Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Famous Names in American Literature
30 Famous Names in American Literature Though the history of American literature is comparatively not so long, it has given the world many outstanding literary names. Washington Irving was the first US writer to gain an international reputation. In 1819 he published his volume of stories with such classic American stories as the â€Å"Legend of Sleepy Hollow†and â€Å"Rip Van Winkle†. Only 2 years after another American writer began to attract attention – James Fenimore Cooper, the first major US writer of novels. F Cooper was influenced by the social ideas of the age of Enlightenment. His best – known book is â€Å"The Last of the Mohicans†.Samuel Clemens who wrote under the pen name Mark Twain is undoubtedly well -known all over the world. This famous humorous writer of the 19th century is best known for the novels â€Å"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer†and â€Å"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn†. The â€Å"Huckleberry Finn†h as been called the greatest novel in American literature. Jack London is a famous writer of adventure stories and novels. Before starting to write he worked as a sailor and went to the Klondike to look for gold. Both experiences he used in his books. His best-known novels include â€Å"The Call of the Wild†, â€Å"The Sea – Wolf†and â€Å"White Fang†. Also read The Story of an Eyewitness Essay AnalysisWilliam Porter, usually known as O'Henry is one of my favorite authors. He wrote short humorous stories which usually ended with a surprise. More than 300 of them were collected in â€Å"Cabbages and Kings†, â€Å"The Voice of the City†and other volumes. Other famous names in American Literature worth mentioning are Ernest Hemingway (he received the Nobel Prize for â€Å"The Old Man and the Sea†), Ray Bradbury, a prominent American science fiction writer of â€Å"The Martian Chronicles†, Edgar Poe, the inventor of the modern detective story, Henry Longfellow, most popular American poet.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
How Did Shakespeare Portray the Concept of Honor in Henry Iv Part 1
How did Shakespeare portray a concept of honour in Henry IV part 1? In this world, there exists, since the dawn of civilisation of mankind, a thing that we are fighting and dying forâ€â€that is honour. Shakespeare explores the theme of honour in Henry IV part 1 in a rather interesting way by having it presented in a different form varying from character to character. Henry IV wants to protect his honour by using any means available to vanquish the rebels, his sinful act to King Richard also keeps haunting him and shakes his own faith in his honour.While his son’s dishonourable acts in the beginning of the play wearies him further. Superficially, one may think Prince Hal is a typical young slacker whose life has been fully lured by the glamorous but immoral world of liquor,gambling, prostitution and crime, the truth is, unbeknownst to anyone, the prince is scheming to reform himself from an idler into a more responsible and competent heir to the throne. Here, his vision of honour of behaving like the royal is an impetus for him to seek new behaviour which will bring him more merits, making him an honourable figure the status he deserves.Or Hotspur, honour is everything, ironically more valuable than his wife. His excess obsession of honour induces many political mistakes, most notably his decision to confront the king at Shreswbury despite having less number of troops. In other words, Hotspur’s passion for honour blinds him from the reality. For all his chivalry and valor in the battle, Hotspur is proved to fail at being a military strategis as well as effective leader. It is none other than the lazy, unscrupulous and coward Sir Falstaff whose existence in the play represents the values that totally oppose the fore-mentioned concepts of honour.His disenchanted view on honour can make the audiences see that the reason behind other characters’ action are single-minded and irrational or more poignantly worthless. Overall, the exhilaration o f the play partially arises from Shakespeare’ way of presenting honour in various forms, paralleling the play to the real world where different people all know honour with different interpretation. King Henry IV whose name is the title of the play, is not in fact the protagonist, however the play speculates what has occurred during his turbulent reign. In Richard II, the audiences see him as dynamic and brave, indicating his kingly qualities.All the audiences must then be bewildered upon seeing him in this play. Suspicious, stressful and sick was the king after all dishonouralbe acts he did to King Richard previously. Shakespeare tries to explore how the sin of being viciously dishonourable comes back to haunt its perpetrator. Despite the king’s regret of what he did to Richard and his passion to redeem himself by going to crusade, this sin seems to block all the means for the king to purify himself. The rebellion of the Percys and rebellious nature of his son led him to grow very ill.Act one scene one, he moaned about his son and mistakenly praises Hotspur’s qualities, saying that Hotspur is â€Å"a son (of Percy) who is the theme of honour’s tongue, implying that Hal brings him with nothing but shame and disgrace. His anger even drives him further to contemplate that if he only and Northumberland could switch sons, â€Å"would have I (himself) his Harry and he mine. Fortuantely, in the end the king gains back honour by defeating the rebels and his son, who used to represent everything he scorns and acts dishonourably, has redeemed himself and proves to be an effective warrior.Henry Momouth or affectionately known as Hal is an interesting character as well as complex. At the beginning,the audiences see Hal as a drunken idler who acts nothing like an heir to the throne. Unexpectedly, Hal, in Act 1scne 2< makes it clear that he doesn’t plan to live the rest of his life in this world of immorality, in fact he claims that he i s pretending to be this sort of person then when the right moment comes, he is going to transform himself into a person with all characteristics of the king. Reformation, glittering over faults, will do more goodly and attract more eyes†expresses his prediction that his â€Å"reformation†would make his subjects surprises and therefore gains more popularity for him which is necessary in order to keep the kingdom stable. Hal has a vision that the great honour of being king will at the eventually fall on him whether he likes it or not. This vision of future honour is the impetus of Hal’s self-reformation. Henry Hotspur was a renowned warrior whose actions and decisions all have been influenced by the concept of honour.Unlike other characters, Hotspur’ was too obsessed with honour, resulting in a single-minded decision making. For all his chivalry, Hotspur was an utter political failure. Act 4 Scene 1, despite possessing less troops, HOTSPUR, without opening his mind for Worcester and Vernon’s suggrstion, decided to confront the king’s troops the next day. Moreove, this sort of obsession makes Hotspur far from being diplomatic. Whenever he is angry, he always bursts and doesn’t listen to anyone but himself. All this proves that, comparing to Hal, he is not deserved to wield the power.However, despite these differences, he and Hal share only one common belief in one respect of honor. Both of them make it clear that in order for one to gain honor, another one must die first. â€Å"Harry to Harry shall, hot horse to horse, meet and never drop til one dropped a corpse†said Hotspur in Act 4 scene 1 before the battle of shrewsbury. This line best exemplified the fore-mentioned point. Falstaff lacked any sort of honur. â€Å"what is honur? A word†, expressed Flastaff, demonstrating his disenchanted attitude towards honour.Although having been opposing this concept, at the end of act 5 scene 4, Falstaff seem s to be sel-contradictory when he commented that he would embrace a new and more honourable lifestyle only if he gains honor and status after the battle. From this, it is clear that Falstaff would embrace the concept of honour only if honor comes to him first. Therefore he does not oppose honour for ideological reason but rather for practical reason as through out the play honour in anyform doesn’t seem to come to him‘ In conclusion, different characters in this play have different concepts of honour How Did Shakespeare Portray the Concept of Honor in Henry Iv Part 1 How did Shakespeare portray a concept of honour in Henry IV part 1? In this world, there exists, since the dawn of civilisation of mankind, a thing that we are fighting and dying forâ€â€that is honour. Shakespeare explores the theme of honour in Henry IV part 1 in a rather interesting way by having it presented in a different form varying from character to character. Henry IV wants to protect his honour by using any means available to vanquish the rebels, his sinful act to King Richard also keeps haunting him and shakes his own faith in his honour.While his son’s dishonourable acts in the beginning of the play wearies him further. Superficially, one may think Prince Hal is a typical young slacker whose life has been fully lured by the glamorous but immoral world of liquor,gambling, prostitution and crime, the truth is, unbeknownst to anyone, the prince is scheming to reform himself from an idler into a more responsible and competent heir to the throne. Here, his vision of honour of behaving like the royal is an impetus for him to seek new behaviour which will bring him more merits, making him an honourable figure the status he deserves.Or Hotspur, honour is everything, ironically more valuable than his wife. His excess obsession of honour induces many political mistakes, most notably his decision to confront the king at Shreswbury despite having less number of troops. In other words, Hotspur’s passion for honour blinds him from the reality. For all his chivalry and valor in the battle, Hotspur is proved to fail at being a military strategis as well as effective leader. It is none other than the lazy, unscrupulous and coward Sir Falstaff whose existence in the play represents the values that totally oppose the fore-mentioned concepts of honour.His disenchanted view on honour can make the audiences see that the reason behind other characters’ action are single-minded and irrational or more poignantly worthless. Overall, the exhilaration o f the play partially arises from Shakespeare’ way of presenting honour in various forms, paralleling the play to the real world where different people all know honour with different interpretation. King Henry IV whose name is the title of the play, is not in fact the protagonist, however the play speculates what has occurred during his turbulent reign. In Richard II, the audiences see him as dynamic and brave, indicating his kingly qualities.All the audiences must then be bewildered upon seeing him in this play. Suspicious, stressful and sick was the king after all dishonouralbe acts he did to King Richard previously. Shakespeare tries to explore how the sin of being viciously dishonourable comes back to haunt its perpetrator. Despite the king’s regret of what he did to Richard and his passion to redeem himself by going to crusade, this sin seems to block all the means for the king to purify himself. The rebellion of the Percys and rebellious nature of his son led him to grow very ill.Act one scene one, he moaned about his son and mistakenly praises Hotspur’s qualities, saying that Hotspur is â€Å"a son (of Percy) who is the theme of honour’s tongue, implying that Hal brings him with nothing but shame and disgrace. His anger even drives him further to contemplate that if he only and Northumberland could switch sons, â€Å"would have I (himself) his Harry and he mine. Fortuantely, in the end the king gains back honour by defeating the rebels and his son, who used to represent everything he scorns and acts dishonourably, has redeemed himself and proves to be an effective warrior.Henry Momouth or affectionately known as Hal is an interesting character as well as complex. At the beginning,the audiences see Hal as a drunken idler who acts nothing like an heir to the throne. Unexpectedly, Hal, in Act 1scne 2< makes it clear that he doesn’t plan to live the rest of his life in this world of immorality, in fact he claims that he i s pretending to be this sort of person then when the right moment comes, he is going to transform himself into a person with all characteristics of the king. Reformation, glittering over faults, will do more goodly and attract more eyes†expresses his prediction that his â€Å"reformation†would make his subjects surprises and therefore gains more popularity for him which is necessary in order to keep the kingdom stable. Hal has a vision that the great honour of being king will at the eventually fall on him whether he likes it or not. This vision of future honour is the impetus of Hal’s self-reformation. Henry Hotspur was a renowned warrior whose actions and decisions all have been influenced by the concept of honour.Unlike other characters, Hotspur’ was too obsessed with honour, resulting in a single-minded decision making. For all his chivalry, Hotspur was an utter political failure. Act 4 Scene 1, despite possessing less troops, HOTSPUR, without opening his mind for Worcester and Vernon’s suggrstion, decided to confront the king’s troops the next day. Moreove, this sort of obsession makes Hotspur far from being diplomatic. Whenever he is angry, he always bursts and doesn’t listen to anyone but himself. All this proves that, comparing to Hal, he is not deserved to wield the power.However, despite these differences, he and Hal share only one common belief in one respect of honor. Both of them make it clear that in order for one to gain honor, another one must die first. â€Å"Harry to Harry shall, hot horse to horse, meet and never drop til one dropped a corpse†said Hotspur in Act 4 scene 1 before the battle of shrewsbury. This line best exemplified the fore-mentioned point. Falstaff lacked any sort of honur. â€Å"what is honur? A word†, expressed Flastaff, demonstrating his disenchanted attitude towards honour.Although having been opposing this concept, at the end of act 5 scene 4, Falstaff seem s to be sel-contradictory when he commented that he would embrace a new and more honourable lifestyle only if he gains honor and status after the battle. From this, it is clear that Falstaff would embrace the concept of honour only if honor comes to him first. Therefore he does not oppose honour for ideological reason but rather for practical reason as through out the play honour in anyform doesn’t seem to come to him‘ In conclusion, different characters in this play have different concepts of honour
Monday, July 29, 2019
Sociology class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Sociology class - Essay Example The factors are associated with the mannerism, behavior, family background, cultural predisposition of the society, family unit, outlook, opinion, mindset, outlook of the individual that broadly depends on the upbringing and the family orientation. These are the basic factors or elements which contribute to the personality of the individual and hence the individual's attitude towards others. A congenial, co-operative, understanding, empathic attitude in the family nurtures and inculcates the positive attitude in the personal disposition of the child and in every family member. This attitude aids in positive gesture, actions and feelings. A positive attitude towards mankind, influencing thoughts and personal attitude brings a soft attitude. In contrast, if the individuals is brought up with frustration and abuse then the personality displays such traits through short tempered nature, aggressive temperament, unhealthy feelings towards others, negative approach for life and also for peo ple. It is essential to study sociology as it relates to people and how they interact with their environment. It is related with the anthropology and psychology. Society has interrelationships and networks.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Merits of Devaluation of The Currency. Mechanism of correcting Assignment
Merits of Devaluation of The Currency. Mechanism of correcting deficits - Assignment Example UK suffered a huge current account deficit in 2008, as high as 3% of its GDP. Later the deficit was corrected with proper implication of currency devaluation (Pettinger 2009). 2. Mechanism of sustainable investment. Devaluation requires a higher amount of domestic currency for any foreign transaction. This makes it difficult for existing investors of country to switch or transfer their investment from the country that has devalued its currency. Because switching investment to foreign country may worth considerably lesser as compared to the current worth of investment. This will make the existing investors less likely to switch their investment. Hence devaluation ensures sustenance of existing investment in the country. 3. Mechanism of economic growth As mentioned earlier, devaluation of country’s currency results in the soaring of exports and aggregate demand of country’s goods and services. This is likely to result in economic growth of the country at higher rates. 4. Increase in flow of capital A devaluing country facilitates foreign investors in terms of its now relative cheap labor and a country that will stimulate demand, due to its strong export potential, due to devaluation. Hence devaluation provides motivation of higher profitability o the foreign investors and this is likely to result in the increase of capital flow in the devaluing country. China has long been having a devalued currency. China has become home to many manufacturing firms due its export facilitations and inexpensive production. It is mainly due to Chinese devalue exchange rate (News n economics 2010) Demerits of Devaluation of Currency 1. Increase in... It is evident from the study that devaluation is largely believed to correct the trade deficit and balance of payment deficit. Decrease in exchange rate of a country’s currency will render its products and services relatively cheaper for foreign buyers. This is likely to increase demand for country’s goods in foreign market and hence its exports will increase. Moreover devaluation will make foreign goods relatively dearer for domestic buyers and their demand is likely to decrease. This will reduce the imports in that country. Increased exports and reduced imports are likely to correct the trade deficit. This will also improve the current account deficit in Balance of payment accounts and will consequently correct the balance of payment deficit of the devaluing country. UK suffered a huge current account deficit in 2008, as high as 3% of its GDP. Later the deficit was corrected with proper implication of currency devaluation. Devaluation of currency renders imports deare r to the buyers of devaluing country. Since a country cannot produce everything, imports cannot be avoided. However if a country is supposed to import raw material for production of its certain goods it will make the cost of production higher. As a result those goods may not compete efficiently in foreign market as well as their domestic demand will decrease. Devaluation increases country’s exports. This means that it affects badly on the exports of other countries by making its goods cheaper in foreign market.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Global Impacts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Global Impacts - Essay Example Louis Vuitton is a luxury fashion and leather goods company headquartered in Paris and France. (Louis Vuitton) India is fast becoming an international fashion destination, coordinating efforts with international designers so that Indian designers are exposed internationally and foreign designs are exposed in India. (Business Desk, 2009) However, there are a number of internal and external environmental factors with respect to marketing strategies that Louis Vuitton will be required to take into account for the purpose of adapting to and entering the India market. Each of these factors will be examined in this essay. In order to facilitate a smooth transition into the Indian business environment Louis Vuitton will be required to understand the cultural differences. The Hofstede Model of Cultural Dimensions can act as a useful guideline for determining the cultural differences in India and what can be done in the business organization to accommodate those differences. Hofstede identified five cultural dimensions that are relevant for global marketing strategies. The first cultural dimension on Hofstede's cultural dimension scale is Power Distance Index (PDI). PDI draws on the level of equity and inequity among the population in a nation's society. High Power Distance Index will mean that power and wealth is distributed at a high rate of inequality in that society. In this regard citizens are generally denied upward growth. Low Power Distance typically means that the society is driven by equal opportunities ambitions.(Hofstede, 2001) According to Hofstede's Power Distance Index, India ranks 77 which is high. However, it is not that far ahead of France's PDI which is at 68 (Hofstede's Dimension of Culture Scale) The average PDI around the globe is 56. (Hofstede's Dimension of Culture Scale) The difficulty with countries showing high PDI rankings for businesses is that the individual from that culture will typically defer to higher authority for a decision even if they are aware that something is terribly wrong and what measures are required to correct it. The Korean Air crash in Guam is one example of the consequences of a high PDI ranking. In this scenario, the pilot made an error which the co-pilot was aware of, but deferred to the pilot's decision who was his superior.(Gladwell, 2008) For the purposes of internal organization of the business office in India, Indian employees are likely to adhere to the power structure within the organization. Even so, a high PDI is also indicative of fear of and ambivalence toward anything foreign.(Chan and Cheung, 2008) The second of Hofstede's cultural dimension is Individualism (IDV). IDV emphasises the level with which the particular society focuses on either individual or collective relationships and achievements. A country with a high IDV ranking is generally one in which the emphasis is on individuality and individual rights. Persons within in high IDV countries gravitate toward more relaxed relationships. Conversely, low IDV rankings are typically characterised by collectivism and more tightly woven relationships between persons. Low ranking IDV countries typically focus on families and a collective approach toward looking out for the members within in their tightly woven circle.(Hofstede, 2001) India's IDV ranking is 48 and relatively low when compared to France which is at 71.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Financial impact on universal healthcare in the U.S Essay
Financial impact on universal healthcare in the U.S - Essay Example An interdisciplinary perspective is advocated in the modern healthcare provision, which encompasses more responsibilities. With the recent developments in the interactions that healthcare providers have with drug suppliers, financial and accounting regulations have been given emphasis than ever before. In what has evolved to be commonly known as Physicians-Industry Relations, it is clear that there are a number of risks that the healthcare practitioners might be exposed to regarding dealing with the pharmacy industry. In terms of the two industries interactions, it has been observed that several financial flaws have been happening in several healthcare settings. As a result, serious accounting and audit flaws that consequently emanate from the malpractice compromise the integrity of the healthcare professionals. Generally, the procurement of drugs for use in the healthcare facilities is conducted depending on the availability of the drugs as offered by pharmaceutical companies. Competition among drugs supplying companies has led to an environment where drugs salespeople and medical representatives for other pharmaceutical products are deployed to woo clients from the healthcare environment. In a competitive market, unfair business deals always find their way into the market in an attempt to keep off competitors. Among the major unprofessional practices that such deals apply is the bargaining element that forces salesmen to supply products at the expense of business fairness regulations. Supply of substandard healthcare products is often embarked on in order to win sales, which compromises the level of healthcare service delivered by healthcare professionals. It therefore implies that colluding is almost impossible to be avoided by healthcare facility management in order to benefit in certai n ways. Due to certain conflicts of interests between the suppliers and the healthcare professionals, loopholes in internal control standards
PROGRAMMING AND CULTURE IN ARCHITECTURE WAY - Research Paper Example The participants will include the following units; potential users, experts in research and the government official. According to this research, the potential users are the customers and workers of Guatemalteca Bakery restaurant. As a prospective researcher, both the customers and the staffs will undergo the interview since they are deemed to provide relevant information that will benefit my research. Second, the research experts who are part of the participants have a bigger role to play. Experts are professionals who have carried out research in various fields, and also they have a vast knowledge of it. Therefore, the research experts must be included in this particular research. Experts who have knowledge of restaurants and bakery and specifically, Guatemalteca Bakery would benefit this research more. Lastly, the government also plays a role in this research and, therefore, their views are welcomed. The government has policy frame that governs the operations of many enterprises and specifically, the restaurants. The government has the policy to oversee food safety in the restaurants. Also, the government has the authority to issue licenses that will allow the restaurant to carry out its operations. For this research paper, there will be a minimum of ten interviews that will comprise of four employees, four customers, one government official, and one research expert. All the participants will be selected randomly to avoid biases. The first person to be interviewed was the manager of Guatemalteca Bakery restaurant, and the interview was conducted in his office. The interview process will involve the researcher directing questions to the respondents, and recording the answers on questionnaire. I am an external research consultant doing research on Guatemalteca Bakery restaurant. The research will entail a structured interview and, it will consist of ten questions; however the questions will duel mostly on activities on Guatemalteca Bakery
Thursday, July 25, 2019
International Accounting Perspectives Coursework
International Accounting Perspectives - Coursework Example Being developed after an international consultation, international financial reporting standards are made after a due process. The standards are made through a process that consists of six stages. These includes setting the agenda, planning the project, developing and coming up with the discussion paper, developing and publishing the exposure draft, developing and publishing the standard and after the standard is issued. One of the major features of international financial standard includes fair presentation and complying with IFRS. This implies that all the transactions must be represented in a faithful manner. The income, expenses, liabilities and assets must be represented as outlined by the IFRS framework. The second feature of International Financial Reporting is that it ensures the principle of going on concern. This implies that financial statements must treat a business as a going on concern unless the owners want to cease trading or liquidate the company. Other key features of International Financial Reporting include offsetting, frequency of reporting, accrual basis of accounting, materiality, consistency of presentation and comparative information. One of the major goals of International Financial Reporting Standards is to provide guidance for the preparation of financial statement instead of setting rules that an industry is supposed to follow while it is reporting its financial position. It is worth to note that by use of International Financial Reporting Standards especially by firms operating globally, it is possible to emulate a reporting language that can be easily understood by auditors and investors. With more than 100 countries requiring all the public companies to apply the IFRS, the accounting policies globally will greatly improve by 2015. International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) was formed in March 2001 in United States as a non profit firm. During the establishment of the organization, the purpose was
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Political perspective to decision making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Political perspective to decision making - Essay Example Organizational decision making takes place at different levels. Most of the crucial organizational decisions entail distribution of limited resources in the various departments or segments. They are significant in the identification of the most appropriate way to share resources. Due to scarcity of resources, political actions arise making the decision making process to have a political perspective. Most of the competition is usually exhibited by the organizations while searching for leadership and personnel positions that influence decision making. Political influence in decision making creates differences in the organizational dynamics making power to become a significant resource. Power enables those who hold it in an organization to have a substantial control in decision making. This essay discusses the political perspectives in decision making and their main implications. Organizations are usually an alliance of several individuals who have personal dreams expectations, weaknesses and strengths. These alliances are the fundamentals of the political perspectives, whose existence is attributed to the presence of division of labor in the business. According to Pettigrew (1985 p. 42), â€Å"associated career, rewards and individual status are the core sources of the political perspectives†. In his view, the occurrence of interest groups usually originates from the existence matching objectives within the group members. On the other hand, the differences that exist in the organizational hierarchy amongst the different groups facilitate the occurrence of the political perspectives. Differences come as a result of issues such as the members who have been newly recruited in the group and the pioneers, and others such as the traditionalists and those who want changes to be made in the organizational structures. The variations in opinions between these groups lead to the presence of sub units that are charac1terized by
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Rewrite Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Rewrite - Case Study Example The protection also encompasses biodiversity conservation. 2. It fosters the process of furnishing the economic earnings to country, the region, and the local community. In essence, the protected area provides resources for conservation. 3. It provides financial resources for the conservation of other protected natural areas lacking tourism perhaps because they are unknown or because of their fragile ecological balance. 4. It can make protected areas more profitable thus encourages government or private investment in the establishment of other equally protected areas. 5. It can contribute to conservation if used as a tool of environmental education that sensitizes visitors so they can learn to conveniently value Nature, and respect not only the area they visit but also any other natural area. 6. It gives local communities alternatives to extractive activities that damage the ecosystems and endanger the natural resources. 7. It can help conservation process in other countries that emu late the success in the neighboring countries. Objectives of the Study: I. To secure and maintain the habitat and conditions necessary to protect significant species, groups of species, biotic communities or physical features of the environment where these require specific human manipulation for optimum management II. To facilitate scientific research and environmental monitoring as primary activities associated with sustainable resource management III. To develop limited areas for public education and appreciation of the characteristics of the habitats concerned and that of the work of wildlife management; IV. To eliminate and prevent exploitation or occupation inimical to the purposes of designation V. To deliver such benefits to people living within designated areas in line with the objectives of management Farwa MPA The Farwa MPA is located on Latitude 33Â ° 04' N and Longitude at 11Â ° 50' E to 33Â ° 08' N and 11Â ° 32' E (Approx) from Abu- Kamash in the east to the Tunisia n border in the west. It consists of Farwa lagoon, the largest lagoon on the Libyan coast that covers an area of 32 km2. The Farwa MPA, particularly Farwa lagoon, has meadows of Posidonia and Cymodocea sp., owing to certain economically significant species (shrimp, sponges, and fishes) as well as some endangered species that essentially make it an important area for larva and juvenile protection. In the biodiversity of Farwa MPA it is arguably easier to distinguish several economically important species and certain endangered species. Thus, it is imperative that this area gets adequate protection. The utmost altitude of the land on both sides of the lagoon is about 2-3 m (Sand type). Furthermore, the mean annual temperature varies from one month to another owing to the recent closing of the east side of the lagoon. The minimum mean temperature in winter is 10? C whilst the maximum mean temperature in summer is 27?C. The prevalent direction and speed of wind is largely NW and NNW. Ho wever, a hot southern wind sometimes blows from the Sahara. The Meteorological conditions of the region are those of the western part of Libyan coast. In such conditions, the winter season extends from November to April and is normally very cold and rainy with unstable winds blowing from different directions. The summer season (June to September) is rather hot and dry. The wind is more stable N and NW. Incidentally, spring and autumn are very short transitional periods. The lagoon is separated from the sea by some 11-km
Monday, July 22, 2019
A View From The Bridge Essay Example for Free
A View From The Bridge Essay A View from the Bridge was written by Arthur Miller in 1955. The play is a modern tragedy with some elements of an Aristotelian tragedy. The play is set in the 1950s in the gullet of New York which is Red Hook. In this essay I am going to explore if the protagonist, Eddie Carbone, is guilty for his downfall; which then leads to his death. A tragic hero has a fatal flaw which leads to his downfall, in Eddies case, he is attracted to his niece. This causes him to be overprotective and not let her meet anyone else, as he wants her for himself. The tragic heros downfall is brought about by ignoring advice; In Eddies case, he doesnt listen to Alfieri, the lawyer and chorus of the play, when he tells him to let Catherine go. My first impression of Eddie is a tall, big and quite overweight man, with little hair and a slowly dying face. He is an outgoing and hardworking man who provides for his family. I got some of these impressions because the chorus, Alfieri, describes him as, He is forty a husky slightly overweight longshoreman. The first person he talks to in the play is his niece, Catherine. At first he is caring when he comments on her new dress. But then he becomes a bit protective about her wearing it as he thinks it is too short and that men outside would stare. He is also reluctant to let her to go to work at first but when he sees she is sad he lets her do it, which shows us that he is more willing to make his niece happy than his wife. He talks to his wife, Beatrice like he would to any other wife but he does not go over to her to give her a hug or a kiss, just simply tells her something. But when he does, he sometimes holds her hands affectionately. This tells us that he expresses his feelin gs more easily in gestures than in words. Before Marco and Rodolpho arrive, Eddie is not too fond of them staying at his house, he complains that he may end up sleeping on the floor because of them. But then he talks about it being an honour for letting them stay over. When the cousins actually arrive, his attitude towards them changes dramatically. Earlier on he was saying Listen, as long as they know where there gonna sleep, and when they arrive he greets them; Youre welcome, Marco, we got plenty of room here. Katie, give them supper, heh? Later on he only comes to address Marco only as he realises that Catherine is attracted to Rodolpho. He is coming more and more to address Marco only. He notices this as she keeps talking about Rodolphos facial appearance. The fall of Eddie Carbone begins when the cousins moved in. Rodolpho and Catherine are instantly attracted to each other, which angers Eddie very much as he is also attracted to her. Beatrice worries that Eddie dislikes Rodolpho because he likes Catherine, he responds, He sings on the ships, didja know that? This gives us a hint that he is trying to find things wrong with Rodolfo. After this he visits Alfieri, the lawyer. He goes to ask him if he would be able to stop Rodolfo and Catherine marrying each other, but Alfieris advice to him is the child has to grow up and go away, and the man has to learn to forget. Because after all, Eddie what other way can it end? One other thing that Alfieri says hints at the truth, She wants to get married, Eddie. She cant marry you, can she? Eddie replies Whatre you talking about, marry me! I dont know what the hell youre talking about! He obviously knows what hes talking about, and Beatrice knows as well. The violent reaction from Eddie shows us that he fells ashamed that he loves his niece and fears that he will lose his dignity and respect. Eddie doesnt listen to his advice but leaves the office in a dilemma. Knowing he cant do anything about Rodolfo, his attitude towards him changes dramatically. He stops talking to him in a civil manner and only speaks to mock him, such as when Rodolfo says, Lemons are green, and Eddie replies, I know lemons are green, for Christs sake. He says this almost to point out that Rodolfo is stupid. Every time he criticises Rodolfo he seems to look for support in his older brother, Marco. When he tries to teach Rodolfo how to fight, we see Marco being protective of his brother. When Eddie tries to land a punch on Rodolfo, the stage directions say it mildly staggers Rodolfo, Marco rises. After they have finished, Marco has his own test of masculinity. Marco says Can you lift this chair, a seemingly easy task. But Eddie cannot complete it and Marco carries on with showing him as the stage directions say, Rodolfo and Catherine have stopped dancing as Marco raises the chair over his head. Marco is face to face with Eddie, a strained tension gripping his eyes and jaw, his neck stiff, the chair raised like a weapon over his head and he transforms what might appear like a glare of warning into a smile of triumph. This shows us that Marco is no longer in support of Eddie and it is also a sign that he will defend and protect his brother if he is harmed. This leaves the audience tense at the end of Act One, which will make us focus more on the play. We become anxious about what happens from here on. We also know that a tragedy or something that will lead up to it, is going to occur in the beginning.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Most Beautiful And Interesting Buildings In History Construction Essay
Most Beautiful And Interesting Buildings In History Construction Essay During modern era nowadays, exciting new innovations in the world of building construction has brought soaring skyscrapers and fresh new approaches to building design. Actually since many years ago building construction was a significant part of our industrial field. If somebody asks what is the most significant, most beautiful and most interesting of the past 1000 years, there will be no single correct answer for this question. Some will choose the Taj Mahal or Eiffel Tower while others might choose the soaring skyscrapers as the most significant building. Perhaps the most innovative building is not fixed for the grand monument only but sometimes obscure home and temples also. These are some of overlooked treasure that still exists till now. The first one is Forbidden City in Beijing,China or some people called it as Purple Forbidden City or Gugong Museum in Chinese. It is one of the largest and best-preserved palace complexes in the world. In Gugong Museum there are over a million rare and valuable objects. It is built between 1406 and 1420 during the Ming Dynasty by a rectangular area of more than 720000 square meters. The Forbidden City was the imperial home for 24 emperors of the Ming ( 1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. Next is Basilica Palladiana building. The architect who was Andrea Palladio gave the Basilica in Vicenza, Italy two styles of classical columns which are doric on the lower portion and ionic on the upper portion. Originally, the Basilica was a 15th century Gothic building that serve as the town hall for Vicenza and also contained shop. When the old building collapsed, Andrea Palladio won the commission to design a reconstruction of this building. He grabbed this opportunity and created a great stunning transformation covering the old gothic facade with marble columns and porticos modelled after the classical architecture of ancient Rome. Eiffel Tower in Paris is also one of past greatest building construction. Eiffel Tower was built on 1889 and pioneered new uses for metal construction. Perhaps it was the most famous example of this new use for metal. With 324 feet, Eiffel Tower was measured as the tallest building structure in the world for 40 years. The metal lattice-work formed with very pure structural iron make the tower both extremely light and able to withstand tremendous wind force. During the construction, the Eiffel was considered as an eyesore for the French but the criticism died down once the construction was completed. The Fuller Building in New York is one of the worldà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s earliest skyscrapers and has been designed by Daniel Burnham architect. It was built on 1902 with a height of 285 feet. The wedge shaped like a clothing iron of this building make it became known as Flatiron Building. This unusual shape of building is because to maximize the use of the triangular lot. A sturdy steel skeleton that has been used during the construction of this building allowed it to achieve record-breaking height without the need for wide supporting walls at the foundation. Nowadays, there is many and more big challenge facing us. The technology shifts had made the construction technology today more advanced and the world is getting smarter. The construction methods, structure or sustainable building, design and the construction system are rarely important not only at national level but also globally. The example of advance construction building in the world now are the CCTV headquarter in China, Bird Nest Olympic Stadium, Khalifa Building at Dubai and some of other buildings. One of the form that being used today is insulated concrete from construction technology. Insulated concrete form are lightweight, highly durable foam blocks or forms composed of an expanded or extruded polystyrene and recycled materials. These are the formwork that stay a permanent building insulation fore cast in place, reinforced concrete walls, floor and roofs. The forms are consisted of interlocking modular units that are dry stacked and concrete filled. The forms just like LEGO bricks that create form for structural walls or roofs. The concrete is pumped into cavity and stacked in shape. The reinforcing steel bar is placed inside to give flexural strength. The forms are left permanently for the reason of thermal and acoustic insulation and the space to run electrical conduit and plumbing. The advantage of insulated concrete form is that it reduces the consumption of energy, the concrete will absorb solar heat and release it slowly so that heat is distributed throughout the home. Besides it create lower noise from outside world as it high in sound absorption and the system contribute to more peaceful and healthy environment. Over the past 30 years, construction practices had not really changed much because many people thought that there are no problems using the traditional practices. However, for current situation the old practices might be not practical anymore due issues that involved limited area and construction costs that continue to rise in the country and also around the world. Therefore, by using the effective method of construction, we actually can overcome these problems. After several researches that consider all of the elements, there are some methods that believe can practices in the future such as modular construction and sustainable construction (green construction). By using these methods to construct a building, a lot of benefits we could gain in terms of time consuming, capital cost, labour cost and so on. In Malaysia, modular coordination or construction in building had been practiced such a long time ago. It is well documented in Malaysian Standard MS 10064: Part1-10 2001. This practices can provides dimensional basis for the coordination of the dimensions and of those buildings incorporating them, however it also acts to rationalization and industrialization of the building industry. In addition, modular construction can be applied by adding or reducing the size or removing certain components. For developing country likes Malaysia, this method will help the contractor to face the project that running in busy area or high capacity area because it is speed construction and faster returned in investment. In common method of construction, once projects might need to be done in 12 months but by practicing modular construction the work can be done in 90 à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 120 days only. This is because, the buildings are sectional prefabricated buildings that consist of multiple modules or sections which are manufactured in a remote facility and then delivered to the site. Modular construction allows the building and the site works to be done simultaneously and this will reduce the time until 50%. Furthermore, the quality of modular buildings is made to match and adhere to all the same building codes as standard construction. Thus, when the building is rebuild the structure become high in quality compared with the previous structure. Moreover, by using this method, all problems involve weather delays, logistical problems and legal hassles increase in turn can be solved because the structure is not build in the site. A lot of advantages we can gain based on modular construction and it is not hard to imagine if the future commercial developments are completed by using this method. Modular house by Broadway Malyan for Sime Darby Property as a first carbon zero house in Southern East Asia. The house not only pushed costs expand but also speed up the construction process On the other hand, sustainable construction is one of the practices that might be used widely in future. It involves a greater emphasis on the environmental implication of policy and business decisions in addition to the traditional focus on economic and social objectives. Sustainable building can include measures to reduce energy consumption and associated emissions of carbon dioxide, minimize the use of resources such as water, construction material, etc., reduce the release of pollutants, maximize the use of sustainably sources and recycled materials likes timber, promote sustainable travel choices through public transport and cycling provision, save and enhance biodiversity. Example of sustainable building is building that use sunlight through passive solar, active solar and photovoltaic techniques and using plants and trees through green roofs, rain garden and for reduction of rainwater run-off. Besides that, by using packed gravel or permeable concrete instead of conventional c oncrete or asphalt to enhance addition ground water, are used as well. Nevertheless, based on the study done by some researchers, the department usually failed to achieve target ratings and environmental assessment by the government. 80% of the projects are not attained the required standards. Various factors lead to these problems are lack of coherent monitoring on the progress of the projects by the government bodies, lack of sufficient knowledge and expertise in sustainable procurement among those department staff responsible for them, negative perception about the conflict between sustainability and value for money and so on. However, this barriers can be solved by establish a clear information to the division of policy that responsible on sustainable construction to the public sector so that the public will acknowledge clearly about the policy of sustainable construction. Then the responsible division can also establish a source of expertise that available to all departments to provide advice on sustainable construction for smaller construction and refurbishment projects. Bird Island is currently developed in Kuala Lumpur. Designed by Grafts Lab Architect for YTL Green Home Competition. In a nutshell, for future building construction, all elements of environmental friendly must be considered in order to construct a building or structure. This is because as we know, we need to save our Earth by reducing energy costs such as electrics, reduce air quality and construction materials and many more. Therefore, by applying modular construction and green construction will lead us to help our nature.
Project Management Of IT Projects
Project Management Of IT Projects Although computer systems have been employed since the 1970s in significant applications military, civil, government, finance, business and so on, unlike any other engineering discipline the success rate of ICT projects remains unacceptably low. Describe and discuss why ICT projects fail and what measures can be taken to improve the chance of success. ICT Project is the development and forward of an ICT system where as an ICT system is a combination of computer hardware, software, input and output, activity data or information and the personal that have to use it. ICT Projects can bring changes and improve organizational activities. Business and processes can become more effective and efficient by the use of information and communication technology (ICT) systems as in case with engineering discipline but unfortunately successful applicants in other field like military, civil, government is still questionable even they are employed there since very long. Performance evaluation of the project can also direct the determination of victory or malfunction of an ICT project. Also such evaluations cannot be justified as good or bad without the successful execution of such project. The core value of any of the ICT projects can be accomplished to figure out its capability to support the organization in finding right result to its troubles. The adaptability of ICT system and its overheads can only be logical if there are benefits accruing to it. Few of the benefits can be listed as below: Escalating capacity of system Efficient access to data Improved efficiency and outputs Transparency Simplicity Lessening of Cost Quality Service Enhanced and effective decision making FAILURE OF ICT PROJECTS: Regardless of the successful stories of ICT projects around the world, studies have proved high speed of ICT Project failure. These failure can be either project stakeholder expectations or correspondence failure where the project failed to meet the specified objectives such as enhancing efficiency, upgrading in resource utilization, superior output etc. It can be process failure which refers to plan overruns, resources blowouts and it may be interaction failure where new system may be or was used shortly and then terminate or occasionally used or not used at all. Although benefits of ICT cannot be disputed but there are several issues and points about its achievements as well as the approach in its implementation. Triumph of any project can be evaluated or measured on different factors but success of information and communication technology (ICT) project depends upon timely completion within budget, trustworthiness (bug-free), user friendliness, easy inexpensive alteration and maint enance in addition that it must meet specifications, goals and satisfaction of users. In order to understand the extent of ICT failure, we need to categorized failures related to information systems which can be technical breakdown, project collapse, organizational crash, environmental breakdown, developmental stoppage and user disappointment ICT failure can be categorized depending upon the degree of its achievement or usage. It can be total failure where initially the ICT was never implemented or in which a new system was put into action but immediately discarded. It can be considered as partial failure as major goals are unattained or in which there are major unwanted results. There is another class of sustainability failure where an initial implementation was first succeeded but is then neglected after a year or so. REASONS FOR FAILURE OF ICT PROJECTS: The failure factors which prevent smooth execution of ICT projects can either be Infrastructure, finance, poor data system, lack of compatibility, skilled personnel, leadership styles, culture, bureaucracy and attitudes There are certain factors which may not prevent the execution or implementation of projects and can the hinder system advancement and its sustainability. Among them are User needs, Technology, Coordination, ICT policy, and Donor pressure. There can be a number of reasons, which require a detailed and careful review to fully identify. ICT projects are often too ambitious and too complex because of the combination of the political, organizational and technical factors lacking top management prop up, insufficient resources of project, lack of user input, poor project management, design problems, scarce training, unsuitable technologies, and many more including incomplete requirements, changing requirements, technology Incompetence, unrealistic expectation. Therefore Projects run into problems, they get far more expensive than budgeted, need more time than planned or do not deliver the intended results. Unfortunately, project failures can also be related to lack of post-mortem probes across all sectors (private and public). Organizations are neither interested to achieve organizational erudition for themselves nor are they allocate their difficult experiences with others. Vision without substance and a budget without vision are two sorts of planning. Problems encountered encase of vision without substance are ambiguity of future vision, lack of organizational vision, current position and time. Budget without vision arises questions as to what problem is being solved, priorities and definition of the roles and responsibilities. Poor Project planning in organizations are due to lack of risk management, business systems are not utilized and understood completely and also lack of concern involvement from management. MEASURES FOR THE SUCCESS OF ICT PROJECT: Success or failure of any ICT project can be measured by identifying institution where we they are now and where the new project is taking them. Success factors are those whose presence or absence establish the success of an ICT project. They can be drivers or enabler. Some of these are vision and strategy, stakeholders support, external pressure and cooperation, consumer expectations, technological alteration, upgrading, and globalization in addition to efficient project coordination and good practices. Degree of change is proportionally related to risk of project success. Bigger change might produces bigger organizational improvement at the cost of big risk of project disaster whereas small change might promise less degree of change at the price of less project risk. Thus we can say that there is a trade-off between threat and transformation. ICT projects can be designed according to models of engineering and managerial concepts. Drafting of complex technical systems in much more perplex social surroundings through development of local knowledge base systems can lead to avoid failures. Review by local sections and organizations to determine the extent of ICT failures can also be very useful and productive approach. These experts can make conclusive and detailed analysis and they can point out flaws and make recommendation for the improvement of ICT projects. Reports and lesson learnt should be available to other practitioners in other organizations for betterment of their projects. Division of the project in smaller groups and controlling subsidiary projects is better approach as changes during the project are sometimes or often unavoidable and difficult to manage. Information systems qualities which are achieved via efficient ICT projects affect the perceived benefits. An ICT project implementation can be considered successful if the perceived benefits are determined and understood. ICT services quality can be reviewed after vigilant assessment of the infrastructure to establish technical functionality. For instance with reference to networking different departments, the point to check is whether it may be has been achieved successfully or not. This in turn will involve a technical and user assessment of the efficient communication systems. Generation of information can be assessed to determine efficiency of Information system quality for budgeting purposes, the question might be whether the information system can generate exact and timely financial information and data or not. Perceived benefits are the end products that can be used to judge the success of the whole system. If the perceived benefits like easier communication, networking, and system integration, timely, relevant, complete and useful information are not realized, then the system will be perceived to have failed. Attributes of each component are shown for clarity and focus. A familiar maxim says, if you cannot plan it, you do not do it. Another maxim says, I never planned to fail, I just failed to plan. Project planning begins as soon as project planning activities determine the organizations strategy and identifies the ICT projects. Under the few limitations, project plans evolve with the lifecycle. These limitations are time and money so each project should have a define deadline and a tight budget. Planning as a tool can be helpful in minimizing waste by classifying the pre-requites conditions for successful ICT implementation rather than rushing into a complex strategy. ICT needs careful planning, communication and coordination prior to implementation instead wise trial and error methods. Clarify goals, targets and objectives shall be established. These goals may form major role in planning process and ultimately help in the successful implementation of ICT projects. ANALYSIS Improvement in the ability of those involved in the design, execution and management of IT related projects shall be enhanced to solve and tackle specific contextual attributes of the institute, division, country or location where such ICT projects will be implemented. Strategy and support are the core areas which lead to success of any ICT project and at the same time finance and lack of fund in addition to weak infrastructure leads to failure of such projects. Maximum benefits and output of ICT implementation can be achieved if there are no failure factors but its not possible but framework can be developed for the maximum output. This framework must cover and identify themes, prioritize activities develop program of action, categorize target groups and in the final stage implement solutions ICT projects must be streamlined and established while focusing following approaches. Never underestimate complex environment where ICT program evolves. Get maximum output and benefits for the target group Staff shall be re-skilled to cop up with changes Identification and utilization of new technologies How institute processes will fit in technology Strong and supportive program management Dont underestimate the total cost of ICT project. Part B COMP1592 Organisation and Project Management Tutorial for Week 1.5 Introduction to ICT Project Management Upload your answers in Week 1.6 List the problems you experienced when you carried out a recent assignment. Try to put these problems into some order of magnitude. For each problem consider whether there was some way in which the problem could have been reduced by better organisation and planning by you. Risk management Team management Team collaboration Schedule Project plan was impractical Identify the main types of personnel employed in an ICT department. For each stage of a typical ICT development project, list the types of personnel who are likely to be involved. Business Analyst (who gathers requirements from client) System Analyst (based on the requirements, design the software) Solution Architect (application is designed on the basis of technical specification) Software Developers (who develops the software) Database developers (design and maintaining of DB) Quality Team (who tests the developed software) Configuration manager A public library is considering the implementation of a computer-based system to help administer book loans at libraries. Identify the stakeholders in such a project. What might be the objectives of such a project and how might the success of the project be measured in practical terms? Stakeholders Following are the stakeholders for computer based library system: Librarian Library Staff Administrator/ Technical Board Book Suppliers/ Volunteers Partner Universities Friends of the Library (Providing funds and assistance to Library) Educators/ Trainers (train the usage of the system) Software House or company developing the computer based system Library Users (those who lend the books) Objectives Cataloguing (classification and indexing books) Compilation of books and the stuff Control of books circulation Track users Efficiently confirm the availability of books Automate the library loan system and make it computer based System will be fully authenticated as it will be solely based on computer Issue and return dates will be catered by the system which will ensure that no preference is given to any public user in case of late return. Automation and authentication will be achieved. Record of all the books will be managed and kept up to date Success of the project: Success of the project will be measured on the following parameters: Productive system usage System efficiency Gradual rise in users will predict the success Ease and comfort for public Reduction of staff Confidence of stakeholders on the system Authentication and automation is an important factor Authentication i.e. more authenticated the system is more will be its progress 4. A software house has developed a customised order processing system for a client. You are an employee of the software house that has been asked to organize a training course for the end-users of the system. At present, a user handbook has been produced, but no specific training material. A plan is now needed for the project which will set up the delivery of the training courses. The project can be assumed to have been completed when the first training course starts. Among the things that will need to be considered are the following: Training materials will need to be designed and created; A timetable will need to be drafted and agreed; Date(s) for the course will need to be arranged; The people attending the course will need to be identified and notified; Rooms and computer facilities for the course will need to be provided for. A. Identify the main stakeholders for this project; Software House Software developers Trainers End users/ Client Customers of client (must not be an end user) B. Draw up a statement of the objectives for this project; Evaluation, planning and business handling in an efficient manner. Identify and develop connections between sales, planning and purchasing (by using tools such as flow charts and activity diagrams) Create business to business environment by creating link with customers. Encourage staff input to identify problems and solutions. Handling customers feedback. C. for the objectives, identify the measures of effectiveness; Evaluation, planning and business handling: efficient report generation and boost the business. Identify and develop connections between sales, planning and purchasing: by comparison with previous records Create business to business environment by creating link with customers: gradual rise of customers Encourage staff input to identify problems and solutions: system improvement and staff satisfaction. Handling customers feedback: customers satisfaction D. For each objective, identify relevant sub-objectives or goals and who would be responsible for each of them Evaluation, planning and business handling: company management is the goal and sales team is responsible. Identify and develop connections between sales, planning and purchasing: sales team is responsible Create business to business environment by creating link with customers: sales team is responsible. Encourage staff input to identify problems and solutions: Human Resource department is responsible. Handling customers feedback: Quality assurance department is responsible. Organisation and Project Management Tutorial for Week 1.6 Introduction to Database Design Upload your answers in Week 1.7 A company providing photo storage on the web needs a database to support the website. Visitors to the site can register by providing personal details including their email address, username and password. Once registered the user can create photograph albums into which they can upload their photographs (stored as files on the company server) along with a suitable caption and description. Users can add as many tags as they need to each one of their albums and their photos in order to classify them and enable meaningful searches. Design a database schema that fulfils these requirements. visitor username password Email address Photograph album Album ID name caption description tags photograph photographID name tags Username is foreign key in photograph album and albumID is foreign key in photograph Convert your logical schema from question 1 into a physical schema identifying each attribute data type. visitor Username Password Email address Photograph album albumID Name Caption Description Tags Photograph photographID Name tags A visitor has multiple photo albums i.e. 1-n relationship between visitor and photo album A photo album has multiple photographs in it i.e. 1-n relationship between photo album and photograph Write SQL statements which will implement the physical schema you created in question 2. Create some INSERT statements which will populate your tables with example data. INSERT INTO `photograph` (`photographID`, `caption`, `tags`) VALUES (photo1, caption1, tag1), (photo2, caption2, tag2); INSERT INTO `photographalbum` (`albumID`, `name`, `caption`, `description`, `tags`) VALUES (album1, name1, caption1, description1, tag1), (album2, name2, caption2, description2, tag2); INSERT INTO `visitor` (`username`, `password`, `emailAddress`) VALUES (visitor1, 12345, [emailprotected]), (visitor2, 12345, [emailprotected]); Using either the MySQL or Microsoft SQL Server database servers provided by the school implement your database using the SQL statements you created in question 3. SET SQL_MODE=NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `photograph` ( `photographID` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT , `caption` varchar(30) NOT NULL, `tags` varchar(30) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`photographID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `photographalbum` ( `albumID` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT , `name` varchar(30) NOT NULL, `caption` varchar(30) NOT NULL, `description` varchar(30) NOT NULL, `tags` varchar(30) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`albumID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `visitor` ( `username` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT , `password` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `emailAddress` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`username`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; Write a SELECT statement which will output all of the filenames in an album with a tag matching punk created by a person called Leibovitz. COMP1592 Organisation and Project Management Tutorial for Week 1.7 Critical Thinking Upload your answers in Week 1.8 For each of the following questions you must explain your strategy and approach to answering the question. Simply providing an answer is not sufficient. 1. In these designs there is a particular shape and a particular colour such that any of the designs which has one, and only one, of these features is called a PHOG. If the Blue Diamond is a PHOG, could any of these other designs be a PHOG? Answer: Since Blue Diamond is a PHOG, it means that the particular shape is Diamond or the particular colour is Blue. Based on this observation, we can say that Red Diamond (because it has the shape but not colour) or Blue Circle (because it has the colour but not shape) are PHOGs. 2. Which of the hidden parts of these cards do you NEED to see in order to answer the following question decisively? For these cards is it true that if there is a circle on the left there is a circle on the right? If above is ordering of respective cards, we should check Card-A and Card-D. For Card-A, if there is a circle on the right side and for Card-D, there is no circle on the left side, we can conclude that: If there is a circle on the left there is a circle on the right. It is useless to check Card-B, because even if there is a circle or not, it shall not affect the conclusion drawn. Similarly for Card-C, if there is a circle on left side, our conclusion shall be justified. And if there is no circle on the left side, it shall not affect the conclusion. 3. There is a truth teller (always tells the truth), a liar (always lies), and one who sometimes answers truthfully and sometimes lies. Each person knows who is who. You may ask three yes or no questions to determine who is who. Each time you ask a question, it must only be directed to one of the people. You may ask the same question more than once, but of course it will count towards your total. What are your questions and to whom will you ask them? Answer: Let us call them TT, AL and TL to symbolize. All of them shall say NO if they are asked if they are a Liar so: Ask TT: If I ask AL if he is a Liar, what would his answer be? If he says YES, TT is a Liar. If he says NO TT, is a Truth Teller. Then ask AL: If I ask TL if he is a Liar, what would his answer be? If he says YES, AL is a Liar. If he says NO, AL is a Truth Teller. And then ask TL: If I asked TT if he is a Liar, what would his answer be? If he says YES, TL is a Liar. If he says NO, TL is a Truth Teller 4. Three boxes are all labeled incorrectly, and you must get the labels right. The labels on the boxes read as follows: [Box 1] buttons [Box 2] coins [Box 3] coins and buttons To gain the information you need to move the labels to the correct boxes, you may remove a single item from one of the boxes. You may not look into the boxes, nor pick them up and shake them, etc. Answer: Since all labels are marked incorrectly, we know that the Box 3 marked with [Coins or Buttons] has any one of the two items and not both. Remove the label from this Box 3, pick one item from this Box 3 (it must be a coin or a button), remove the respective label (depending upon the item obtained) from other two boxes (Bow 1 or Box 2) and put it on this Box 3. Now we have Box 3 that has the right label on it. Now there is one Box without a label and the other Box with incorrect label. Remove the incorrect label because it is on the box that must be having both [Coins and Buttons]. Put this label on the other Box and [Coins or Button] label on this box. In this way we have done the right labeling. COMP1592 Organisation and Project Management Week 1.8 Step Wise: An approach to planning software projects Upload your answers in Week 1.9 What are the products created by the Step Wise planning process? Which of the following are not SMART objectives and why? Market research Research similar products User acceptance testing Investigate product requirements User training Test and Evaluate Design database Implement middleware Improve network performance Measure MTBF SMART means Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic, Time Framed Market Research: It is not a SMART objective because it is Specific to a segment of market, product; and there is no time framed specified Research Similar Products: It is not a SMART objective because it is not measurable with respect to other products. Also there are no time lines mentioned for it. User Acceptance Testing: It is not a SMART objective because it is not time bound. Investigate Product Requirements: It is not a SMART objective because the product is not specified; also there is no time line specified for it. User Training: It is not a SMART objective because the User training is not measurable and also there is no time frame mentioned for it. Test and Evaluate: It is not a SMART objective because there is no measuring parameter specified for evaluations. Also time frame is not available in which this testing and evaluation is to be done. Design Database: It is explicitly specified that the database of application is to be developed. But it is not a SMART objective for there is no time specified for it. Implement Middleware: This is a specific, measurable and realistic objective but not SMART because there are no timelines available for implementation. Improve Network Performance: There are no measuring elements that are mentioned for this performance activity. Also time frame is not mentioned for it. It may be specific and realistic but not a SMART objective. Measure MTBF: Measuring Mean Time between Failures is not a SMART objective because there is no time line mentioned to perform this task For each of the objectives in Q2 which are not SMART re-writes the objective so that it may be considered as SMART. Explain your reasoning. SMART means Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic, and Time Framed Market Research: Perform Market Research in next 2 weeks to check for need of a mobile phone that supports instant texting at university level and include students of age between 18-24 years. This is a SMART objective for it is specific about the work to be done, has time frame included into it, and is measurable, realistic and acceptable. Research Similar Products: Perform a Research Study among shop keepers of market in 4 weeks to check for competitors of Nokia 6300. This is a SMART objective for it is specific about the work to be done, has time frame included into it, and is measurable, realistic and acceptable. User Acceptance Testing: Conduct Software Testing with at least 50 students to check for newly developed Online Registration System in next 5 days. This is a SMART objective for it is specific about the work to be done, has time frame included into it, and is measurable, realistic and acceptable. Investigate Product Requirements: Have minimum of 5 meetings with client and prepare SRS document of new Software to be developed by the end of this month. This is a SMART objective for it is specific about the work to be done, has time frame included into it, and is measurable, realistic and acceptable. User Training: Arrange and ensure a single user training session for changes made in one of the modules. This training should not be of more than two hours. This is a SMART objective for it is specific about the work to be done, has time frame included into it, and is measurable, realistic and acceptable. Test and Evaluate: Conduct thorough testing of new Recording solution after taking minimum of 100 calls in 15 minutes. Repeat this activity 10 times at different timings. This is a SMART objective for it is specific about the work to be done, has time frame included into it, and is measurable, realistic and acceptable. Implement Middleware: Develop the Middleware of Patient Education module in 2 weeks and engage maximum of 4 available programmers. This is a SMART objective for it is specific about the work to be done, has time frame included into it, and is measurable, realistic and acceptable. Improve Network Performance: Identify applications that have higher network usage and try to monitor and configure them for next 24 hours to gain 5% improvement in network performance. This is a SMART objective for it is specific about the work to be done, has time frame included into it, and is measurable, realistic and acceptable. Measure MTBF: Execute parallel applications and determine MTBF within 2 hours after connecting 10 users to it. This is a SMART objective for it is specific about the work to be done, has time frame included into it, and is measurable, realistic and acceptable. 4. Amanda works for the Management Services department of a local authority. She has been active in organising the development of a computerised payroll processing system. The system is in the final stages of development. What products must exist before the activity test program can take place? Products: Software: Scope Context (environment) Information Objectives (input and output) Functionality and performance requirements Objectives: Scope Context What products does this activity create? Software Project Management activities are: Feasibility Report Planning Monitoring Execution Production Delivery Closing End of program 5. You are about to embark on an assessed group project as part of your degree programme. Draw up a list of the risks which may affect your assignment outcome. Individually classify the risks as high, medium and low. What can be done to reduce the impact of these risks on your project? Following are the risks that can be faced during this project or academic assignment. Scale: High Risk- H Medium Risk M Low Risk -R Project risks Budget (H) Budget risk can be reduced if the market value and demand of the project is marketed before. Schedule (M) Proper formal MS project plan will help reduce this risk. Personnel (L) Although it is an academic project and the personnel risk has low COMP1592 Organisation and Project Manageme
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Comparing Science and the Judicial System :: Biology Essays Research Papers
Comparing Science and the Judicial System Science and the Judicial System are two concepts that at face value seem to be very distinct and unique in their own nature, but their cores share interesting parallels. They each propose a different way of understanding how we comprehend and organize order and structure within institutions, yet they do so with similar strategies. In this paper I'll address my understanding of both, what characteristics they share and how these similarities prove them to be inextricably connected by what we call life and its connection to the human experience. Although Science is largely composed of observation, experiments and their results, it is often controversial because perspective and experience play a key role in how data is interpreted. And because perspective and experience undoubtedly vary with each person due to various reasons; how is it possible that we can assign concrete truths to such a varied conceptualization? Scientists fuse logic and philosophy. Traditional science often fails to provide theories and explanations for phenomenons that hold truth and validation in both a scientific context and the context of the human mind. I feel that Science often caters to only a "black and white" way of formulating answers; failing to recognize the gray areas. Often times people try to find the most common and accepted ways to support their theories and in doing so they adapt to the standard and more traditional ways of viewing the world. This leaves less room for creativity and exploration of the mind when trying to formulate "truth". "A body of assertions is true if it forms a coherent whole and works both in the external world and in our minds." Roger Newton (1) Much like science, the justice system in this country is very much based on experience. Although the understanding of these laws is largely composed of formal education, logic and reasoning, there is more to law then these solid and concrete aspects. Experience plays a key role because before obtaining any form of judicial authority one must practice and "get a feel" for what the position entails. Through these experiences one acquires a very personal and first hand knowledge and experience that is necessary before venturing out into his or her field. The judicial system poses a similar problem to that of traditional science. I believe the laws in our justice system are far too clear cut.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Significance of the Women in Oedipus Rex Essay -- Oedipus the King Oed
Significance of the Women in Oedipus Rex         Michael J. O’Brien in the Introduction to Twentieth Century Interpretations of Oedipus Rex, maintains that there is â€Å"a good deal of evidence to support this view†that the fifth century playwright was the â€Å"educator of his people†and a â€Å"teacher†. Sophocles in his tragedy, Oedipus Rex, teaches about â€Å"morally desirable attitudes and behavior,†(4) and uses three women to help convey these principles of living. This essay will explore the role of women in the drama, the attitude toward women therein, the involvement of women in plot development, and other aspects of women in Oedipus Rex.  At the outset of Oedipus Rex no female characters are present; the reader sees a king who comes to the door full of curiosity: â€Å"Explain your mood and purport. Is it dread /Of ill that moves you or a boon ye crave?†When the priest has responded that the people are despairing from the effects of the plague, the king shows sympathy for his subjects: â€Å"Ye sicken all, well wot I, yet my pain, /How great soever yours, outtops it all.†Thomas Van Nortwick in Oedipus: The Meaning of a Masculine Life : â€Å"We see already the supreme self-confidence and ease of command in Oedipus. . . . exudes a godlike mastery in the eyes of his subjects. . . .†(21-22); such â€Å"godlike mastery†will be his undoing. The critic Ehrenberg warns that it â€Å"may lead to ‘hubris’†(74-75). Throughout the drama Sophocles draws out an ongoing contrast between the â€Å"godlike mastery†of the king and the softer, more balanced and selfless charac teristics of Jocasta, his wife. She is a foil to Oedipus. Shortly thereafter Creon, Jocasta’s brother, is returning from the Delphic oracle with the fateful words of the god’s command: â€Å"... ...ichael J. O’Brien. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968.  Segal, Charles Paul. â€Å"Sophocles’ Praise of Man and the Conflicts of the Antigone.†In Sophocles: A Collection of Critical Essays, edited by Thomas Woodard. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966.  Sophocles. Oedipus Rex. Transl. by F. Storr. no pag. new?tag=public&images=images/modeng&data=/texts/english/modeng/parsed&part=0&id=SopOedi  â€Å"Sophocles†In Literature of the Western World, edited by Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. NewYork: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1984.  Van Nortwick, Thomas. Oedipus: The Meaning of a Masculine Life. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1998.  Watling, E. F.. Introduction. In Sophocles: The Theban Plays, translated by E. F. Watling. New York: Penguin Books, 1974. Significance of the Women in Oedipus Rex Essay -- Oedipus the King Oed Significance of the Women in Oedipus Rex         Michael J. O’Brien in the Introduction to Twentieth Century Interpretations of Oedipus Rex, maintains that there is â€Å"a good deal of evidence to support this view†that the fifth century playwright was the â€Å"educator of his people†and a â€Å"teacher†. Sophocles in his tragedy, Oedipus Rex, teaches about â€Å"morally desirable attitudes and behavior,†(4) and uses three women to help convey these principles of living. This essay will explore the role of women in the drama, the attitude toward women therein, the involvement of women in plot development, and other aspects of women in Oedipus Rex.  At the outset of Oedipus Rex no female characters are present; the reader sees a king who comes to the door full of curiosity: â€Å"Explain your mood and purport. Is it dread /Of ill that moves you or a boon ye crave?†When the priest has responded that the people are despairing from the effects of the plague, the king shows sympathy for his subjects: â€Å"Ye sicken all, well wot I, yet my pain, /How great soever yours, outtops it all.†Thomas Van Nortwick in Oedipus: The Meaning of a Masculine Life : â€Å"We see already the supreme self-confidence and ease of command in Oedipus. . . . exudes a godlike mastery in the eyes of his subjects. . . .†(21-22); such â€Å"godlike mastery†will be his undoing. The critic Ehrenberg warns that it â€Å"may lead to ‘hubris’†(74-75). Throughout the drama Sophocles draws out an ongoing contrast between the â€Å"godlike mastery†of the king and the softer, more balanced and selfless charac teristics of Jocasta, his wife. She is a foil to Oedipus. Shortly thereafter Creon, Jocasta’s brother, is returning from the Delphic oracle with the fateful words of the god’s command: â€Å"... ...ichael J. O’Brien. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968.  Segal, Charles Paul. â€Å"Sophocles’ Praise of Man and the Conflicts of the Antigone.†In Sophocles: A Collection of Critical Essays, edited by Thomas Woodard. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966.  Sophocles. Oedipus Rex. Transl. by F. Storr. no pag. new?tag=public&images=images/modeng&data=/texts/english/modeng/parsed&part=0&id=SopOedi  â€Å"Sophocles†In Literature of the Western World, edited by Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. NewYork: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1984.  Van Nortwick, Thomas. Oedipus: The Meaning of a Masculine Life. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1998.  Watling, E. F.. Introduction. In Sophocles: The Theban Plays, translated by E. F. Watling. New York: Penguin Books, 1974.
Epic of Beowulf Essay - Beowulf as Anglo-Saxon Hero :: Epic Beowulf herobeo
Beowulf - An Anglo-Saxon Hero A hero is a person of distinguished courage who has outstanding qualities and abilities, who is admired for these having these aspects of their character and also admired for brave and noble acts. An Anglo-Saxon hero is a person who has good leadership qualities, is able and willing to provide people with a sense of security, and is willing to go into danger despite possible harm to themselves. These Anglo-Saxon heroes usually were kings or thanes because they distinguished themselves above others by doing a good for the greater of everyone. This person has to be willing to put their own lives on the line for the benefit of others. There are several heroic characteristics, all of which Beowulf possesses. First of these characteristics is honor. Honor is showing a sense of integrity in one’s actions. When Beowulf went to the land of the Danes to kill Grendel, he did it not because he wanted money, but because he wanted to help out the Geats. Beowulf felt as if it was the right thing to do since he had been successful in past deeds which he proudly says in lines 321-322, where he says â€Å"They had in remembrance my courage and might. Many had seen me come safe from the conflict,†. Beowulf expected no reward for his action, but rather just being able to â€Å"put another notch in his belt.†Another heroic characteristic, which Beowulf possesses, is bravery. Bravery is being able to go against the odds and possibly risk your life in the process. An example of Beowulf showing bravery is when he goes to slay the dragon even though all his men abandon him. He realizes that the dragon is more powerful than he is, but he will still not back down. In line 1493, he says â€Å"Not one foot’s space will I flee from the monster,†thus showing his true bravery by not giving up to the more powerful foe. One more heroic characteristic of Beowulf is his strong sense of duty. This means that he is always devoted to his people, his king, and their security. An example of this is again when he goes to slay the dragon. He has no help, he realizes that the dragon is more powerful, and most importantly, he realizes that he will probably not be returning victorious from this battle.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Loretta Lynn Essay
Loretta Lynn (born Loretta Webb April 14, 1935) is an American country music singer-songwriter, author and philanthropist. Born in Butcher Hollow, Kentucky to a coal miner father, Lynn married at 13 years old, was a mother soon after, and moved to Washington with her husband, Oliver Vanetta Lynn, Jr. (b. 1926, d. 1996), nicknamed â€Å"Doo†. Their marriage was sometimes tumultuous; he had affairs and she was headstrong. Their experiences together became inspiration for her music. On her 21st birthday, Lynn’s husband bought her a $17. 00 Harmony guitar. She taught herself to play and when she was 24, on her wedding anniversary, Doo encouraged her to become a singer. She learned the guitar better, started singing at the Delta Grange Hall in Washington State with the Pen Brothers’ band, The Westerners, then eventually cut her first record in February, 1960. She became a part of the country music scene in Nashville in the 1960s, and in 1967 charted her first of 16 number-one hits (out of 70 charted songs as a solo artist and a duet partner[1]) that include â€Å"Don’t Come Home A’ Drinkin’ (With Lovin’ on Your Mind)†, â€Å"You Ain’t Woman Enough†, â€Å"Fist City†, and â€Å"Coal Miner’s Daughter†. She focused on blue collar women’s issues with themes of philandering husbands and persistent mistresses, and pushed boundaries in the conservative genre of country music by singing about birth control (â€Å"The Pill†), repeated childbirth (â€Å"One’s on the Way†), double standards for men and women (â€Å"Rated â€Å"X††), and being widowed by the draft during the Vietnam War (â€Å"Dear Uncle Sam†). Country music radio stations often refused to play her songs. Nonetheless, she became known as â€Å"The First Lady of Country Music†and continues to be one of the most successful vocalists of all time. Her best-selling 1976 autobiography was made into an Academy Award winning film, Coal Miner’s Daughter, starring Sissy Spacek and Tommy Lee Jones in 1980. Her most recent album, Van Lear Rose, was released in 2004, produced by Jack White, and topped the country album charts. As of 2011, Lynn continues to tour and has received numerous awards in country and American music.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Health and Social Care Essay
IntroductionThe aim of this act is to re observation post and learn roughly the perspectives of wellness and well creation, perspective measures and job roles, factors affecting wellness and well universe, and to do a wellness promotion campaign. To do this we volition sprightliness in books and on the internet to look into individu plainlyy of these then once we hurl a best knowledge of them we w crazy produce a campaign to flap a line to volume on a wellness promotion topic.Defining wellnessI am doing starting per centum of the try appear on wellness and how deal position it. To do this I go a counselling be hiting out questionnaires and looking through my severalize n bingles and reviewing them.There ar legion(predicate) interpretations of wellness, except the itinerary you define it dep lasts on the well-nigh nonpareil(a) e.g. cosmos without indisposition. this essence to piddle no illnesses or distempers, wellness is a resign of complet e physiologic, rational and well-disposed well-being and non merely the absence of complaint or infirmity. this statement is t any(prenominal) to hypothesise you acquiret just fuck off to know an illness to be ill it in every case dep eat ups on your soci sufficient and mental state, and how you feel almost your ego (W.H.O. 1948), Just being happy. this statement is just rateing your muscular if your happy with yourself and your keep, Health is the extent to which an individual(a) I wear skirts or theme is competent, on the one hand to take in aspiration and constitutes and on the early(a) hand, to lurch or cope with the surround. Health is in that respectfore mastern as a imagery for every solar day vitality, non the object of living. It is confident(p) concept emphasing kind and psycheal resources, as well as physical capacities. (W.H.O. 1986) and so forthtera (All of these ar from row notes)However these views fork out a negative and lordly channelize side to them more(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) than(prenominal) as existence without illness which is negative, because its just supposeing, if you not injured or you befoolt assume and illness your in true wellness, save it to a fault depends on a psyches state of mind, and how the truly feel slightly themselves besides this is a bit to instantly forward, and in conside place of wholly the mictu ar pruneer(a) aspects of wellness (PI.E.S.) because it just says it in a more scientific way (bio-medical attend to the corpse as a machine).an dispa rove(prenominal) view on wellness is Being fit. Being the correct weight and big top for your age. Feeling well in your self (Appendix 2) these is a plus and negative view on wellness because it squ argon ups the fact that you mass be un ruddy and salve be happy and feel good.Bio-medial type of HealthThis pattern of wellness dominates all an new(prenominal)(prenominal) models of health. The Bio-medical or scientific model of health is when you trip up the body as a machine, so if its depleted it plenty be fixed by repairing the damaged set forth e.g.Car whatsoeveroneCar wont start whateverone feels illCall garage Go to G.P.Service Examinationdiagnosing DiagnosisMended Treatment offeredCar runs Feeling conk out(Health and aff fit c atomic consider 18 ocr a. fisher etc. p 78)This give of health doesnt focus on the mind or the friendly circumstance it focuses on apprehensiveness how a disease deeds or how the soul tramp be cured. An eccentric of most one using this form of health c be is when a rejuvenate and otherwise qualified mint root on a treatment or diagnosis for a enduring, e.g. looking at medical dopevass and notes to reach a diagnosis. excessively in that location keep be a few disadvantages to this model of health e.g. its not as suit able for peck with long term illnesses or masses with disabilities because they keep not forev er and a day be cured, and this form of treatment derriere be quite intrusive because of tests etc., so some good deal whitethorn not worry it and it whitethorn devil them feel uncomfortable. other disadvantage is that because it doesnt look at the social aspects of the patients support they whitethorn not find the cable of the problem, so the person could be hang ill again.sociable Model of HealthThis form of health is more about the origins of health in a social billet frequently(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as housing, social let ons etc., and soul where the problem started and finding a give way to test the situation for modelling cleaning the house for dust so it doesnt aggravate a persons asthma. Also due to this health model the mortality has dramatically reduced during the 20th century, because throng take a leak entrap the original source of the problem and make something about it and they did it so you can join on a persons persona of alivenes s and decrease illness.However thither argon disadvantages to this medical model because finding and solving the problems can be severely and it ignores the biomedical model of health.Government orifice Saving Lives Our Healthier NationFor my health promotion campaign Im doing hummer so this governing hatchway links into it.The aim of this government possible action is to make better everyones health, and the quite a little who be severally affected in particular.By 2010 they involve to d feature the decease rate from cancer in tidy sum low the age of 75 by at least 1/5 Reduce the expiration rate from coronary boldness disease, stroke and other related illnesses in people under the age of 75 by at least 2/5 Reduce the death rate from accidents by at least 1/5 and to reduce the rate of drab damage from accidents by at least 1/10 Reduce the death rate from suicide and undetermined injury by at least 1/5 (Class notes)Due to these things the government brought in some measures to abet deal with these problems which be tackling fume which is one of the biggest causes of ill health on with alcohol, also to tackle internal health, drugs, diet safety, water fluoridation, and communicable diseases, to congeal more funds in the NHS, topical anesthetic authorities and the government focusing on improving health. (Appendix 1) nausea impairment of prescript physiological function affecting part or all of an organism. (http// lexicon/wordnetuk/81070/illness)The Illness Wellness ContinuumAccording to The Illness Wellness Continuum the less well you are the closer you are to premature death (as shown by the diagram above left-hand(a) = death right = high take of wellness). This also relates to the government hatchway because the government asks to reduce mortality by minify illness.Reviewing QuestionnairesThis is a graph to show the bill of people who took the questionnaire and are either serve users or service supportrs.This graph shows the number of men and women who took the questionnaire, and as you can see the main amount of people who took the questionnaire were women. dismiss crap AdvisorThe stage Smoking Advisor works with patients in the community of interests, to provide stop take support, treatment and advice plume by local and national standards. A Smoking Advisor works with the Stop Smoking Specialists to give one-to-one and sort out support so their work means they cave in to travel all rough the country to m either diametrical places such as health centres, hospitals, community buildings, workings mens clubs, Sure trigger off buildings etc.To give support and protest people about the dangers of fume they whitethorn do a foundation or bring in videos for people to watch such as the NHS (National Health Service) dope adverts on T.V., also the advisor may bring in graphic pictures to fog people and make them understand what theyre doing to their bodies e.g.Th e responsibilities and skills needful to be a sess advisor are as take notes(http// breaker points.cgi?search_db_no=2&selection=911717227&vn=2)Health VisitorHealth visitants are registered nurses or midwives who work to come on good health, and prevent illness in the community. But spend most of their day visiting people in their homes and dowry with tasks.Health visitors work with many various people in the community such as the of age(p), disabled, and the long-term sick, and offers them support and advice to divine service people overcome their disabilities.Health visitors attain many duties they need to do Advising the elderly on health issues telling people about proper caveat mandatory to maintain equipment e.g. catheter care. Advising new mothers on issues such as hygiene, safety, feeding and sleeping this is because a new mother may not no about all the responsibilities that come with a youngster so the result need to be testifyed. Counselling people on issues such as post-natal depression, bereavement, or being diagnosed HIV positive. Co-ordinating child immunization programmes. Organising special clinics or drop-in centres.(http// To be a health visitor, you should be able to do all these things Be able to mother on well with all sorts of people this is because they work with a wind range of people in all un standardized circumstances. Be interested in and apprised of health and social issues this is so they can communicate with all different sorts of people and be aware of any issues that need addressing. Have very good talk and listening skills this is so the patient can trust the health visitor and in turn give better care. Be patient and persuasive this is because it may be hard for people to do trusted things or they may bear larn difficulties which may hinder their care. Be able to understand body language a nd other non-verbal communion this is so you can make the best of a situation by interpreting it. Also it may mend communication. Be responsible and be good judgment of conviction management this is also to improve the relation ship between patients and the health visitor because if there late the patient may feel they are not wanted of no one has term for them. Be able to work on your own this is because a health visitor principally works on their own in homes so you need to be independent. Be mature and be able to deal with distressing issues.TrainingAs a qualified nurse or midwife it is necessary to take a degree or postgraduate course of instruction in public health care for/health visiting if you wish to arrive a health visitor.Courses last one year full-time or ii years part-time and are visible(prenominal) at colleges and universities throughout the UK.Courses use two(prenominal) the theoretical (studying subjects such as community practice and public health , counselling and social policy), and practical placements supervised by an experienced health visitor.Qualified health visitors are expected to keep their skills up to get wind through continuous development.A health visitor also runs immunisation programmes cast by the local government initiative i.e. in received areas different illnesses may be more prominent so they will have different vaccines to immunise them.Factors That Affect HealthFactors that affect health can be this such as eating habits, exercise, manner style, attitudes and prejudices, income, physical factors, environment etc. scarcely there are many different views that go along with them, so to see if these descriptions meet with what ordinary civilians cypher of are right (compared to professionals) I am going to do devil audiences with deuce different people and see if there social factors and financial factors go along with these professional descriptions.Financial FactorsIncome factors are probably on e of the main problems with trying to get good health care, this is when you do not earn comme il faut money to get the things you need to conk out and be well. If you do not have lavish money to get adequate health care you may travel unwell, also if you are ineffective to afford things such as health food, housing, etc. it could attach your chances of getting ill.Also this may lead to the bread and butter swaps or factors that affect your health, because you are unable to get what you want and need.Social FactorsSocial factors or social class are tied in with income because what assemblage youre in depends on how much you earn. Social circumstances domiciliate a lot to a persons health because comm moreover if youre high up the socio-economic runnel you will have more money and be able to afford better health care. These social factors also relate to family and culture. Family how many people in your family, how they affect your purport etc. Culture how people h old up their lives such as following religions (for example manufacturing businesss witnesses fagt stick out blood transfusions) etc.Poor social and economic circumstances affect health and well being all the way through living. People further downward the social ladder are usually twice as likely to be at risk of serious illness and premature death. (Appendix 15)Also in certain classes things such as take in or binge drinking can be more usual than in other classes. For example Children in a demoralise radical are five multiplication more likely to die from an accident, than those in a high separate. People in class five are triplet times more likely to have a stroke than someone in class one. Infant mortality is higher in the lower multitudes.And all this is mainly because they cannot afford better health care and housing, healthier food etc. (N, Moonie p138) life sentence StylePeople see intent style a choice you make such as drinking passably or the practice of sa fe sex. However, it can be more complicated than that e.g. if you have a low income it may be harder for you to eat healthier than those people who can afford a healthier life style. This is because trying to live a sizeable life style is overpriced, especially health food because it takes longer to prepare, also if you dont have a local store that sales heath food i.e. organic things with no preservatives it can be hard.Also due to many other factors such as up bringing, social factors etc. it may be hard to lead a healthy life fit to the government views, because doing all the things you may need to do to keep healthy can be expensive so some people may not be able to afford it, also it can be hard to dislodge you shipway and if your set in a unhealthy routine you will only get more unwell. A youthful survey says 46% of people agree that there are too many factors out side a hit persons health. (N, Moonie p123)Attitudes and PrejudicesThis relates to the preconceived exampl e people have about each other and how they act about different people.Environment FactorsYour environment is all the things around you that affect your health such as housing e.g. if your child has asthma and you have a dusty house it may aggravate the condition and make the child unwell.Physical FactorsThis factor is al about you physical state i.e. healthy according to the government guidelines and whether you have any physical disabilities. If you have a disability it may restrict you from aditing all the services you need. fifty-fifty strenuous physical activity has a protective effect for heart disease and stroke, builds bone mass, improves posture and helps control body weight. Physical activity can also improve mental health and well-being.(All of these factors are from N, Moonie p131-145)InterviewsFirst of all I chose two factors that affect health, which were financial factors and social factors, side by side(p) I came up with eight questions (five on finance and leash on social factors see Appendix 12).After creating the interview I arranged a time with two people and asked them my questions. I started both interviews by saying all the breeding I get will outride confidential and it will only be used in my course work.Financial factors1. Does income affect how you want to live your life?Both the people I interviewed believed they dont always have enough money to live the life they want but for two separate reasons the first person said my payoff are not rising with rate of inflation so this person doesnt believe they earn enough with the live of things in this country i.e. things cost more because of inflation. The blink of an eye person said some times I dont have enough money to do the things I want e.g. go away on holiday with my friends. But I am fired at the consequence so that doesnt help so the reason this person cannot afford the life style they want is because they are unemployed and are currently out of money.2. Or how does you r life affect your income?Both the people say their social lives and bills are too expensive so they dont always have the amount of money they want.3. What things do you feel you are unable to access due to your income? individual 1 this person doesnt believe they can access holidays etc. so in other speech time to unloosen and get away. Person 2 this person believes that they are unable to socialise some times because of their income and this is a major part of their life.4. What things do you feel you are able to access due to your income? Both people feel they are able to access all the important and necessary things and the fill they want to do for themselves.5. Do you think your income affects your health in any way? Both believe that there income doesnt affect their life in any major way.Social Factors6. Do you follow your friends example i.e. coadjutor pressure? Person 1 this person does the things they want to do when they want to do them and doesnt follow their frie nds example. Person 2 this person says Yes, but not peer pressure so they follow what their friends do but they dont believe there being forced or persuaded to do something they dont want to do.7. Is your family a positive or negative affect on your life and health? Person 1 this person thinks that their family are a positive affect on their life. Person 2 person 2 thinks Yes and no because my family are just annoying and stress me out, but the support me when I need it. give care in most families some things get on each others nerves but when you really need them they are there for you.8. Does your social class affect your life style or health? Person 1 they think there social class doesnt affect their life in any way. Person 2 they think that it does because if they were higher up the ladder they would have more money and be able to do more of the things they want and need.In induction my primary enquiry (the interviews) show that the definitions of the two factors I chose are correct and they say the same as the interviewees but in more detail. My definition gathered from research in books etc. this is when you do not earn enough money to get the things you need to survive and be well. If you do not have enough money to get adequate health care you may become unwell this is basically the same as what the interviewees said i.e. Both the people say their social lives and bills are too expensive so they dont always have the amount of money they want so in other words both the definition and people say they dont all ways have enough money do the things they like or access all the things they need.Plan(Appendix 19)Aims and ObjectivesIn a group of three, me and the other people in my group did a presentment to a 37 different people aged 15 18 in ten different groups about the dangers of smoking. At the beginning and end of each group we gave them a questionnaire to test their knowledge before and afterwardswards and we took 12 samples of each from dif ferent groups to test if they had learnt anything.We found out that before they only had a basic knowledge about smoking and after they had a more extensive knowledge and knew about smoking and its dangers in better detail. We knew this because we looked at the sample of questionnaires and sawing machineing machine how in much more detail they answered the questions. So we must have had an repair on their knowledge and views. However, we didnt change some people views on smoking because they were slightly arrogant and just believed their life was their life. AimsTo produce a unveiling to communicate people about the dangers of smoking and inform people on ways they can quit e.g. NHS help line.Objectives To know whats offered by the NHS to help quit. By the end they should be able to identify the 3 main diseases caused by smoking and some substances in a cigarette. Raise sentience that smoking kills.Key Tasks/ActivitiesTo produce move over and collect in before and after que stionnaires about smoking. Take part in talking to the people at the presentation. Posters and leaflets. Handouts with second hand smoke, dangers etc Power point presentation with the main major facts about smoking such as second hand smoke, the dangers of smoking, withdrawal symptoms etc. also videos wake the dangers of smoking e.g. NHS adverts from T.V. and shocking things about smokingResultsWhat do you go for will change as a result of your activities? To help people understand the dangers of smoking and hope they change their behaviour as a result of the presentation.MeasuresHow will you measure if the draw change is occurring? Has occurred? To measure my presentation and see if the desired results have happened I will look at the before and after questionnaires and see if there knowledge has improved. military rank SkillsCommunication skillsI think my communication skills were quite good as I took it in turns with the people in my group to talk to people however one of the other people in the group spoke a lot more than the rest. Also because I was working the index point presentation there was a barrier between us all, so people may not have opened up as much and spoken as much as they might have if it wasnt there. group Work and Work LoadYes I believe the work load and squad fork was shared fairly. Also I think it was appropriate for the people in the group.Resources usedWe used quite a lot of resources such as books like Moonie and the NHS booklets also Ive been on the NHS blade site and looked at the stop smoking advice they give.Activities usedThe activities we used to show people about the dangers of smoking are handouts a PowerPoint presentation with videos and a large post horse with lots of information on. Also during the presentation we had small discussions about the material and answered any question the people had.The EnvironmentWe did the presentation in a class get on with the others in our class but there was three different groups doing different things. One of the other groups had a loud video, which sometimes over functioned what we were doing and was a distraction.Also we had 2 change live at the start because the room was needed for a test by another(prenominal) class, so we had to move all the equipment and plump up the set out.Health and SafetyThe only health and social issues I think there were was the electricity we had to use to power every thing however there were floor plugs with caps on and we werent messing about with anything. Also all the cables were hidden out the way so no one could trip over them.Were the Aims and Objectivities Achieved?Yes all the aims and objectives were achieved because we saw from the questionnaires that their knowledge improved and they knew the main diseases and more substances in a cigarette. Also we produced an evoke presentation. For example of questionnaires and to see if the peoples knowledge improved see (Appendix 17 and 18)Would You Do Anything Differently N ext quantify?If I were doing the presentation again I would use a separate room so there were no interruptions, and I would try and be more relate and speak more.ConclusionIn conclusion there are many things that contribute to people health such as life style, attitudes and prejudices etc. and they affect different people in different ways. This is why we looked at them in detail first because if we didnt fully understand all the things that affect health, we wouldnt have been able to do an affective campaign.
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