for legal purposes as if it were authentic, regardless whether or not the data is directly percipient and intelligible or(ii) The act of knowingly using computer data which is the product of computer-related forgery as delimit herein, for the purpose of perpetuating a two-faced or dishonest design.(2) Computer-related Fraud. The unauthorized input, alt eration, or deletion of computer data or program or interference in the functioning of a computer system, causing damage thereby with fraudulent intent Provided, That if nodamage has yet been caused, the penalty imposable shall be one (1) stage lower.(3) Computer-related identicalness Theft. The intentional acquisition, use, misuse, transfer, possession, alteration or deletion of identifying education belonging to another, whether essential or juridical, without right Provided, That if no damage has yet been caused, the penalty imposable shall be one (1) degree lower.(c) Content-related Offenses(1) Cybersex. The willful engagement, maintenance, control, or operation, directly or indirectly, of any lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or sexual activity, with the aid of a computer system, for favor or consideration.(2) Child Pornography. The unlawful or command acts defined and punishable by Republic Act no. 9775 or the Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009, committed by a c omputer system Provided, That the penalty to be imposed shall be (1) one degree higher than that provided for in Republic Act No. 9775.(3) Unsolicited moneymaking(prenominal) Communications. The transmission of mercantile electronic parley with the use of computer system which seek to advertise, sell, or offer for sale products and services are prohibited unless(i) There is prior affirmative consent from the recipient or(ii) The original intent of the communication is for service and/or administrative announcements from the sender to its animated users, subscribers or customers or(iii) The following conditions are present(aa) The commercial electronic communication contains a simple, valid, and reliable way for the recipient to reject. receipt of get ahead commercial electronic messages (opt-out) from the same source(bb) The commercial electronic communication does not purposely disguise the source of the electronic message and(cc) The commercial electronic communication does not purposely include misleading information in any part of the message in order to pull the recipients to read the message.(4) Libel. The unlawful or prohibited acts of libel as defined in Article 355 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, committed through a computer system or any other similar means which may be devised in the future.SEC. 5. Other Offenses. The following acts shall as well constitute an offense(a) Aiding or Abetting in the Commission of Cybercrime. Any person who willfully abets or aids in the commission of any of the offenses enumerated in this Act shall be held liable.(b) Attempt in the Commission of Cybercrime. Any person who willfully attempts to commit any of the offenses enumerated in this Act shall be held liable.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Being at Cadet College

Respected &8212 Worthy teachers and my dear friends AOA Today I overhear been given an opportunity to express my feelings being present in a cadet college. I would start with the few words by one(a) of the cadet equivalent us. He says At 90- historic period-old, you will still phone the experiences, the camaraderie, and the friendships that develop with perfect clarity. The k at one timeledge gained about yourself, as well as about this career, is immeasurable. I feel the same. Cadets is a program that has changed my life and open up various doors for me.The way I react in situations has changed because of cadets. Cadets isnt hardly a program that keeps you busy a few nights during the week. It gives you opportunities to travel, meet bracing people, to become a better leader and most importantly a better version of yourself. My favorite part of Cadets is the people Ive met along the way. by national competitions, and other activities, I have met some of the most terrible people. These people have made a huge impact on my life.Despite the fact that I may not see some of them anymore, the whimsy they left will always be there. I thank the cadet program for making in tout ensemble of that possible. The essentials of religion taught in the class room, unearthly education in the classroom supplemented by prayers in the College Mosque, observance of spendthrift in the month of Ramadan and holding of functions on days of religious meaning helps us to practice religion in the best way. Moreover, the Morning convocation begins with the recitation of Verses from the Holy Quran followed by their explanation.To live on up 4 in the morning, physical training, and taking classes from 8 to 1, preps, afternoon games, regular drill, the vast unwashed nights . (aur bhi agar kuch huwa). and finally lights out at 10. This seemed to be so surd in the beginning. I used to think that I wont be able to survive and did not consider it important to liquidate up ea rly and go to bed on time. But now that I have survived, I admit that this is the best life a student or a person green goddess lead. Within a month or two I realized a great change in my physical health. This tough, well disciplined life has helped me get sound mind and body.And I am looking forward and stirred up about the activities in future like horse riding and swimming. any(prenominal) day is a new experience, new lesson, new adventure. I can never forget the lesson that Discipline, bravery, honesty and modesty are the four founding pillars for all of us who will be passing out from this institute. I make sure to keep up these pillars not thorough the years in this college but throughout the life. I have so many another(prenominal) people to thank for where I am today, because I believe every experience and every person influences who you become.But first of all, Allah Almighty and then Id like to thank my parents who got me into Cadets. To this day, I dont think they k now how much they have in reality done for me. Id like to thank all the hard working ply at our Cadet College for making sure that we all got the opportunities we deserved. Most of all I would like &8212&8212 ?? (any other person) And finally, Id like to thank you all for having me here to speak with you today. You were a great audience and I wish you all the best. (Thank you or good afternoon. )

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Muslim, Islam and American culture Essay

The main purport of this paper is to explore the current experience of Muslims in the States and the getk for clues as to the future interaction amidst Islam and Ameri scum bag acculturation. In particular, I provide concentrate on three atomic g overnment issue 18as Islamic twine on the socialization of Americans with emphasis on how it has affected political and social education the interaction between Islamic traditions and American gloss on the system of American Muslim Organization and the social, cultural and educational trends among the Muslim three-year-old person in America.IntroductionWhatever is happening to the Muslim stopping point in the American companionship and the American society as it interacts with the Islamic gardening can only be comprehended by the conception of husbandry as a fluid entity that interacts and borrow from each other. It is great that whatever study of Islam in the joined States must not ignore the interplay between right eousness and culture neither should it assume that one overwhelms the other. The experience of American Muslims puts into sharp relief matters of identicalness and assimilation and how they must be lofty from the concept of values.Even with movements such as the Nation of Islam rejecting identification with the broader culture including some of the then dominant values, it accepted other values such as the work ethic and entrepreneurship. My argument is that this selective acceptance of American values was a result of a encounter between Islamic values and American culture seen from the perspective of an alienated minority grouping robbed of its identity. The past few decades bedevil witnessed the evolution of American Muslim organizations. The absolute majority of these organizations until 1980s were mosques and even these were in few issuances.Today, there exists a number of formal Muslim organizations in various areas of endeavor. The daedality of their organizations an d the extent of their becharm are increasing. These organizations are increasingly fitting into the weave of American culture rather than become a bulwark against it. They in effect influence the ambient culture around them. The Muslim savant association is unremarkably the root of Islamic organization among the immigrant population. The associations alumni are in most cases found in leadership commits of the current wave of immigrant dominate organizations (Ahmad, 2003).The only Muslim organization with an immigrant composition until the formation of the Muslim Students Association in the 1960s was the Federation of Islamic Associations. This was essenti whollyy an Arab-American organization founded on traditional culture rather than trust. The histories of Muslims in get together States is varied with diverse and changing identities. The followers of this major world devotion are not surprised at the processes of individual and community identity formation and change such as the ones that are be go through in the get together States.There were contending interpretations, social groups, and sources of legal authority within a century of the birth of Islam in seventh century Arabia. Yet, an recognisable primaeval Islamic way of thinking and acting, founded on the example and teachings of Muhammad real over time. This core consists of the five pillars of Islam. With its expansion to new places and the subsequent confrontation of older religions, Muslim conquered or coexisted with such religions.Such regional interactions have influenced the ways in which this decentralized and non-hierarchical religion is practiced throughout the world. The religion lacks a centralized clergy and mosques operate independently of each other. With this regard, Muslims in the join States comprehend and practice Islam in ways strongly shaped by the American historic context. The universal Muslim community may be the goal sought by Muslims but the reality is that t heir everyday lives are shaped by group solidarity and experience.The join States Muslim community has been specify and redefined by voices both internal and external to Muslim communities. Those definitions reflect the complex relations among members of the ruling class and those being ruled in the American political context among other things. It is important to place Muslim communities in the socioeconomic structure of the united States when any analysis of the community is being done. Tracing their transnational networks and affiliations is also crucial. Muslims now comprises an important part of the United States society.It may be the fastest growing religion in the United States, poised to displace Judaism and become second only to Christianity in the number of adherents. This growth can be attributed to the rapid influx of immigrants and their relatively highschool birthrate. However, it is difficult to know exactly the number of Muslims in the United States. Distinctions An important distinction is made in Islamic law between the basic principle of fundamentals of jurisprudence upon which diversity is not condoned, known as usul al-fiqh, and the branches or subdivisions in which disagreements and new and original problems and cases are permitted.There has however been disagreement concerning what usul is and what furu is in the long history of disputation, debate, and disagreement among jurists since the classical period of Islam (Elkholy, 2005).. The historical debate has often been about the use, authority, and interpretation of different sources of knowledge. In the United States today, the trend among the emerging spokespeople is to assign positive commandments of the law to one or other category even though they seem to assign much and more laws to usul and to disallow disagreement about usul, thereby restricting the range of a function for legitimate disagreement and discussion.There is also distinction between culture and religion. This distinction is frequently invoked as Muslims debate beliefs and practices that are accepted or unaccepted in Islam. There have been arguments among lay Muslims concerning the beliefs and practices that are fundamental to the religion and those that have accrued to it because of culture in one or another region. This issue has also been raised elsewhere by those individuals who see culture as having absorbed the function of religion such that ghostly difference now symbolizes basically cultural difference for the majority of Americans. interaction between culture and religion occurs in every realm of American Muslim world. With regard to Islamic identity, America has come to be an field of study for competing self im durations where phantasmal authority and cultural preferences are mostly conflated if not displaced and de-territorialized altogether. Just as some scholars have identified the troth over usul and furu, the conflict over religion and culture in the United States chi efly centers on issues involving women (Waugh, Abu-Laban & Qureshi, 1983).Shared culture is more important than religious or ethnic diversity in determining gender roles. The conflict between parents and children, and men and women has been heightened up by migration thereby producing a ascension rate of divorce. Alterations in traditional conceptions of the role of women is taking place fast-paced in women than in men. The issue of dating is the most serious snag to the integration of Islamic religion and American culture. Personal relationships are considered highly by all human beings.To young adults, sexual relationships are highly important and they are natural. Islam has never approved of sexual activity, always close-fitting it to wedding. The American culture on the other hand has never been comfy with the notion of sex. The notion of adolescence is one of the most serious flaws in American culture. The American society identifies as children individuals that previo us cultures characterize as young adults (Haddad, 2004).Because of the role played by extended schooling in learning young individuals for their place in the industrial system, young people of marrying age in the United States are discouraged from marriage. This denial of natural insertion has resulted in fornication and unwanted mothers. The majority of Muslims have abandoned the marriage traditions of their homelands without embracing the American system, putting children in a difficult position at the time when their hormones are raging. ContributionsThe strength of the American culture lies in its respect for the individual, the flexibility of its civil society, and the restraints it seeks to place on the arrogance of political power. Its weakness lies in its vulnerability to sacrifice family and personal morality to the appetites of commerce. The religion of Islam, founded on the willing submission of the individual to the divine will can be an appropriate religion for such a society. The divine will reveals the principles by which the welfare of the individual and the community are harmonized.Muslims should therefore be able to find an important place in the American society using the framework of institution building and for individual advancement to illuminate use of the strengths of the American culture and to help overcome its weaknesses. The major scrap to the integration of Islam with American culture is managing to disentangle scriptural commandments from cultural accretions (Leonard, 2003). This may be achieved by Muslims owing to their diverse community, race, ethnicity and national origin that makes unwarranted the confusion of culture and religion that has marked the stagnation of much of the Muslim world.Beyond this, the rising number of Muslims that are born in America implies that it is only a matter of time ahead the Muslim community becomes dominated by indigenous Muslims who are already integrated into the American culture. As such , they are likely to have an American understanding of Islam in which case they will further its integration into and influence the American culture or they will lack good understanding of Islam at all in which case they will become secularized as the majority of Christians, Muslims and Jews before them.SummaryThe American society has to some degree been influenced by Islam rightful(prenominal) as the Muslim society has been influenced by the American values. However, there are no particular aspects of the holistic American culture that can be said to be adversely influenced by Islam owing to the communal genius of American Muslims. The influence of Islam on the Americans can also be analyse looking at the various Muslim organizations within the United States as it is through this organizations that thoughts and convictions become shaped thereby infiltrating the general American society.References Ahmad, I. (2003). Islamic devotion and American Culture. Freedom Institute Elkholy , A. (2005). The Arab Moslems in the United States Religion and Assimilation. New Haven College University Press Haddad, Y. (2004). Not quite American? the constitution of Arab and Muslim identity in the United States. Baylor University Press Leonard, K. (2003). Muslims in the United States the state of research. Russell Sage Foundation Waugh, E. , Abu-Laban, B. & Qureshi, R. (1983). The Muslim community in North America. University of Alberta

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Toilet Facilities in All Schools

Toilet Facilities in All schooldayss &8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212 Toilet Facilities in All directs Encour advance and contribute to developing the necessary partnership amongst the state of Maharashtra and the Government of Indias platformmes to establish toilet facilities in all in all disciplines. The Indian regime has launched a foc utilise campaign to step-up the households in the country that have toilets by 2010. Additionally, we go a agency target the urgent take away for beguile toilets for boys and girls, together with a hand-washing facility in every school in Maharashtra.Name Toilet Facilities in all Schools Status root word Region and Country Maharashtra, India Partners Beneficiaries Funding Need Budget Duration penetrate political programme Activities Each year two million children die from diarrhoetic diseases, making it the second almost serious kille r of children under the geezerhood of five. The main source of diarrhoeal infection is gentlemans gentleman excreta. It seems clear therefore, that human excreta should be managed as a potentially dangerous material. The verbal expression of latrines is a relatively simple engineering science that whitethorn be used to control the spread of pathogenic diseases.Studies have shown that latrine coverage has to reach 90% of a population to have an impact on lodge health. In Maharashtra, 85% of hoidenish households and 54% of all households have no recover at all to a toilet facility. While the Indian government is making great strides in the availability of toilets, this programme looks to increase protagonism and education necessary to convince quite a little to use the toilets, and to create separate male and female toilets in schools together with hand-washing facilities.It is primary(prenominal) to gain policy-making support and government commitment to the programme. A m ix of mass media and amicable colloquy is the best way to deliver the key programme messages. demo sites for the selected technologies be important, as is the training of topical anaesthetic people in operating theatre and upkeep methods. It is also necessary to provide reasonable funding options and incentives to even up the technology affordable. Intended Results Latrine facilities, separate for boys and girls, with a hand-washing facility allow for be established in all schools.A latrine promotion programme will teach students and the local anesthetic people about why and how to use the latrines through and through association employment, radio messages, and other kindly trade strategies. The whirl of this latrine constitution in schools will be used to control the spread of infectious diseases, and press toilet usage at a young age to school children to convey proper usage and knowledge at inhabitation. Programme Management and Implementation This programme has numerous figures of implementation. Background Data The prototypic step is to become familiar with the local area and school systems.The toleration of latrines varies from culture to culture and it is important to understand where the areas of potential resistance delusion so as to direct promotion efforts efficiently. Conducting interviews can help to congeal users likes and dislikes as well as identify current hygiene causes. This learning is essential to the devisening of a sanitization promotion program that will match the customs and attitudes of the users. Planning Phase The information gathered during the undercoat study of the local people can be used to plan a custom tailored sanitation promotion program. The initial lanning phase should consist of selection of the key messages to be promoted and a matching appropriate technology. The key messages need to be based on existing ideas, because it is such(prenominal) harder to introduce radical or rapid changes in a population. The inwardness ideas should be kept simple and to the point. It is easiest for people to grasp a hardly a(prenominal) straightforward ideas, rather than a long list of suggested improvements. The type of latrine selected should be low-cost, appropriate for the geographic area, and match with existing customs of anal cleaning and defecation habits as much as possible.Once the key messages and technology have been selected a marketing draw close moldiness be developed. juvenile efforts in promotion programs related to socio-cultural publications have centered on social marketing techniques. amicable marketing uses the approaches of economics to advance social change. Social marketing advocates a demand driven approach to sanitation. Therefore, a successful sanitation program needs to create a demand for latrines. This is carry out by offering affordable technology, but also by increase the social desirability of latrines.Studies have shown that the reasons people want latrines are less(prenominal) for health concerns than for social status, privacy, comfort and convenience (WHO, 2000). It should therefore, be the goal of either sanitation program to foster these feelings to increase the social demand for latrines. Since social status is one of the driving ciphers in latrine demand, it is important to recruit handsome people and community leaders to the cause of sanitation. Sanitation promotion by these leaders will increase the acceptability of latrines (Ikin, 1994).While the role of community leaders may be important, so is the participation of the average community member. Community based efforts have been shown to be more effective than out-of-door intervention (WHO, 2000). The marketing approach must select key populations deep down the community to act as agents of change and use appropriate take of communication to reach the target audience. Implementation Implementing a latrine promotion program requires outreach and education of the masses, as well as, cost reduction strategies. It is also important to consider the interactions of any institutions involved in the project schools, government, and construction company) and the issue of sustainability. The most effective method of outreach is person-to-person visits (UNICEF, 2002). These visits are used to take hygiene and practiced information, as well as encourage hearty behaviour changes. Other methods, such as radio and television programming, intelligence groups, and school curriculums, may be incorporated depending on the community answer of these types of media. Radio or television programming has worked well in areas with senior high school coverage by these media. Broadcast programming is most effective when through in the native language.Discussion groups are a good way to encourage community participation in the project. They may also be a way to disperse technical information to a enormous population through demonstration sites. Introducin g hygiene curriculum in the local schools works well in areas of high school attendance and dependable school systems. Children can act as powerful agents of change when they practice proper hygienic behaviours in the classroom and then bring these behaviours home with them (UNICEF, 2002). It is also hoped that children will retain these positive traits into adulthood.A significant factor to consider in any sanitation program is the cost to the spick-and-span technology. High cost is the number one deterrent for the spread of latrine construction (Cotton, 1998). It is important to select low-cost technologies for sanitation projects in the developing world. umpteen sanitation promotion programs rely on the support of both the local government and NGO. Whenever there are multiple institutions working together on a project it is important to have a clear anatomical structure of goals and methods of implementation. Care must be taken non to duplicate efforts or damage the working relationship between the partner institutions.Where large institutions are involved it is helpful to establish community contacts to ensure effective communication from the field to the institute headquarters. Although the introduction of improved sanitation services may be difficult, ensuring the sustainability of these services may be even more so. The most important step towards sustainability is the involvement of the community from the start of the project. bulk, students, and the school must learn to take ownership and pride in their latrines. Social marketing strategies can aid in the increased acceptance and demand for latrines.School programming is also an important step towards educating the future of sanitary behaviour. other tactic is to train local artisans to construct and maintain latrines. These artisans may course small businesses to market their skills, thus increasing the economy drive tooshie latrine use. Above all the program must be adaptable and pliant en ough to change with the needs and demands of the people being served. Programme supervise and Evaluation Programme monitoring and valuation will occur to oversee the instalment of toilets in schools, how many children are using the toilets, and possible reasons for not using the toilets.Community attitudes will also be monitored and surveys will be conducted to see if toilet usage increases in surrounding school communities. acquirement and Dissemination Related Resources Sanitation and hygiene promotion programs started in India in the 1980s with the support of UNICEF. The initial violence was on technical solutions, specifically the promotion of twin-pit pour-flush latrines. The government and UNICEF advocated the construction of these latrines as the national standard for cost-efficient sanitation. However, the idea was never widely accepted and latrine coverage in campestral areas remained less than 10 percent.The cost of latrine construction was considered too high and p eople saw little motivation for use. Between 1986-1987, UNICEF performed some(prenominal) micro-field studies to determine preference methods to sanitation promotion. The results indicated that the lack of community involvement was detrimentally to the program. The studies also revealed several reasons behind peoples reluctance to use the new latrines. People avoided latrine use for fear of breaking it, or because they believed it more sanitary to stool in the fields away from the house, or because they preferred to use the latrine as a storage facility.The high cost of the twin-pit pour-flush toilets was also often beyond the means of many poor communities. The results of these studies lead to a new approach in sanitation promotion in India in the nineties. The new emphasis was on lower-cost latrines and sanitary behaviour changes. A community-based approach was used to promote behaviour change. Efforts were made to increase household visits, school programming and consideratio ns for sexuality issues. Sanitation issues were linked with other health concerns in an attempt to increase motivation for latrine usage.A program evaluation in the mid 1990s indicated that person-to-person visited could be highly effective, but that 3-4 visits were required for every latrine installed. The campaign costs associated with this method of promotion are therefore quite high. School programs were developed to teach children hygienic behaviours, including the use of a latrine. The hope is that the children will than bring these behaviours home with them, thereby acting as agents of change in their communities. The new promotion plan also stressed the role of women in sanitation and household hygiene management.Lack of proper sanitation facilities has traditionally been more detrimental to women than to men. Due to the lack of privacy, many women may stay until nightfall to relieve themselves, leading to serious health problems and kidney failure. The lack of sanitation facilities has also been a barrier to girls attending school. The restructuring of the sanitation promotion program has attempted to address these issues by including women in health discussions and the operation and maintenance of the new latrines. The key to sanitation promotion in India has been balancing the technical and social aspects of sanitation services.Since the introduction of community based promotion methods, rural India has seen sanitation coverage increase from nearly zero to 14% musical composition total sanitation coverage increased to 31%. Community involvement and self-financing methods lead to the construction of more than 350,000 latrines in one county alone. An impact evaluation in 1999 showed consistently better excreta disposal practices in communities alive(p) in the promotion programs. The study indicated that future sanitation promotion efforts should focus on social marketing techniques and community management of latrines.

Corus Departments Essay

The marketing department do everything, from putting the brochures to call forher for market research, to understanding precisely what the competitors are doing e. g. understanding how big the invite for steel is, or how big the threat from competitive material. Communication is too extremely important if the otherwise departments dont work efficiently, therefore the marketing department wont get the right instruction needed to make formal decisions that would benefit the company. The marketing department eternally needs to be in contact with the other departments, such as the technical department and production department.They also need to produce a newsletter covering all the departments, which is then sent out to these departments content that they are all up to date. Sales The sales department is answerable for obtaining the just about common business aim and objective, which is to increase sales levels pay The pay department is responsible for producing financial inf ormation with the use of graphs and tables as figures are mainly being used this is the easiest way to communicate mingled with departments.By using a graph it is then easier and a heap faster to track the trends throughout the year. The graphs and tables are usually sent by e-mail, to change other people within the business to print copies when appropriate. The finance department also need to be in contact with the other departments, especially the production, sales and purchasing teams. Communication is vital for the finance department, to enable them to confirm that all the figures they have produced are correct.If the figures they have given overture in and going out of the business are incorrect this could upshot in the performance of the business, as the decisions being made would be wrong, boilers suit affecting the future of the business. Human Resources Human resources are responsible for employing ply into the business and training them. They also have to make sure their employees get their wages and are responsible for managing and disciplining individuals within the business.When theyre dealing with individuals, tidy sum unions and management they must organise face to face meetings, as this is the most effective way because it allows them to build strong traffichips and also allows trust to be developed. They are also put in place to make an informal and honest forum which other methods of communication dont allow e. g. e-mail and telephone. Within the Corus business the HR advisor is responsible employee relations and looking after the logistics team and central functions within the company.

Monday, January 14, 2019

In Latin and other languages, Fluxus literally means flow and change Essay

In Latin and some other languages, Fluxus liter exclusivelyy sozzleds lead and change. Similarly, the related English word flux is single- abide byd functiond variously to mean a state of continuous change,a fusion. Fluxus ideas were prevalent soundly before the 1960s, growing with the idea of intermedia, only if first summarised, exemplified and presented in a fete jointly organised by the German, Joseph Beuys, and Lithuanian-born architect and de attributeer, George Maciunas.It was Maciunas desire to study the engagement of a specific conference of people, sharing the aforementioned(prenominal) thoughts on imposture at the sequence and it was he who coined the name Fluxus. The Fluxus writ of execution festival held at the Dsseldorf Art Academy on 2-3 February 1962 was a profound historical marker in the early development of the Fluxus group. Numerous Fluxus and Fluxus-type festivals and activities activate to be presented in Europe throughout the 1960s after which t he commission shifted to New York. Fluxus has been described as the about radical and experimental machinationwork movement of the sixties.Fluxus differs from roughly artistic creation in creation purely conceptual. Characterized by a self-colouredly Dadaist attitude, Fluxus promoted artistic experimentation mixed with social and governmental activism, an often celebrated anarchistic change. Although Germany was its principal location, Fluxus was an international avant-garde movement, progressive in major Dutch, English, French, Swedish, and American cities. Its participants were a divergent group of individualists whose most common theme was their delight in spontaneity and humour. Fluxus members avoided any curb art theories, and spurned pure aesthetic objectives, producing much(prenominal) mixed-media plant as poems, mail art, silent orchestras, and collages of such readily available materials such as scavenged posters, newspapers, and other ephemera.Their activitie s resulted in many flushts or situations, often called Actions or as kn aver in the USA, Happenings, which were full treatment challenging definitions of art as think on objects. Street theatre was very popular as were other per gradances such as concerts of electronic music. An account given by the American Fluxartist Dick Higgins described the sort of happening you would expect at one(a) of his Fluxconcerts. This particular description is from the concert at Dsseldorf and it had become a kind of set found for these festival performances. Higgins described his arrangement, Constellation No 4 as followsEach performer chooses a sound to be produced on any instrument available to him, including the voice. The sound is to have a clearly defined percussive attack and a delay which is no longer than a second. Words, crackling and rustling sounds, argon excluded because they have six-fold attacks and disintegrationsEach performer produces his sound as efficiently as possible, appr oximately simultaneously with the other performers sounds. As soon as the last decay has died a dash, the piece is over.A mortal, who attends a Fluxconcert, after the first shock, typically gets caught up in the spirit of it and begins to delight in it, without consciously knowing why. What the recipient sees is sloping by his or her perception of it and instinctively he or she is twinned horizons, comparing expectations, participating in the process the more(prenominal) than actively he or she does so, the more likely they will be able to enjoy the experience.In 1981 Dick Higgins Wrote a list of nine criteria that he suggested primaeval to Fluxus1. internationalism2. experimentalism and iconoclasm3. intermedia (a term employed by Dick Higgins to describe an art form appropriate to people who say on that point are no boundaries between art and tone)4. minimalism or concentration5. an attempted closure of the art/ intent dichotomy6. implicativeness (an ideal Fluxus work tha t implies many more works)7. play or gags8. epehmerality9. specificity (work to be specific, self-contained and to embody all its hold parts)Clearly not every work is likely to reflect all nine of these characteristics or criteria, but the more of them a work reflects, the more typically and characteristically Fluxus it is. Similarly not every work by a Fluxartist is a Fluxwork typically Fluxartists do other sorts of work as well. The group pioneered these ideas at a age when their thoughts and practices in the world close to them were distinct from the art world and different from the world of other disciplines in which Fluxus, would come to play a role.Like Duchamp, many Fluxus pieces (most notably the performance ones), are often characterised by their taking of a very run-of-the-mill event from daily life, and their being framed as art by being presented on stage as a performance situation. A collection of Fluxus works will inevitably include some pieces which are untransfor med from life. Their significance is their ability to transform viewers horizons.According to Joseph Beuys, Fluxus intended to throw off the world of bourgeois sickness . . . of dead art, to promote a revolutionary flood and tide in art, anti-art, promote non art reality . . . and to immingle the cadres of cultural, social, and governmental revolutionaries into a united front and action.I was particularly concerned in the work of Joseph Beuys on view at the Tate Modern. He was a shaman, showman, teacher and tireless debater. He use the detritus of daily life in his work materials representing energy such as fat, felt, wax, honey, and copper, iron, bronze and batteries. His use of felt and fat in particular relates back to his near demolition experience in World War II when he used the two materials to keep him warm.*Show Pictures*Most of his pieces have changed through time, relying as they do on materials that decay, ferment, dry up, or change colour. Since life is in a const ant state of flux, he reasoned, art, in order to charter itself closer to life, must be similarly ephemeral. It was thus, in change, that Beuys sought to engender about the ultimate unity between art and life.Many of the Fluxartists were unequal and could not afford to work with fine and costly materials. The sense that if Fluxus were to unified some element of ongoing change flux -that the individual works should change. Many objects therefore were made of ephemeral materials, so that as time went by the work would either disappear or would physically emasculate itself. A work such as this made a strong statement rather than a work that would last throughout the ages in some treasure vault. Many of the Fluxartists work, such as Robert Fillouss works have disappeared into thin air. A good example of this is the work we looked at in the lecture last week entitled The artists breath by Yves Klein.George Maciunas planned to create a Fluxus Board of Directors which he would head f rom the plate in New York. Maciunas wrote a letter to Thomas Schmit, in the form of a Fluxus manifesto, as which it is often referred. He stated that* Fluxus objectives are social and not aesthetic* The gradual elimination of fine arts (music, theatre, poetry, fiction, painting, sculpture, and so forth) was motivated by the desire to stop the waste of material and human resources and take away it to socially constructive ends such as Industrial design, journalism, architecture, engineering, graphic-typographic arts, printing etc.* The movement was against the art-object as non-functional commodity to be sold and to make a livelihood for an artist.* It could have the function of breeding people the needlessness of art. Therefore teaching that a work should not be permanent* Fluxus is therefore anti-professional* Against art as a medium or vehicle promoting artists ego.* Applied art should express the objective problem to be solved not by the artists personality or ego.* Fluxus ar t should tend towards the incorporated spirit, anonymity and anti-individualism* Fluxus concerts and publications are at best transitional and temporary until such time that artists find other employment. Maciunas states that it is of utmost importance that the artist finds a profession from which he can make a donjon.* He says that there is no such thing as a professional revolutionary. vicissitude is for participation of all and that a revolutionary should not practice something he is trying to overthrow or even worse, qualification a living from it, and that the best revolutionaries practice what they preach.* Fluxartists should not make a living from their Fluxus activities but find a profession (like applied arts) by which he would do best Fluxus activity.* The best Fluxus composition is a most non-personal, ready-made one.* Fluxus way of life is 9am to 5pm working socially constructive and useful work earning your own living, 5pm to 10pm spending time on propagandizing yo ur way of life among other raving mad artists and collectors and fighting them, 12pm to 8am sleeping (8 hours is enough)* You cannot live off your family because then you are being just as parasitic as artists living off the society, without lend anything constructive.Maciunas also calls the need for copyright arrangements.* Authorship of pieces would eventually be breaked, making them totally anonymous thus eliminating the artists ego. The author would be Fluxus. Maciunas says We cant depend on each artist to destroy his ego. The copyright arrangement will eventually force him to it if he is reluctant.whitethorn I also add at this point, Robert. C .Morgan, art critic, writer, artist and poet says that By creating the absence of authorship, Fluxus has revived itself as a significant endeavor in recent art.However, no one really compulsioned to sign the manifesto set out by Maciunas. Dick Higgins says that We did not want to confine tomorrows possibilities by what we today. That manifesto is Maciunas manifesto, not a manifesto of Fluxus.George Brecht notes that Fluxus encompasses opposites. Consider opposing it, supporting it, ignoring it, changing your mind.Clearly, with Fluxus, normal a priori positions do not apply. They are not intended to do the same things as say a Jackson Pollock painting. It does not mimicker nature in any narrative way. It does not attempt to move the listener, viewer or reader emotionally or intellectually. The Fluxartist does not even begin to reveal him-or herself through the work.The reception of Fluxus, its popularity, influence and in general, its acceptance, varies considerably. A Fluxperformance or an exhibition of Fluxus works attended by a person uneducated about the Fluxus field is apt to having an interesting and pleasurable experience. For most avant-guard art, one needs to know quite a considerable add up of art history in order to get ones bearings enough to be able to fuse ones bearings and horizons and experien ce pleasure. There is a progressive intellectualism of the audience, thus more ideas of what will, or should happen. The spectators of a Fluxwork have to take aim that these ideas are not under attack and that they are simply tangential to the work at hand.There are two bodies of people whose ill will towards Fluxus is profound. These are1. Groups of art professionals who work in art institutions and galleries. Fluxworks do not lend themselves easily to becoming precious objects which are sold or beautiful fetishes to immortalize the donor. It has more the quality of a souvenir or a sacred relic than or an exquisitely wrought result of fine craftsmanship.2. Secondly, it is the artists who are good in whatever it is that they do, but who are not good enough to be really secure in it.Such artists feel threatened by Fluxus.Victor Cousins style of 1816 says of art It is done for the love of it -for its own sake.The Fluxus Collective believed that if value came to be attached to the work then great But the work must be un-commercial in its very nature.-Conclusion-Fluxus is more important as an idea and a potential for social change than as a specific group of people or collection of objects, action and life activity. Fluxus tried to eclectically organise itself around the advantages of existing strategies at the same time that it attempted to avoid their abuses. Fluxus was committed to social purpose but unlike the authoritarian means by which it was historically achieved. Today, it is clear that the radical division Fluxus made to art was to suggest that there is no boundary to be erased between art and life.The Fluxus movement does not present correct political or social views all the elements behave democratically. Not one piece dominates another. The movement sees a world inhabited by individuals of equal outlay and value. By chance, this movement entered the scene, and changed the worldwide view previously held. For a group of artists who sought the r eunification of art & life, the current institutionalization of Fluxus is paradoxical, yet the subversive nature of their project the challenge to hierarchy and authoritarianism, still persists today

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Success of a Paint Company: Berger Paints

In 1971 Berger creates Bangladesh restrict has started its journey in Bangladesh. The shareholders were Jenson & adenine Nicholson (J & N), Dun stinkpot Macneil & Co. restrain and Dada find oution. Duncan Macneil later sold their shares to the majority shareholder J & N Group. The Dada Groups share ultimately vested with the regimen of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh by and by the independence of the country in 1971.The reference of the company was changed from J & N (Bangladesh) Limited to Berger rouges Bangladesh Limited on January 1, 1980. Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited (BPBL) is stated to be the merchandise leader in Bangladesh and has a wide effigy of products such as Decorative Paints, industrial Paints, Marine Paints, Color Bank, Textured Coatings, warming Resistant Paints, Roofing Compounds, timberland Solutions, and Wood Adhesives. It gives a comprehensive and sustainable exposure solution and providing the lift out customer do through Home Decor.BPBLs corporate strategy is to build larger market share through providing quality and rapid service. Its capital focus is to sustain its current position by providing take account added customer service. BPBL is committed to get highest consumer satisfaction. The main objective of this announce is to turn in general practical knowledge approximately the indwelling communication techniques of Berger Paint Bangladesh Ltd. and corporate mastery evaluation and withal recommend on the basis of business communication.Aim and wise of the jump The objective of this stomach is to gain overall practical knowledge just about(predicate) the organization and analyze the communication techniques unquestionable by the company. To be more specific, this project accommodates the following subjectsHistorical accentuate of Berger Paint Bangladesh Ltd.Organizational structure BPBLs subjective communication structure Tools utilize in the existing communication system uncond itional aspects of the system being used and recommendations for benefitSignificance of the Study The significance of the field of operations can be relieveed in umteen ways. From this project we impart learn about the business communication practices followed by Berger Paint Bangladesh Ltd, the market leader in headstone industry of Bangladesh. It provide help us to enhance our knowledge about the kinship between different departments, how they communicate with severally other and organizational environment. methodology The report exit be based on both primordial and secondary entropy. unproblematic selective information It is obvious that the research allow require a lot of primary data. Face-to-face audiences pass on be conducted with the film director of the BPBL. We have planed to supply them questionnaire to be fill up out as well as read them out whenever needed and explain if any clarification is required.Secondary Data For secondary resources, we will use the meshing site of BPBL, product profile, and relevant journals by Berger Paint Bangladesh Ltd. For the organization part of the report, a lot of secondary resources will also be used.Data Collection Method We have decided to conduct personal interviews as data collection method. The questionnaire will be structured and includes both free and close-ended questions. Questionnaire For the survey purpose, we will prepare questionnaire which bump the objective of the project. It will include different issues and important factors regarding internal communication techniques. For the questionnaire we will use simple, direct and familiar words, so that the respondents understand it easily. Data collectionWe will conduct Face-to-face interviews with the manager of BPBL to collect the data. We will also collect the needed data from company website, magazine etceteraReport Format The report will contain mainly two parts. The organizational part shall give the idea about Berger Paint Ba ngladesh Ltd.s historical background and Organizational structure. And the project part shall contain BPBLs internal communication structure, tools used in the existing communication system, irrefutable aspects of the system being used and recommendations for good and conclusion.Limitation of the Study The collection of primary data is always a strong thing because it is hard to ensure the genuineness of the data. Managers of the company may hide some(prenominal) information for the confidentiality. Time is also a limitation as we have to interview the manager, analyze the data and prepare project at a very succinct time. Despite of these limitations we will try our best to collect accurate and useful data through the survey so that we can generate quality results from the data abbreviation and give recommendation where it is necessary.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

ITM all case study summary

Those purchasing online prepargon their orders interpreted to their coal dotty inst entirely so that the balmy open fire maintain its role in ensuring brotherly responsibility and not tape transport to minors. LOCO contracted with Robot Systems planetary to maintain a real number- date live roue of products that promptly interfaces with the communitys w arho single-valued feed cargon organisation. LOCO Senior vice-pre viewnt Hugh Kelly planned to revamp LOCO. Com to let on engage and tar liquidate its guests through and through and through societal media.Kelly similarly planned to bring categoric screen kiosks marked to wagerer state nodes virtu ally their purchases and get instant feedback. tack on kitchen range Customers jut out Vintages and LOCO. Mom introductory hand they do not see behind the scenes where applied recognition excessively plays a signalize role in the tenderfangled LOCO. Systems such(prenominal) as the w arhouse heed g ever ywherening body allow them to distri preciselye products in less than a full case, fuck when a bottle in a case been broken, and accurately reflect the ancestry levels so that when a node orders a bottle of wine they can get a line sniply speech communication.Other strategys allow the LOCO to foretaste and replenish stock in a cartridge holderly manner based on over-the-counter sales nurture that is ply back to breaker point office. LOCO 2. 0 Internally, the familiarity superintends its communications with an extensive intranet that reduces the pecuniary and environmental burdens of paper- based memos and counterfeits. The intranet is used to launch internal bulletins, memos, and expense reports, or to diminish the burden on employees when distributing LOCO media reports. It is the original communication vehicle for the keep company.APS LOCO on the Go is an app that LOCO provides which allows its guests to range products from their alacrity phones. Chapter 2 t apieceing Systems Improve pedigree Processes at market mooring gate food product entre is Canadas leader in the online retailing of property and office deliver groceries. Founded by a group of entrepreneurs with the idea that people had better thing to do in aliveness than grocery shop. In 2004, Grocery gate direction was acquired by Long Brothers Fruit grocery storage Inc, a family owned independent grocery traffic that has operated physical grocery stores since 1956.Grocery Gateway sells groceries over the pro expires and deliver them directly to your door. They argon open 24 hours, 7 daylighttimes a week. People who have trouble or cannot have the time to buy groceries such as the senior(a) drive Grocery Gateway to be beneficial. Information Systems Are at the flavor of the Comma/s Business Processes Grocery Gateways has construct several key features in its network site to attract and view as its customers, such as creviceing an online shop demo, a gettin g-started tutorial, and email customer rear.Grocery Gateways Web sites offers a full suite of electronic commerce functionality that allows consumers to browse or find grocery contingents, see pictures and descriptions of product items (including their price), and to postulate items in a shopping wicket and check out those items for delivery. Grocery Gateways website must be tightly commixd and coordinate for the Web site to function as a cohesive hole. utilize Information Systems to Manage Logistics Business Processes Grocery Gateways focuses on the logistics of mobile delivery.Therefore the company has telephone numbered to the Descartes Systems Group, an on- take aim logistics perplexity solutions provider, to optimize Grocery Gateways selection of delivery routes. The technology allows Grocery Gateway to imprimatur its customer a specific 90-minute windowpane of delivery of groceries to their doors, a a good deal narrower window than other retail delivery trading o perations. The softwargon that Grocery Gateway uses must labor into account unpredict competent delays, such s traffic jams and road accidents, as fountainhead as last-minute customer requests or cancellations.GAPS enabled mobile phones allow the logistics softw are to do the exact position and location of Grocery Gateway drivers to make the best ratiocinations on routes for drivers to follow. The Descartes parcel product has improve the bottom line. Since deploying the On-demand give attention Solution, Grocery Gateway has modify its on-time delivery performance by 14 percent and is exceeding its yearly bread per paid hour by 12. 4 percent. Routes are continually optimized for maximum efficiency. rile to historical ATA tells that stock branches are optimized and customer assistance needs are responded to to a greater extent proactively.Chapter 3 Social Media and Gaston Catcher Where celebrities go, fans follow. David Kara spy aft(prenominal) famous workmans began victimisation his blobbing gain Tumble. Therefore encouraging celebrities to set up accounts on the site has be get in dead part of our road map and our trade plan, Kara says. Like Tumble, mixer sites are qualifying out of their ay to keep the celebrities happy and climax back. Obama on Namespace, Faceable, and cheep The Obama administration created pen pages on Namespace, Faceable, and Twitter.Namespace has agreed to induce ad-free pages and tot up the profile to get automatic updates from the washrag Houses official blob. Faceable has worked with the handlers of select celebrity fragments, including CBS intelligence activity anchor Katie Court and French president Nicolas Karakas, to get feedback on the unexampled design of the site ahead it was opened to the public. Twitter co- founder Biz Stone credit spunky-profile users interchangeable actor Gaston Catcher and hoops professional Aquiline ONeal for bringing aid to the site of 140character messages but says the company doesnt reserve any supernumerary re originations for them.John Legend Taps Tumble In addition to their promotional value, social networking celebrities mean a potential revenue source for these young startups. Tumble newly helped musician John Legend design a professional-looking blob that matches the look of his promotional site, created by Song Music Entertainment. human body a website to allow its users to inning their own social network. Inning charges its users but umteen of whom are celebrities $2. 99 a month for their social networks, but charges as much as $59. 9 a month to users who take to keep their pages clear of ads or who lack to soak up revenue applyd by ads n their pages. Although Innings aids is not exclusive to stars, many of the intimately achieverful networks on Inning draw on the fame of their wheeler dealers, including hip-hop artist 50 cent and Q-tip, rock doughnut Good Charlotte, and Ultimate Fighting title titleholder BC Penn. M any big call in avocation, including Dell CEO Michael Dell, use the professional networking site, Linked to a greater extent as a business beak than to increase legions of followers.Whatever their reasons for being on the site, Linked uses the accompaniment executives from all 500 biggest companies are among its member to encourage other businesspeople to get married the site. Chapter 4 event Canada Fuels Productivity with ERP grammatical case Canada is one of the nations largest merged crude colour companies and is a take manufacturer, distributor, and marketer of refined petroleum products. The company, headquartered in Calgary, produces natural accelerator pedal, natural gas liquids and bitumen. Shell Canada is also the countrys largest producer of sulfur.There is a Canada-wide network of about 1 ,800 Shell- brand retail gasoline stations and public toilet food stores from coast to coast. Mission vital ERP To run such a obscure and vast business operation success fully, the company lies heavily on a mission-critical ERP system. Using such a system is a necessity to help the company integrate and manage its casual operations operations that span from wells and mines, to plowing plants, to oil trucks and gas pumps. The ERP system has helped the company in reducing and streamlining the highly manual process of third-party contractors submitting repair entropy and circulars.On average, t accomplishher are between 2,500 and 4,000 service orders handled by these contractors per month on a nationwide basis. manners at Shell ahead ERP Before the ERP system, contractors had to send Shell monthly summarized invoices that listed sustainment calls the contractors made at various Shell gasoline stations. severally one of these invoices took a contractor between eight and 20 hours to prepare. Collectively, the contractors submitted somewhere between 50 and coke invoices every month to Shell. This involved to each one invoice being reviewed by th e hold territory manager and then(prenominal)ce forwarded to head office for payment touch on.This alone consumed some other 16-30 hours of labor per month. At the head office, some other 200 hours of work was performed by info entry clerks who had to manually tangle with mussiness invoice selective reading into the payment system. to a greater extent hours of labor were required to decipher and crystallise errors if any mistakes were introduced from all the manual invoice generation and info re-entry involved. Detailed heightenment about the service repairs that contractors did was often not entered into the payment system it was often weeks or even months old by the time it made it into the payment processing system.As a result, Shell was not collecting fit study about what repairs were being done, what had caused the problem, and how it had been resolved. ERP is solve Issues ERP solved these issues by providing an integrated Web-based service order, invoice, and payment submission system. With this mechanism third-party contractors can enter service orders directly into Shells ERP system via the web. With the ERP system it takes only a hardly a(prenominal) minutes for a contractor to enter details about a service order.Contractors monthly, summarized invoices can now be generated mechanically and fed directly into the ERP systems accounts payable practise for processing. The ERP systems benefit is its ease-of-use. Shell offered its personnel both formal and informal ERP training. These proved to be invaluable in teaching end-users the mechanics of the system, gassing awareness of the system benefits, and the efficiencies that the ERP system could offer Shell. This not only helped stir end-user acceptance of the ERP system, but also greatly increased employees intentions to use the system in their daily work.With this new system, employees across the company have gained fast and easy entry to the tools and teaching they need to conduc t their daily operations. Chapter 5 Supply Chain trouble Inc. Helping Canadians Shop Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management Inc. (SCM Inc. ) operates several large, state-of-the- art scattering centers for Walter Canada. SCM Inc. Is there to harbour Walter Canadas operations and commitment to its customers. We sift to severalize efficiencies that contribute to Walters bottom line, so it can continue to serve millions of Canadians and deform its business. Said Dan Gabbed, president of SCM Inc. SCM Inc. s business is logistics, or in other haggle get the aright products to the right place in the right quantity at the right time to satisfy customer demand. SCM Inc. Was founded in 1 994 by the Tibet &038 Britton Group. SCM and Logistics at SCM Inc. The transporters and the technology work unitedly with swop flow landing, and highly trained and pursue employees, to provide a gold model service level in logistics and submit chain management for their customers. SCM Inc. Arks closely with Walters purchase and replenishment aggroup ups to check best-in-class Store in-stock, tonicity, and supply chain cost levels for general swap and groceries, which includes both non- perishable and perishable goods. How It flora How does SCM Inc. Manage the supply chain so that the right product arrives in the right store at the right time for the retail customer to buy? This is urbane with a combination of technology and processes. fix Stock Receiving Staple stock items are carried for stores throughout the year.Data on each store?s sales made before 1 800 each day are collected and transmitted to Walters teaching processing midriff in Bonneville, Arkansas. The information for each of the stores supplied by the Calgary statistical distribution tenderness is sent back to the distribution internality that same evening. The data is used to generate labels for the product elections the next morning and these labels are then picked and placed on the conveyer and sent to the appropriate ecstasy lanes. distribution Assembly Receiving Dock The distribution conference dock has 43 docks for receiving truck shipments.As the biffs are unloaded, with the aid of the Receiving Dock System (REDS), team members scan the bar enciphers on the marketer cases and enter the quantity for each item in the system REDS go away then print the required number of labels. The team member labels the incubus and places it on the conveyor, which moves the warhead to the transfer area after about a 12-minute ride on a conveyor Icepack Modules At each of the vii icepack mental facultys, freight is picked from the slots, labeled, and placed on the conveyor to travel to the deportation lanes.The icepack modules work with all of the full case freight created from the prior nights production (label) run with freight that has been tenacious in full-case quantities. Put to Light discussion section This segment handles freight that is less than fu ll-case quantities and that has pre-determined distribution to the stores. The discussion section has three modules and each module is set up I sections. When the actor scans the label bar code created by the receiving department, which is placed on the outside of the carton, a light flashes, indicating what quantities to deposit into the container designated for a store.In this department the team member moves the stock to a stationary calamity. Pick to Light alike handles freight that is less than full-case quantities. This department on the other hand deals with staple stock items already in the building, based on the previous day sales of the stores that are not in full-case quantities. It uses the same technology as the Put to Light department in the order filling process but in this department the store box moves to the stationary seller freight. contribution Voice is a process created by Walter that enables the distribution of non- conveyable stock.Product is picked d irectly from the vendor pallet and striation is given through voice commands to the pickers. The system tells each operator where and how many cases to put to each pallet. Each pallet represents a store. Merge realm at the top of the conveyor system where all the cases from all input lines come together. The cartons pass through tow scanners. The initial scanner reads the label and sorts the box to all the north or south side of the shipping building depending on its last destination.The second scanner scans the bar code for billing information and then places the freight into the proper window to be entertained into its respective shipping lane. ecstasy Lanes Shipping is the largest department in the distribution centre and the last destination in the building for the cartons before they are moved into the trailers for shipping. This department is set up so that each door represents one store in Western Canada. In this area, team members finish off multiple lanes, using an o verhead visible light system to determine lane priority. pilotless aircraft Loading Freight arrives at the shipping lanes from many input lines, in no particular Order.This puts pressure on the team members that are loading the trailers as they build secure loads. Team members must build secure walls of freight n the trailers to ensure good off-loading and minimal in-transit damage to the stock when it arrives at store level. Loading safe trailers and filling them to capacity is a key initiative for SCM Inc. And Walter alike. The Billing division fifty-fifty though the freight has made it to the trailer, the processing is not finished. The Billing department takes over and creates the shipping packets from the paperwork that comes to them from the Data Processing department.Once the shipping packets are created, the Billing department also prepares the bills of lading so that the carriers can deliver the freight. In edition, the Billing department processes claims, credits, ad ditional billing and reprinting of invoices. The Dispatch Department Once the hit team receives the shipping packets from the Billing department, they schedule the trailers using the shoot program. When the trailers are scheduled, the dispatchers forward the information to the carriers to fix delivery.Dispatch also emails the delivery information to the stores and processes all paperwork prior to each trailer leaving. Drivers pick up paperwork prior to each trailer leaving. Drivers pick up paperwork at the dispatch window prior to hooking up to their trailers. Chapter 6 Harnessing Customer Relationships at Fairmont Hotels &038 Resorts Richards narration Richard was impressed on his stay at Fairmont Vancouver Airport. His credit card was going to spill in less than 30 eld so an employee asked Richard to leave his new business card at the desk so that his personalized information could be updated in his records after he was checked in.Richard was pleased for receiving this for eboding and attention and he wished other businesses could offer the same level of good service. lymph gland recognition program Fairmont realizes that information systems are critical to the success of a customer loyalty program like Presidents ennead or any other customer relationship initiative. Consolidating Guest Information Fairmont built one centralized database that gathered information from all its various property management systems. The result was the tycoon to have one, centralized, and concordant view of each guest, disregarding of which hotel a guest stayed in.The guest database provided a way to know and talk to guests, to service their preferences and interests, regardless of whether they are repeat customers or if they were checking in the hotel for the very prototypal time. Enhancing Guest owns supersonic Networks provided 24/7 customer support to its guest using high- speed profits services at various Fairmont hotel and drop off locations worldwide. Use of Information systems to improve guest relations and customer experience is its experimental condition of self-service check-in kiosks.Chapter 7 The typesetters case for Business Intelligence at Nettling Companies such as Amazon, Nettling, Best Buy, and RIB pecuniary use databases or data warehouses to collect your search data, purchase data, or class your activities, and then by using data mining tools and business intelligence they turn this data into information that can potentially boost heir bottom lines. vibrating reed Hastings and a $40 late Fee Reed hasting co-founder and CEO of Nettling was hit with a $40 fee for Apollo 13 at Blockbuster Video which got him persuasion about the video renting business model.Why did video stores not work like health clubs where you could use the service as much or a niggling as you wanted for a compressed monthly fee? So build up with IIS$750 million from the sale of a cause venture, Hastings co- founded Nettling in 1997. The scien ce and the contrivance of Nineties The box office success of a movie is only a proxy for awareness of a movies populace it does not necessarily translate into demand for the movie in the mental market, and box office success or tribulation does not mean success or failure of the movie in the rental market.Due to these two facts, distribution managers use their experience to formulate a hypothesis of a movies possible success in the rental market. They then follow this up with the science of analytics to help them make the final decision as to what movies to distribute. The Analytics cinematic does the quest It defines clusters of movies, connects customer movie rankings to the clusters, and then uses this connection to urge movies to a particular customer. In addition, Cinematic also insiders Nineteens inventory condition in its recommendations.Nettling will often recommend movies that fit the customers profile but that are not in high demand in order to take advantage of the dogged tail. What does this mean? Business intelligence is grave to Nettling as it is a part of it cabalistic of success. By collecting customer data in their database and then analyzing the data, Entail is able to have its Web site adapt to the personal tastes of each of its over 25 million customers in North America, and will do so even more(prenominal) with its plans to expand into Latin American markets in 2012.Chapter 8 Leveraging Knowledge at tam-tam Canada buzzer Canada Canadas largest telephone and telecommunications company is constantly threatened by new competitors and innovative technologies. To stay ahead of the pack, Bell recognizes the importance of providing its employees with easy attack to the most current information. Bell built the food market Knowledge Centre ( scoff) approach. The MOCK doorway provides employees with easy access to high quality, pertinent information in a assembly where this information Can be personalized, pushed, pulled, shared, discussed, summarized and integrated with other pieces of information.Bell believes hat such a tool increases the chance of employees making new discoveries, learning new insights, and strengthening their know-how. Objectives of the MOCK portal are Enable Bell to meet competitive challenges in the securities industry Enrich the companys hiring and training employees Increase proficient literacy among employees Provide resources to employees that can help them develop their knowledge and competencies. The MOCK provides information access from each employees desktop.Employees are not laboured by physical geography, unavailable copies, or hours of operation. The portal facilitates both search and browse functions. Employees can locate documents of interest through a keyword search. The MOCK portal helps employees do their jobs better. The portal provides key strategic and tactical information needed by employee to support their witnesss. There are also nest egg for the company in delivering the MOCK portal.The portal eliminates duplicate spending on consultant reports, trade magazines, and industry documents across the enterprisingness by centralizing subscriptions to online databases and electronic journals and negotiating corporate-wide distribution licenses with suppliers. Features have been added to the portal in recent years include 1 . Incorporating Googles miniskirt Search Appliance 2. Integrating tidings feeds 3. Creating subject pages MOCK staff also provides end-user customer support to employees.This involves fielding more demanding in-depth research questions from employees, rather than answering quick reference questions that employees can easily verbalize themselves. TO ensure the MOCK portal is reactive to company needs, performance measures of client cheer are conducted regularly. Moreover, MOCK portal tool helps turn information into knowledge by giving workers easy access to high quality and relevant information, and he ability to wo rk with, share, and discuss this information with others, leading to gains in understanding and the ability to put this understanding into action.Chapter 9 Embracing privateness at the City of Hamilton hiding Concerns Recognizing the real concerns of Canadians over how well governments handle and shelter the personal information they collect, the City of Hamilton has taken the lead in ensuring that any risks to the unintended release and misuse of personal information are minimized. Protecting Citizens A citizen, attempting to reform a dog license using the new online service, exposed a heavy unknown technology vulnerability in the application.By entering an incorrect file number, the user was able to return personal information (name and address) for a different dog possessor in the community. Municipal staff reacted swiftly in removing the problem functionality. In the following months, staff from both the municipal immunity of Information (OFF) Office and the Citys informa tion engineering science Services (ITS) division worked with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPAC) to make the breach public and to redesign and ultimately reinstate, new functionality with upgrades to prevent unaccredited access of personal information. instruction from Lessons Technology is unless a tool. If is human behavior (Hacking, meaningful misuse, an inability to take proper measures, or mistakes in design and implementation) that ultimately results in privacy breaches. Privacy Impact judgement The City of Hamilton directioned its first ever Privacy Impact Assessment (PIP) to identify any potential privacy risks, before proceeding with a User bankers acceptance and Uptake research pouch conducted by Master University researchers.The project investigated end-user adoption of the millionth. A portal, collecting data from Web bring in information and personal demographic information from Hamiltonians who agreed to participate in the study. Chapter 10 Project Management and E-Learning The Project Marie Wesley was academic session at her office one day and thought to herself l wish more Of our stakeholders understood what went into creating these documents and how time-consuming it is for the company to ensure the accuracy and readability of the information. She put together a proposal and sent it to university Learning Publishers and received $25,000 to develop her e-learning concept. Putting the separate Together While Marie was at the physical fitness centre she thought of the concept of a stationary bike, the bike could not function without the other parts. This was similar to her project where she then jotted down capabilities that she needed to complete her project management information systems expertise securities commission experts knowledge about writing for the internet instructional designers and educational experts.Putting Advisors in countersink Marie had much work to do. She needed to form her advisory Committee , determine her target audience, get quotes for various phases of development f the e-learning tool (and identify those phases), hire someone who manage the project while she wrote the content, determine the timeline for software development and implementation, and the how to assess the quality of the software throughout the development and implementation phases.Marie searched for companies that were implicated in completing the part of the project that she wanted to outsource. She then found one, unity Communications. However it was difficult to judge the quality Of Stars work and the capabilities of the designers, as Star provided no work samples to help determine what the possibilities were for the final product. Adding Project Management After much consideration of the risks associated with partial outsourcing versus full service, Marie discrete to let Star create the first module.