Thursday, February 28, 2019
Choosing a Course Book Essay
Every instructor knows the students need a course phonograph record. It would seem that a course book is an essential element in both course, at any age, no matter how young or h wizardst-to-god the students argon. Every teacher overly knows it should be the best course book possible for those students. But what merely is the best course book? So, how do we choose the course books we extremity use with our students?Choosing a course book is not a giddy matter. When deciding on a course book for the students, we should be qualification an informed decision. It should be made base on analysis and knowledge. It shouldnt be made lightly and we shouldnt feel that any old course book will do. Furthermore, we shouldnt be coerced or bullied into choosing one course book over another, by anyone. Choose your course books based on a clear, detailed analysis of what it offers and what your students need.Many researchers have compiled checklists and guidelines for choosing beguile cour se books for different students. Some ar more detailed and some are less so, but all deal with more or less the same issues. It is very classical to know what to look for when choosing a book.Before choosing a course book for the students in any course, it is important to create a needs-analysis for your own students. What will the students need to know by the end of the course or school year? Once the needs-analysis is done, its a good idea to create a list of items that you direct desirable in a course book. Based on these lists, any course book can then be analyzed.Below are a few basic questions (to help get you started) that should be asked when we are in the process of choosing a course book for our classes and our students.
Consultation with Hostile Corporations -Case Essay
Lilys Consultation with Hostile Corporations Summary Lily Advisors, a consulting firm based in Maryland, Washington DC, working with multi-disciplined teams for discrete projects, had a consulting agreement with Green state School System in Northern Virginia to resolve some issues arising from the spin of two pertly high schools. Unseasonable rains, contractor delays, weather issues, disagreements amid architects and the school get on were some factors contributing to the delays.With his extensive roles and experience, the school board hired Merv, President of Lilys Advisors, to advise them just about how to proceed under(a) their tense circumstances Merv investigated the situation and submitted a confidential chronicle, on the commencement High School this was in February 1999. The performances to date of Meyerhoff, the main contractor and Stewart and Sons, the architectural firm, were critically evaluated.The major findings were that Stewart and Sons failed to control the scheduling properly and that it was making an remarkably large profit for its administrative function. Merv was familiar with Stewart & Sons and was able to write about their methods of execution. The school board asked Stewart and Sons to renegotiate because of the findings of the report, but gave them the impression that it was based on the construction delays. The content of the report remained un let on.After two months of very laborious negotiation, all groups signed an amended contract on June 30, 1999. All major issues were settled and they were able to proceed to the construction of the bet on high school. The new amended contract had farther delays as the groups found that the excessive flexible that was done was becoming irksome. The school board had thought Stewart and Sons was very austere and aggressive. Disagreements continued between the school board and the construction and architectural firms during the following eight months.At this point, Stewart and Sons de cided to hire Lily as a consultant. Stewart had worked with Lily before. They met and Merv disclosed that he had submitted an evaluation of the contract to the school board in a document, after making a proposal on September 24, 2000. The interdict aspects of the report were never revealed. Sam Shapiro, the architects lawyer, contacted Merv about the document submitted and the potential meshing of interest which could arise but Merv denied any conflict of interest.Shapiro and the representatives from Stewart gave Merv a contract to sign for his services on November 8, 2000. The situation further deteriorated during the next 4 months and the school board sued Stewart and Sons. The lawyers representing Stewart and Sons saw the confidential document, as was required by the law. This outraged Stewart and Sons as they viewed the document as impugning the orders integrity and honesty. Stewart and Sons viewed it as a case of conflict of interest and not one with just the potential.Merv believed otherwise. He explained that he recognized a potential conflict of interest and devised measures to prevent it. Merv was convinced of his flawless strategy and believed he had insulated the teams sufficiently to avoid this and, in any case, the construction of the second school was a new project. Stewart and Sons informed him that they would not pay the $102,500 that was receivable on the contract. After contemplating the amount of money to be spent on the case, he decided to proceed to prove otherwise.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Examine Shakespeare’s presentation of Ophelia Essay
Through expose the happen, Ophelia is wrap uped as an humble by the workforce in her life. She is instructed and also employ by them to happen upon their protest selfish goals. As Rex Gibson states, Shakespe bean wowork force were virtu each(prenominal)y help slight pawns in the power games of their main relatives. Her tone towards them is most often submissive and pass judgment of their commands, although the earreach is apt(p) occasional glimpses of the seemingly intelligent and opinionated youngish woman beneath her clichi d exterior. In the play, she is merely a gradient story.She has no particular role in the play rather than to contemplate the traits of other characters, and this secondary importance to the plot reflects Shakespe bes presentation of her. Upon Ophelias first appearance in the play, it becomes demonstrable that she and her brother energize a close relationship. Laertes tells Ophelia, let me hear from you, to which she rep take a breathers Do you d oubt that? Laertes mentions small town as a get under ones skin for maintenance, weigh what loss your honour may sustain, If with also credent ear you list his songs, Or lose your heart, or your chaste reckon openTo his unmastered importunity. He believes that junctures intentions ar dishonourable. He is fond to physical body this opinion, and as he retrieves he knows critical points unbent motives, this suggests that men of the era sh ard this abusive military posture towards women. While he may be bearing a genuine concern for his sisters well- cosmos, t here is a tone of authority in his voice. He is non her father, but as a male he talks down feather to her. His primary concern may be more(prenominal) than for the honour of his family, which Ophelia would enter should she conduct a relationship with small town.She does that retort defensively with, Do non as some ungracious pastors do, Show me the steep and bristled way to heaven, Whiles like a puffed and reckless libertine Himself the primula path of dalliance treads. Here she is warning him once morest hypocrisy and recognising that some men (ungracious pastors) are promiscuous while expecting women to be virtuous. In eyesight that society has double standards, the audience is sightn that there is a military position to Ophelia deeper than is obvious in most of her appearances in the play.A novel audience would feel that her reply is justified, and would respect her for standing up for herself. She has a more relaxed attitude to verbalisation of her thoughts when she is in the presence of her brother, but still respects and accepts his will. In conversation with Polonius for the first time in the play, the audience sees the submissive ramp to Ophelia. Polonius is also quick to suspect Hamlets motives, reinforcing the suggestion that all men of this time take over a everyday view of women.Polonius interposition of her reflects the double standards of Shakespeares society, a s he at first seems dissatisfied that she acts like an inexperienced green girl Unsifted in such d cholerous circumstance and then goes on to severalise conceptualise yourself a coddle, enforcing her inexperience. Ophelia implies her own inability to form an opinion I do non know my passkey what I should think. This seemingly air-headed behaviour could cause lots annoyance to a modernistic audience, whether she simply tail end non think for herself or has an opinion and is too intimidated to voice it.Polonius perception of his little girl becomes sporting with the rehearsal you have taen these testys for line up pay Which are non sterling. Tender yourself more dearly. The financial references here show that these tenders are worth nothing to Polonius unless they become cash, or stirling, in his hand. The attainment of wealth comprises all of Ophelias uses to him. She is a possession and a apparatus to him. This is noted by Gibson, women were regarded as possession s, as roof to be exploited. He also harbours selfish concerns most his own social standing, and that Ophelia will tender him a fool, as her behaviour reflects upon him as a father. Ophelia concludes by submitting yet again, I shall obey, my lord. Despite the fact that Ophelia has firstly rebelled against expectations by see with a man without the permission of her father, or has gone against social mores (Pitt), she continues to treat her father as her superior and conform to his cravinges. Again the audience spectatores the bivalent personality of Ophelia.This could leave an audience confused, and unsure of exactly what to think of her as a character, as her uncoiled identity remains a conundrum until her death. After Hamlet advances upon her looking like he had been loosed out of glare, Ophelia runs to her father, seeking protection and comfort. She enters the room saying O my lord, my lord, I have been so affrighted. Modern audiences may draw comparisons amongst this a nd the behaviour of a small child. Not only is she treated like one by men, but at this point she proves their treatment to be right.This might anger a modern audience who could perceive her to be lacking common sense and therefore totally unable to deal with a unconnected attitude. To increase the antagonism of a post-feminist audience, she then goes on to relate that she was fix in her closet at the time of incident while to a Shakespearean audience sewing was part of life for women, a modern audience would see this as a stereotypically effeminate activity organism used by Ophelia to play up her helplessness. As stated by A. C.Bradley in the Victorian era, a large number of readers feel a personal kind of irritation against Ophelia they seem unable to forgive her for not having been a heroine. While this does not represent the viewpoint of right aways audience, it shows that in time in Victorian times when women were still much less free than they are now, Ophelias helpless ness is exaggerated to the point of irritation. We witness Ophelias utter submissiveness yet again, and her acting as if she has no thoughts of her own I do not know, But truly I do fear it. Ophelia incessantly addresses her father submissively as my lord.It can be presumed that Ophelia has been taught to address him thusly, reflecting on Polonius as a father, who is an example of men at the time of the play. Polonius sees Ophelia as world far inferior to him. He speaks to her in short commands Come, go with me, rather than asking her to do things. He also seems to think that she is untrus twainrthy, as he questions her, Have you given him every hard lecture of late? suspecting that she has not done what he told her to do. As Ophelias letters are read aloud, she stands on the stage in tranquility to endure this harsh and humiliating experience.She is utterly powerless as her most intimate secrets are exposed to the King and Queen. Her father has give her no right to privacy , to the point that he publicly proclaims and meddles in her affairs. Polonius says I have a daughter have while she is mine, this roundly suggests his intentions to sell her, and continues Who in her duty and obedience, mark, Hath given me this. Here, it is as if he is marketing her, making her good qualities cognize to the King and Queen, telling them to mark, peradventure in the believes that they approve of her as a wife to Hamlet.In this situation Polonius social standing would vastly improve. She is certainly seen by him as capital to be exploited. Upon the Kings questioning Ophelias chastity, Polonius asks him What do you think of me? This shows that in a Shakespearean society, the behaviour of a daughter was seen to be an indication of how honourable her father was, again proving that women were taught chastity, modesty, obedience and devotion to their husbands (Gibson), to be used as social and financial tools. Elaine Showalter accurately sucks Ophelia as that pie ce of bait.She is used to confirm whether or not Hamlets separation from her is the cause of his madness. Before the first conversation between Hamlet and Ophelia (which is held under surveillance by Polonius and the King), Ophelia is not even given a greeting, but is spoken to only by the Queen, and exclusively roughly Hamlet And for your part Ophelia, I do wish That your good beauties be the happy cause Of Hamlets wildness. Their main concern is Hamlets return to his prior sane state and hope to be able to use Ophelia as a way of livery it about. Ophelia herself has absolutely no control over events relating to her.She speaks briefly, only when spoken to, and to channel her desire to see Hamlet well again Madam, I wish it may. Her father again talks to her commandingly, as if she were a dog, Ophelia, walk you here. When she is at first left with Hamlet, she remains silent onstage passim his vast monologue, until he mentions her. A conversation begins with Ophelias greeting Hamlet, life-threatening my lord, and hereafter she uses the words my lord repetitively. When she mentions rememberances that she as longed long to re-deliver, she is shunned by Hamlet, as he says I never gave you aught.Ophelia further shows the audience that she is an intelligent young woman rather than a girl who is to the full of nonsense. She elaborates on her feelings for Hamlet with the words My honoured lord, you know right well you did, And with them words of so sweet breath composed As made these things more rich. Their perfume lost, Take these again, for to the noble mind Rich gifts wax worthless when givers prove unkind. There my lord. The audience sees here through her passionate statement that these words held great importance to Ophelia and that she is expressing the depth of her emotion.With Hamlet she gives the first indications of her true feelings, things that she would not share with her father. She is however belittled and mocked by Hamlet (Ha, ha, are you h onest? ). Her clever response to Hamlets mad ramblings gives us another insight into the more hidden side of Ophelia. Fundamentally, however, Ophelia is a side story, and is of secondary importance to the main plot and has no story without Hamlet. She appears in only five of the plays twenty scenes (Showalter) and is used to inform the audience of what Hamlet was like before his descent into madness.As stated by Angela Pitt, Ophelias main function in the play is to illuminate a particular facet of Hamlets decline. She has known him in both friendship and gallant devotion. She fulfils this role O what a noble mind is here oerthrown The courtiers, soldiers, bookmans, eye, tongue, sword, Th expectancy and rose of the fair state, The glass of fashion, and the mould of form. While we see here that she is articulate, is underestimated by Polonius and does have something of value to say, it is kinda tragic that this outburst of expression is not of herself, but of Hamlets personality prio r to his fathers death.As she is used throughout the play by men, here Shakespeare uses her as a way of transport information to the audience. At this point in the play, the audience can translate with Ophelia, as the pain of denyion by a lover exists outside of time. By proving to the audience that she is intelligent and educated, she wins respect, as modern society values these qualities highly in both men and women. Just before the play, Hamlet initiates a tirade of sexual references directed toward Ophelia.It begins with heres metal more attractive, a mocking reference to her looks. He goes on to say to Ophelia Lady, shall I lie in your lap? to which she replies No my lord. He persists in essay to humiliate Ophelia with phrases such as Do you think I meant country matters? and Thats a fair thought to lie between maids legs. Ophelias responses are short and she again repeats my lord No my lord, Ay my lord, I think nothing, my lord. Her words are sharp and brief as she deni es Hamlet the delight of provoking an outburst from her.While this repetition could show her merely being weak and submissive, as she is forced to take his insults, it can also be argued that she knows here exactly what she is doing, as she later goes on to retaliate, You are naught, you are naught Ophelias naivety must be assumed and not genuine, because later she gives as good as she gets (Pitt) Ophelia. You are keen my lord, you are keen. Hamlet. It would cost you a groaning to take off mine edge. Ophelia. Still better, and worse. Here she neglects to say my lord, which shows that her tone has changed, and she has given up trying to be tolerant of Hamlet.Ophelias descent into madness portrays her in an wry and rather tragic light. Her condition has caused her to be more vocal and to reject authority. Now the great unwashed notice that Ophelia is speaking, and try to understand what she says, when her mind is not her own nothing she says makes sense. Even though she is louder , her position is still mostly unchanged her madness expresses itself through her, but does not allow her to express her own true thoughts. At the time, women who were vocal and opinionated, who challenged authority or want freedom were often portrayed as being insane.This overly stirred, sloshed state was also thought to be womanhood in its purest, unsuppressed form Ophelia might confirm the impossibility of representing the feminine in patricentric discourse as other than madness, incoherence, fluidity, or silence Ophelia represents the strong emotions that the Elizabethans as well as the Freudians thought womanish and unmanly. (Showalter). The themes of her songs are death and true love the two issues that have most recently affected her. Firstly, her using by Hamlet And I a maid at your window, To be your Valentine.Then up he rose, and donned his clothes, And dupped the chamber door, Let in the maid, that out a maid, Never departed more. In Shakespearean times, it wa s extremely historic that a woman maintained her chastity it is implied quite obviously by these songs that Ophelia did engage in sexual relations with Hamlet. This would have meant the loss of her study altogether. People will now take notice of these open declarations, as a woman her promiscuousness is condemned, whereas a mans promiscuity (Hamlets) will be overlooked. This exposes Shakespearean societys double standards.A woman of high social standing such as Ophelia was pass judgment even more so to exhibit virtue, and so was very unprotected and open to condemnation, with every relationship putting her in a potentially life-destroying position. Now, when the relationship has dissolved, she is in a difficult position. Her imprisonment is particularly troubling to a modern audience, who are very used to seeing women with much more freedom. While todays morals are not quite as tight as Shakespearean morals, a modern audience will still feel a lot of humanity for the poor a bused and abandoned Ophelia.As well as being an issue of chastity, it also involves trust. She trusted Hamlet with her love and her reputation wrongly. Secondly, she sings about her fathers death At his head a grass-green turf, At his heels a stone. His death has marked the loss of two of the men in her life who, while they were controlling and dictating, were all that she had, and both of whom she love dearly. When Ophelia fall into the river where she eventually perishes, she does nothing to save herself. She is as passive at the blink of an eye of her death as she was throughout life, doing nothing to save herself.Gertrude is able to describe Ophelias death in detail, down to the exact type of flowers Ophelia had decked herself with (crowflowers, nettles, daisies, and long purples). This may be seen as Gertrudes expression of genuine discernment for her fellow woman. Ophelias death can be seen as a suicide, but Gertrude, perhaps to prevent Ophelia from being denied a Christi an burial, which would have deepened Laertes heartbreak, describes her as having been one incapable of her own distress, suggesting that she fell in and simply did not care enough to get out.Ophelias give out influence in the play is her funeral, where Laertes jumps into her grave in grief. Hamlet however jumps in after him, and they begin to grapple irreverently, arguing over who loved her more Hamlet. I loved Ophelia, forty thousand brothers Could not, with all their amount of money of love, Make up my sum what wilt thou do for her? Hamlet persists in trying to out-do Laertes in his love for his sister, to the point of ridiculousness woot drink up eisel, eat a crocodile? Ill dot. This sudden display of affection for Ophelia from Hamlet contrasts hugely with his treatment of her during her life, and seems unrealistic. Laertes grief for Ophelia is overshadowed by his desire for revenge as Hamlet has destroyed his family. The two use their love for Ophelia as an excuse to let p rivate rivalries surface, even at her funeral. This is symbolic of how she has been used throughout the play, by Polonius to get side by side(predicate) to the king and by Hamlet to portray his insanity.To a Shakespearean audience, peoples treatment of Ophelia would have been typical of the way in which women were treated. Her silence and oppression would have been met with sympathy, as well the empathy of women of the time. While her situation with regards to Hamlet and his cold rejection of her still holds poignancy with a modern audience, people today may question more why she made little exertion to defend herself in certain situations, and why she so blankly followed the operating instructions of her father and brother at the expense of her own mental and emotional well-being.Bibliography Shakespeare, William, Hamlet, Heinemann, 1996 Pitt, Angela, Shakespeares Women, David and Charles, 1981 Gibson, Rex, Cambridge Student Guide Hamlet, Cambridge University Press, 2002 A. C. Br adley, Shakespearean Tragedy, 1904 Showalter, Elaine, Representing Ophelia Women, unwiseness and the Responsibilities of Feminist Criticism. in New Casebooks Hamlet, Macmillan, 1992 Eleanor Crossey Malone L6G.
Jalan Ampang Muslim Cemetery Essay
Everyone have their own idol. An idol defined as soulfulness that we admired and respected very much. We proud with his achievement and his attitude towards everyone similarly idol dismiss be a good role copy to us. The person that we can take them as our example to succeed in our life. P.Ramlee is one of artise who successful and achieve some awards in his career. Lets talk about his background first. The real name of P.Ramlee is Teuku Zakaria Bin Teuku Nyak Puteh. As cognize as P.Ramlee since 1947.He was born in Penang at his grannys house on 22nd of March 1929, on the Wednesday dayspring of Aidilfitri for that year. P.Ramlees father is Teuku Nyak Puteh Bin Teuku Karim who was an immigrant, a sailor from Lhoksemauwe in Acheh, Indonesia magic spell his mothers name was Che Mah Hussein, originated from Kubang Buaya, Seberang Perai, Penang. For our information, P. Ramlee had a step brother who is gallant Ali Mohamad who shared a same mother with P.Ramlee, who was Che Mah Hus sein. P.Ramlee received his early instruction at the Malay School in Kampung Jawa and later at the Francis climb down School until standard five. He subsequently continued his education at the Penang openhanded School.During the Nipponese Occupation of Malaya, he was unable to continue with his schooling. In order to make a living, he worked as an office son at a tine mine. At the same time, he also enrolled at the Nipponese Army School and had brief opportunity to acquaint himself with the Japanese language and music. His hardworking and friendly disposition made him democratic with the Japanese soldiers. When World War II ended, P. Ramlee continued his schooling at the Penang Free School, up to standard seven. He was active in sports and had a proneness for football and sepak raga in 1939, he represented his school in the football team.Moreover, P. Ramlee had a great love for the arts. He was born with an artistic flair. That was an indispensable fact and it was obvious e ven in his early youth. Starting his familiarization in the musical arts at the age of around 13, the Ukelele and Violin were among the early instruments he took up.He displayed his musical talents with contemporary songs and melodious Keroncong tunes together with his friends. It was through this that he received his first commission from Radio Malaya to entertain at fond gatherings and events around Penang.P. Ramlees affinity for singing and music overshadowed his academic studies at school, this is widely attested to by the teachers who taught him. While singing at decreed functions, P. Ramlee would often be accompanied by a band, such as the Pancaragam Teruna Sekampung (All Kampung Youth Orchestra) and the Bintang Sore. His melodies voice soon became the talk of the town and soon many wanted to know more about his new star, a make out and pimple faced teenager. Besides became a singer, P.Ramlee also involved in directorate guides.The beggining of this career where when he wa s in Singapore, his voice was initially apply in background songs for Malay films. P.Ramlee was also a clapper boy and camera assistant. Noticing his interest and affinity for acting, his superiors auditioned him and eventually gave him small parts in films. The first film in which P. Ramlee had a role in was Chinta, released in 1948. Consequently, after acting in some 20 films, P.Ramlee eventually ventured into film direction, with his first effort Penarik Beca which was released in 1955. P.Ramlee is a great guy. He can be a singer, actor, composer and a director. His song and his voice very popular in Singapore. He is a abilities guy and a kind man. He loved to help people who asks his help. Although he is a well known guy, he never arrogant with his achievement.Many people liked with his deportment towards anyone around him. On 1950, P.Ramlee married a woman who is Junaidah Daeng Harris , daughter of actor, Daeng Harris. wed in the early 50s after the film Bakti, their descen t fell apart even though they had a child, Nasir. In February 1955, he get married for the second time with a woman who is Norizan. Unfortunately, his matrimony failed for the second time and ended in divorce. Failure in a marriage does not discourage his spirit. Later on, P.Ramlee met a singer named Salmah Ismail whose exemplify name was Saloma.They got married in November 1961 in Tembeling Road, Singapore. Nevertheless, this third marriage was considered an warning match because they were so right and suitable for each other, even in their duets. Moreover, P.Ramlee had gave many contribution to this country. Even after his death, we celebrate and appreciate his effort, and his achievement. For sure, P.Ramlee authentically deserved to be an idol to everyone. He had prove that, if we have a spirit to successful in our life and give effort on it, for sure, we can make it become a reality. Our teenagers should followed P.Ramlees step. What he doing untill he success in his life. L ast but not least, we should remember his trade to our country.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Philippine Poetry Essay
Even before the foreign invaders came to the Philippines, the Filipinos al pick outy had their own cultural traditions, categorylore, mythologies and epic poems. thither were substantial indites by early natives that Jesuit historian Fr. Pedro Chirino historied All of the islanders argon much given to reading and writing. And there is barely a man, much less a woman who did not read and write. Epics are stories that are written in poetic form. They are commonly described to display such tremendous vitality, color and imagination. Epic stories are tales about love and adventures of native heroes.The heroes adventures are usually about how they produce endowed with powers from the gods, battle monsters, triumph over formidable armies, ride the wind, survive on flying shields and protect the earliest communities of the islands. Through the years, epic poems pitch grown and matured. Early historians like Padre Colin, Joaquin Martinez de Zuniga and Antonio Pigafetta have all att ested to the existence of these epics. At the arrival of Don Miguel Lopez de Legaspi in 1565, it was reported, the natives presented him with a outstanding play.During festivities and special occasions, epic poems and songs area performed. Most often, these epic poems (folk epics or ethno-epics) were coroneted after the names of the hero involved, except for some which carry tralatitious titles like the Kalinga Ulalim the Sulod Hinilawod the Maranao Darangan or the Bicol Ibalon. Old Time History, as stories about folk heroes of long ago are referred to, is used to study the lifestyle and beliefs of the heap of that time. They were also referred to as lost, because they were soon forgotten by natives influenced heavily by Spanish and western colonization.It has been said that during the early days of the Spanish intrusions, the priests finished all existing records of paganism, as well as all forms of writing and art work regarding the ancient Philippine folk heroes. This has be en proven to be false due to the fact that the early epic poetry is unperturbed known and used at present as reference in studies of the historical especially the lifestyle, love and aspirations of the early Filipinos. This valuable inheritance from the past must be preserved for this can be used as a proof for national identity.It is from these that a Filipino can heart heroic, truly pulsating with splendor of a magnificent and authentic cultural force. beingness composed of thousands of islands, it is no wonder that the country is rich in farming and tradition with various influences in different parts of the nation. As a result, the Philippines has become a melting pot of nations and is a source of a rich variety of culture and stories. The following are some examples of the epic poetry found in the country.
Development of Social Emotional Identity and Personality
The essay sh whole examine lifespan schooling issues with regard to an audience consulted at a topical anaesthetic neighborhood. The case employment involved digest of the excited, honorable and personality developmental issues that arise in instances when mavin has to cope or live with a dance step family.Synopsis of interviewThe interview involved a seventeen year elderly female student who lived with a step sustain and her biological father. It involved an assessment of the effects that a step family has had on her life. Some relational issues that were revealed in the interview include the two families could non get along, the answering felt that her mother had been robbed off her rightful place, the respondent felt out of place as she was the only person from her mothers side who lived with her dad, she found it ambitious to concentrate on her academics especially because she confronted her step siblings frequently. Furthermore, it was found that she had not desire any help from instructers or other professionals.Major concepts, features and developmental changes associated with ethnic, gender identification, cultural and sexual differences with respect to the specific caseWith regard to gender identification, there were nearlywhat issues that were unique to the case correction. Research has shown that trusted developmental features be by and large common among true sexes while being hidden in others. In a research conducted by Hicks, J. et al (2007) in their article grammatical gender differences and developmental change in externalizing disorders from adolescence to adulthood, Vol, 116, no, 3, pp 433-447, it was found that there certain externalizing disorders were alike with certain genders.The authors studied the following symptoms alcoholism, nicotine dependence, drug dependence and anti-social behavior. The study involved persons at the age of seventeen and analyzed them all the representation into their adulthood at the age o f twenty four. It was found that as the respondents grew older, they genuine a higher tendency towards these externalizing disorders. However, male quarterdidates had a higher preponderance rate than their female counterparts. It was found that the latter were influenced by their environment in avoiding antisocial behavior more then genetics.However, among males, genetic variations played a larger role in explaining their behavior through these developmental changes. In the case study, the respondent was female. Consequently, it was likely that the respondent had to look for other methods of expressing her raise rather than through the use antisocial behavior, alcohol or drugs. This was belike the reason why this respondent did not depict the latter symptoms. eyepatch quarrelling with siblings may be a prohibit occurrence, one can precisely classify it as anti-social behavior. This goes to show that across ones lifespan, certain changes such as introduction of step families b ring out antithetic aspects depending on ones gender.With regard to cultural differences, there were some major developmental issues that were unique to this individual. Research conducted by Gartstein, M. et al (2006) on cross cultural differences in development of tiddlerren, it was found that substantial differences populate between children growing up in certain cultures. The research entailed an analysis of children from the Chinese Republic, Spain and The United States. The authors found that children within the United States had higher degrees of nature even at an early stage. This continued to be the case as they grew older.Conversely, children from China had relatively lower temperament. The case under consideration was a teenager who had been born and raised in the US. Her developmental changes were therefore synonymous to a large section of the population which tends to vent out their frustrations on their environment. This may involve either inanimate objects or thei r fellow counterparts. some other developmental change that could have been related to the case studys situation was the place of a mother within a family. In the US and in many other western states, nuclear families ar generally accepted as the norm.The issue of a step family is not as welcome as it is in other parts of the innovation such as in certain parts of Africa where numerous families can interact and live together. Having to tackle separate families was difficult since the respondents mother lived elsewhere. This meant that the respondent had to move between these two homes from metre to time this could have caused her to appear contrary from her peers since this is the cultural norm. It could have propagated her anger.Major concepts, features and developmental changes of emotional, lesson and personality development and how these relate to individuals within the specific caseEmotional development is significant to all individuals because before gentleman beings ca n reason, they first develop emotions. In this case, the respondent came from a blended family. There are certain emotional issues that were not addressed as she grew up because every experience one goes through is a contributor to what one can become in the future. The respondent reported a lot of mood swings and there are chances that as she gets older, she may develop mood disorders and eventually depressive disorders.Developmental experts assert that different individuals respond to circumstances in a different way. Consequently, the latter trust may not be an ultimate result in the future. The respondent also claimed that she has trouble concentrating in class and that she always had a disembodied spirit of restlessness. Sociologists assert that anxiety disorders can crop up when a child has grown up in a tense environment. Such negative influences condition the child to feel as though they are support in an emergency and this severely impeded normal emotional development. (Pryor, 2006)A humans moral principles are inculcated right from their earlier years all the way into their adulthood. These principles are usually derived from their respective parents. However, when one of the parents is not more or less and someone else takes her place, then that stepparent may not feel obliged to teach their step child moral discipline. Additionally, a child will also feel that their step parent has no right to teach them moral issues anyway. The overall result of this is that a child may grow up not being morally bound and they may depict this though anti-social behavior.ConclusionDevelopmental experts explain that human beings are summation of their life experiences. This case study involved the study of a respondent who lived in a step family. Some of the developmental issues arising in this case were linked to the respondents culture, gender and features of moral development.ReferencesGarstein, M. et al (2006) Studying cross cultural development of temperam ent, Journal of Child Psychiatry and human development, 37, 2, 145-161Pryor, J. (2006) Children and their changing families, Polity Press, p 35-46Hicks, J. et al (2007) Gender differences and developmental change in externalizing disorders from adolescence to adulthood Vol, 116, no, 3, pp 433-447
Monday, February 25, 2019
Pattern people’s development Essay
2.3 Explain how theories of knowlight-emitting diodege and frame persist to stomach breeding influence current perpetrate. In this turn over I willing refer to the main group of psychologists that atomic number 18 associated with s bewilderr development and their consequent impact on the way we c ar for and memorize our nestlingren. It is clearly a vast subject, merely I hope to observe the most signifi give the sackt theories and show how they are implemented in rewrite to provide to from each one one child with the greatest chance of reaching their potential. Psychologists have spent whole hearttimes studying how we develop heartyly and emotion every(prenominal)y. Some of the let bug out theories are described below. Psychodynamic Theories Psychodynamic theories of constitution are strongly influenced by the work of Sigmund Freud, and emphasise the influence of the un assured mind and sometimes forgotten puerility bushel loves on face-to-faceity. Psychodyn amic theories include Sigmund Freuds psychosexual phase surmisal and Erik Eriksons stages of psychosocial development. Sigmund Freud believed the three components of in-personity were the id, the self, and the superego.The id is responsible for each demand and urges, while the superego for persuasionls and moral. The ego then moderates mingled with the demands of the id, the superego, and reality in order to produce a satisfactory conclusion or compromise. Erik Erikson discusses psychosocial stages, and believed that disposition progressed through with(predicate) a serial of stages, with legitimate conflicts arising at each stage. Success in any stage dep lay offed upon successfully overcoming these conflicts He placed importance on the graphic symbol of finis and society and the conflicts that great deal take place within the ego itself, whereas Freud emphatic the conflict between the id and the superego.According to Erikson, the ego develops as it successfully reso lves difficulties of a specific eachy social nature. This involves establishing trust in others, ontogeny a moxie of your own identity within society, and religious serviceing children prepare themselves for their future. Erikson furthers Freudian ideas by focusing on the ego as ever-changing and creative, and he believed that the stages of personality development continued throughout our lifespan. Behavioural Theories These suggest that personality is a turn up of inter swear outbetween the undivided and the environment.Behavioural theorists study plain and measurable demeanor, and reject theories that take internal thoughts and feelings into account. B.F.Skinner Skinner believed that children figure through experience or conditioning. He coined the term operant conditioning, intend simply changing demeanor by the practise of reinforcement which is addicted after the desired response. Neutral operants are responses from the environment that n each sum up nor decrease t he probability of a behaviour world repeated. Reinforcers are either positive or negative responses from the environment that will development the probability of that behaviour be repeated. Punishers are responses from the environment that decrease the likelihood of a behaviour being repeated. The punishment weakens the behaviour.As children we constantly decide out different behaviours, and requiret from their consequences, sometimes the hard way Positive rewards/reinforcements for unafraid behaviour are the basis of many behaviour management techniques. Albert Bandura Bandura certain the idea of modelling or social development, based on the idea that children will instinctively copy the self-aggrandisings around them. Banduras experiment where children watched a film of adults hitting dolls suggests that children learn social behaviour such as aggression through the plow of observation nurture, i.e. by observing the behaviour of another person. This study has important implications for the effects of media violence on children, in that the learned aggression was seen as acceptable behaviour. thither is much present that a child who witnesses or experiences violence at home whitethorn also develop aggressive behaviour. Conversely, a child who witnesses kind or thoughtful behaviour can be seen to develop these qualities beca manipulation of their need to simulate the behaviour of familiar or significant others.Humanist theoriesThese theories emphasise the touch of free will and individual experiences in the development of personality. Humanist theorists entrust away the concept of self-actualisation, defined as an inherent need for personal advancement that will motivate and influence behaviour Abraham Maslow wanted to image what motivates plurality. His theory was that individuals possess motivationalideas that are not linked to rewards or unconscious desires. In 1943, Maslow stated that people are motivated to get hold of certain needs, when one of those needs is fulfilled, that person will move on to fulfil the next and carries on in this way. The original hierarchy of needs five-stage model is as follows 1. Bio crystalline and Physiological needs- air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep.2. Safety needs aegis from elements, security, order, law, limits, stability, and freedom from fear. 3. Social Needs belonging, affection and love, from family, friends, romantic relationships, work colleagues. 4. revere needs achievement, independence, status, dominance, prestige, self-respect, and respect from others. 5. Self-Actualisation needs fulfilment of personal potential, seeking personal beatth and ultimate experiences. Carl Rogers was a humanistic psychologist who add unitedlyd with the main premisss of Abraham Maslow, moreover added that for a person to grow, they also needed an environment providing them with legitimacy (openness and self-disclosure), acceptance (to be viewed with unconditional posit ive regard), and empathy (being listened to and understood).Without these, Rogers thought that relationships and healthy personalities would not develop as they should, and likened this to a tree being unable to grow without sunlight and water. Rogers also believed that every person has the ability to achieve their goals, wishes and desires in life. Self-actualisation was the term that was used to describe this pinnacle of development.Biological theoriesThis theory puts forward that genetics are responsible for personality. Research on heritability (defined as the point to which genetic individual differences contri just nowe to individual differences in observed behaviour) suggests that there is a link between genetics and personality traits. Psychologists in this area assume that behaviour and experiences are caused by activity in the nervous system of the body. Things that people theorize, feel, say and do are caused byelectrochemical events occurring within and between the neu rones that make up their nervous system, in particular those in the brain. Because the development of the brain is determined (at least partly) by genes we have inherited, then it seems reasonable to assume that behaviour could be seen to be influenced by genetic factors.Our inherited genes are also thought to be the issuing of evolution, so psychologists in this area also reason that behavioural and psychological characteristics may have evolutionary origins. Hans Eysenck linked aspects of personality to biologic progressions, for instance he proposed that introverted people had a high train of brain arousal, leading them to avoid stimulation. Conversely Eysenck believed extroverts had lower levels of brain arousal, which led them to seek out exciting experiences.Social psychologists argue that behavioural abstract thought is almost impossible without reference to relationships with others, and also suggest that culture, especially that of social attainment and language, has a critical impact on thought and behaviour. It could be said that the biologic approach to behaviour focuses on genetic and biological influences to the exclusion of social and cultural influences. However, the biological approach has contributed an enormous bar to our cause of the fundamental processes of behaviour, and has provided explanations for a range of psychological disorders such as depression.Cognitive theoriesCognitive psychology focuses on the way in which we process information, then looks at how we treat the information, or stimuli, and finally how this treatment leads to our response. There is a great interest group in the variables that connect stimulus/ stimulus and response/output. Cognitive psychologists study these internal processes including perception, attention, language, memory and thinking, resulting in a huge amount of research into how children develop intellectual skills. Jean Piaget Piaget showed that acquaintance is the result of a natural sequence of stages and that it develops as a result of the changing interaction between the child and its environment. Children are born with a basic and genetically inherited mental formation on which all subsequent knowledge and discipline is based. Piaget became intrigued with thereasons children gave for their wrong answers on the questions that required logical thinking. He believed that these incorrect answers revealed important differences between the thinking of adults and children, the common assumption in psychology was that children are less competent thinkers than adults, but Piaget showed that green children simply think in a completely different way.Piagets theory differs from others in that he is solitary(prenominal) concerned with children, rather than all learners, and focuses purely on development. Children construct an understanding of their environment, and then will experience differences between what they know and what they discover in the world around them. These a daption processes enable the transition from one developmental stage to another, one of the most known of these are schemas, which a child will develop to help make sense of a changing environment. For example, a child may think that all give chases are black because they have a pet dog that is black, so on seeing a white dog, the schema will need to change to cope with this new information. Jerome Bruner Bruner believed that as children develop they use different ways of representing the world around them. In his research on the cognitive development of children he proposed three modes of representation Enactive (0 1 years) This appears first, and involves convert action-based information and storing it in our memory.For example, a baby might remember the action of shaking a rattle in the form of an actual movement, so it is a muscle memory. Iconic (1 6 years) This is where information is stored visually in the form of a mental images. For some people this is a conscious happ ening. This could explain why it is very often helpful to have diagrams or illustrations to accompany written or verbal information, so that the information can be visualised. Symbolic (7 years onwards) This develops last, and is the storing of information in the form of a code or symbol. Symbols are flexible, and can be manipulated, grouped, classified etc., so the child is not limited by actions or images. In this typic stage, knowledge is stored primarily as words/language, or mathematical symbols. These are known as modes of representation, and rather than being orderly stages of development, they are only loosely sequential and are little by little integrated into each other.Bruners work also suggests that evena very untested child is capable of learnedness any material as long as the work is worded or presented appropriately. Lev Vygotsky Zone of Proximal Development. This is where the potential learning capabilities of a child is determined through problem figure out und er adult guidance, or by interactions/collaborative working with more(prenominal) capable peers. sociocultural Theory. Vygotsky also suggested that human development results from energetic interaction between individuals and society, where children learn gradually and continuously from parents and instructors.Trait theoryThis was put forward in 1936, by psychologist Gordon Allport, and unlike other theories, the trait approach focuses on the differences between people, and how the combination and interaction of similar traits creates a unique individual. Trait theory is aims to identify and measure these individual personality characteristics. A Big quintuple theory emerged, which represents five fundamental traits that interact to form our personalities. The exact labels for each dimension are not desex in stone by psychologists, but the following are used most commonly extraversion Agreeableness Conscientiousness Neuroticism Openness Most people would agree that people can be described adequately based upon their personality traits, but there are some problems with this theory as it doesnt address how or why personality differences develop, and also that traits can be a short(p) predictor of behaviour. The National Curriculum is a regimen framework that sets out a clear, full and constitutional right to learning for all pupils. It determines the content of what will be taught, and sets achievement objectives for learning.It also determines how their carrying out will be assessed and reported. A successful national curriculum should be clear and comprehensive, and convey a full understanding of the skills and knowledgethat young people will gain at school. It should allow schools to meet the individual learning needs of pupils, whilst developing a strong character and ethos that is grow in their local communities. It also provides a clear framework for all those involved in education to provide support for young people in their pursuit of further lear ning. Alongside the national curriculum is a government initiative known as Every Child Matters, or ECM. This applies to children and young adults up to the age of 19, or 24 for those with disabilities. Its main aims are that every child, whatever their background or circumstances, has a right to the support they need in order to- stay safe be healthy, bang and achieve, economic well-being positive contribution It is one of the most important policy initiative and development programmes in relation to children, and was introduced partly in response to the shocking death of Victoria Climbi in 2000.In the olden it has been felt that children and families have received poor service because of the failure of professionals to either understand each others roles or to work in concert effectively. The agencies in partnership may include childrens centres, early years, schools, childrens social work services, primary and secondary health services, playwork, and Child and insipid Mental H ealth services (CAMHS). ECM was an attempt to eliminate this poor service, stressing the importance of all professionals working with children, and making them aware that working together in the interests of the child was of the utmost importance. Reading through the aims and initiatives in both these government-led frameworks there are clear correlations with some of the work that has been carried out by psychologists into child development.Piagets work was extremely influential in developing educational policy and teaching. A review of primary education by the UK government in 1966 was based strongly on Piagets theory, and the result of this review led to the publication of the Plowden report in 1967. Discovery learning was the idea that children learn best through doing and actively exploring, and was seen as fundamental to thetransformation of our primary school was also suggested there should be more flexibility in the curriculum, using the environment to learn, and to recognise the importance of each childs progress not just measurable evaluations. Piagets theory is based upon biological maturation, promotes the notion of readiness as being important, in other words, the right time for certain information or concepts to be taught is when they have reached the appropriate stage of cognitive development. A learner, check to Piaget, should be active, not passive, because problem-solving skills cannot be taught, they moldiness be discovered. In the schoolroom this translates as pupil centred learning, where the role of the teaching staff is to facilitate learning rather than by direct tuition. Within the classroom the following methods are used Focus on the learning process, not just the end result.Use active methods that involve rediscovering, or reconstructing truths Use both collaborative and individual activities, as children can learn from each other as well as on their own. Devise situations that present problems for the child to solve . on a regular basis evaluate development levels so that appropriate designates can be set for children. For Bruner, the purpose of education should not be just to impart knowledge, but to facilitate a childs thinking and problem solving skills, so they can then be transferred to a range of situations. Bruner debate Piagets notion of readiness, and argued that it was a waste of time trying to duo the difficulty of subject material to a childs cognitive stage of development. This means students are held back by teachers as certain topics are deemed too challenging so must only be taught when the teacher believes the child has reached the appropriate state of cognitive maturity.Bruner believed that a child of any age is capable of understanding complex information, and proposed the idea of the verticillate curriculum. This is teaching that is structured so that complex ideas can be taught at a simplified level first, and then re-visited at gradually increasing levels of difficulty ulterior on. Teaching this way should lead to children being able to solve problems by themselves. We can see then that the role of the teacher should not be to teach information by rote learning learning, but instead to facilitate the learning process. A good teacher will design lessons that help children discover the connection between small-scale amounts of information. To do this a teacher must provide children with the information they need, but without organising it for them A contemporary educational application of Vygotskys theories is known as reciprocal teaching, and is used to improve the childrens ability to learn from text. In this method, teaching staff and children work together in learning and practicing four key skills summarising, questioning, clarifying, and predicting.In my voluntary work at doll Bay Primary, I use this when reading with children, either individually or in groups. Often the children offer the extra information even onwards I have prompted th em. This is the beginning of a gradual reduction of the teachers role in the learning process. Vygotsky is also linked to instructional ideas such as scaffolding and apprenticeship, in which a teacher or more advanced peer can help structure or organise a task so that a child can work on it successfully. Vygotskys theories are relevant to the current interest in collaborative learning, suggesting that when working together in groups there should be different levels of ability so the more advanced children can help those who are working at a lower level of ability. again this is a system that works well within my class of year 1s, and they help and encourage each other in the task almost without noticing. B.F.Skinners research into behaviour modification has translated into the classroom in several ways, token thriftiness and behaviour shaping. Token economy is a system in which targeted behaviours are reinforced with tokens (secondary reinforcers) and are later exchanged for reward s (primary reinforcers). Tokens can be in the form of fake money, buttons, poker chips, stickers, etc. and rewards can range be anything from snacks to privileges/activities. Within our school we use this system, in more than one guise. Our dragons gold tokens are given out for a variety of different positive behaviours, and after reaching a certain amount the child is able to choose an activity as a reward.An even simpler way of instilling positive reinforcement in behaviour modification is by giving compliments, approval, encouragement, and affirmation when appropriate. The current practice in any child/young peoples development programme needsto meet certain requirements aimed at their maturity level. It must also respect a childs psychological needs and promote feelings of safety, security and belonging. By promoting interactive learning, and building conceptual understanding a curriculum will uphold and encourage the advancement of learning abilities, and provide children with a solid foundation on which to build their life and learning skills.
Germaine Greer Essay
GERMAIN GREER HAD NO FEARIn the early 1970s, a adult females role in nightclub was still set by male expectations. While women were expected to work and be educated, it was considered more principal(prenominal) that they marry and become housewives. Women were also paid less than men for the equal work, and denied many opportunities because they were women. In 1970, Australian-born author Germaine Greer wrote The Female Eunuch, a restrain that challenged a womans conventional role in society, and provided an important cloth for the feminist movement of the 1970s. The Female Eunuch called on women to reject their tralatitious roles in the home, and explore ways to break out of the mould that society had imposed on them. It also encouraged women to question the power of traditional authority figures such as doctors, psychiatrists, priests and the police who at the time were non used to being questioned, and to explore their own sexuality Women have somehow been cut off fro m their capacity for action. Its a process that sacrifices aught for delicacy and succulence, and one thats got to be changed. Germaine Greer, New York Times, 22 frame 1971SourceThere had been other allows published on Womens hammock most famously Simone de Beauvoirs The Second Sex and Betty Friedans The maidenly Mystique but Greers book was written with a naughty wiz of humour and a directness that the others lacked. This witty honesty made the book accessible to a very wide readership, and was perhaps the reason for the books enormous success. Greer hoped that her book would inspire women to see themselves as herculean when it came to their own roles and sexuality. In many ways she was successful. The Female Eunuchcertainly did push the Womens Liberation Movement forward, and it became one of the worlds most influential books on the subject.QUOTES BY GERMAINE HERSELF* The house wife is an unpaid employee in her conserves house in return for the security of being a perman ent employee. * Yet if a woman n ever so lets herself go, how go away she ever know how far she might have got? If she never takes off her high-heeled shoes, how will she ever know how farshe could walk or how fast she could stretch out? * If a person loves only one other person, and is indifferent to his fella men, his love is not love but a symbiotic attachment, or an enlarged egotism. * All societies on the verge of death are masculine. A society can survive with only one man no society will survive a shortage of women.By SHANNON JONES
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Gerontology and Societal Mind Sets
A mans life is normally divided into five of import stages namely infancy, pip-squeakhood, adolescence, adulthood and experient age. In each of these stages an individual has to induct h hoar himself in different situations and face different problems. The quondam(a) age is not without problems. After a certain age health problems begin to act up leading to losing control over ones body, even not recognizing give birth family owing to Alzheimer argon common in venerable age. It is then children began to contact their parents as burden.It is these parents who at times wander out of their homes or are thrown out. Some dump their old parents or grandparents in old-age homes and dont even come to visit them anymore. Focusing more on neglect of work, privation of facilities for utilization of leisure time and a general feeling of loneliness talking to walls. The problem here did not seem to be deprivation of money but lack of time by the differents for the senior(a) persons . lack of emotional support from family members. Failing Health It has been said that we start end the day we are born.The aging process is synonymous with failing health. Failing health due to advancing age is complicated by non-avail mogul to good quality, age-sensitive, health care for a large proportion of older persons in the country. Vision As people grow older their eyesight begins to fail making it difficult to certain jobs. Keeping medications straight overage people suffer from memory loss, which causes lots of problems. e. g. (Keeping medicines straight) medical bills Due to shop at illnesses and health complications, their medical bills are genuinely high.Loneliness It is sad that approximately old people spend their last years alone(predicate) in a big empty sign of the zodiac as their children and grandchildren are all afield or in some other city. Getting along with others roughly people find it difficult to get along with others as they experience s tubborn, suspicious and un leave behinding to adapt to change. Boredom Being all alone and physically unable to do what they want to, old people principally feel real bored and wish for any diversion from the delaying routine of their lives. The problem occurs due to forced inactivity, withdrawal from responsibilities and lack of individual(prenominal) goals.Isolation, or a deep sense of loneliness, is a common electric charge of many aged is the feeling of being isolated. Isolation is most oft imposed purposefully or inadvertently by the families and/or commwholeies where the senile live. Isolation is a terrible feeling that, if not addressed, leads to tragic declension of the quality of life. Economic Insecurity- The problem of economic insecurity is faced by the elderly when they are unable to sustain themselves financially. Many older persons either lack the opportunity and/or the capacity to be as tillable as they were.Increasing competition from younger people, indiv idual, family and societal mind sets, chronic malnutrition and slowing physical and mental faculties, limited access to resources and lack of awareness of their rights and entitlements dawdle significant roles in reducing the ability of the elderly to remain financially productive, and thereby, independent. Abuse-Mistreatment and abuse of the elderly is a major social problem. As expected, with the biota of aging, the elderly sometimes become physically frail.This frailty renders them dependent on others for caresometimes for small needs like household tasks, and sometimes for assistance with basic functions like eating and toileting. The elderly are super vulnerable to abuse, where a person is willfully or inadvertently harmed, normally by someone who is part of the family or otherwise close to the victim. It is actually important that steps be taken, whenever and wherever possible, to protect people from abuse. In addition, the elderly may suffer from emotional and mental abus e for non-homogeneous reasons and in different ways. Ok I got some problems faced by the society An old person does not have the physical ability of a young person. Walking can be an effort. Crossing a road can be impossible without assistance. On many cause old men and old women who just could not cross a busy road that had no pedestrian crossing. No driver halt for them. It is common to hear of old people being knocked down by vehicles on the roads. They just cannot handle the traffic anymore. This busy world is sure enough not kind to old folk music. Getting onto a bus is another. The old person is usually the last to get on, if he manages. Conductors telling the elderly to wait for the next bus because his bus was full.If the old man does get on, the likelihood is that he will have to stand, which does no good for his old bones. Rarely does anyone give up his seat for an old man, or old woman. In the old days, most people did not go very far from their birth-place and thus families usually stayed together. The family unit was strong and practical. Today the family unit is breaking apart as young men and women travel widely in search of better jobs. So the chances are that the old folks will be left alone and neglected. Sometimes they are not wanted by their children at all.The luckier ones may have a child or two staying with them. The less fortunate ones may have to pine their lives away in an old-folk home or in their empty house that once was filled with the sound of childrens laughter. This neglect is a very real problem in our society and it is what the old dread the most being unwanted and uncared for in the time of need. There are other problems old folks face, but none can be as bad as the indifference and neglect of the young. The young have no time for the old even though the old have near no time left. Soon they will die and the young will take their place.
Stylistic Functions of Grammar Categories and the Role of Transposition.
ransposition of lexico-grammatic classes of nouns. rhetorical function of articles, genitive case, plural sum. Stylistic functions of distinguishable grammatical categories in different parts of speech. 1) Stylistic flip-flop of pronouns. 2) Adjectives, stylistic function of degrees of comparison. 3) Stylistic functions of verbal categories. 4) Stylistic functions of adverbs.Style is less investigated on the morphological level than on any other one beca affair very(prenominal)(prenominal) service military many scholars hold the opinion that stylistic con nonations appear get out when the use of grammatical phenomenon departs from the normative usage and functions on the outskirts or beyond the outline of Standard linguistic communication. Nevertheless stylistic con nonations forefathert necessarily look upon the violation of the normative speech patterns. They atomic number 18 based on different cases of replenishment. reversion is the usage of different parts of spee ch in unusual grammatical convey which breaks the usual correlation within a grammatical providehold and is utilise to express the loud vocalizers emotions and his attitude to the object of discussion. It is the rift from one grammatical class to another, controversy between the traditional and situational extension on the level of morphology. (I. V. A. ) 1. Transposition of lexico-grammatical class (LGC) of NOUNS Transposition of nouns is based on the usage of nouns in unusual exico-grammatical class (LGC), thus causing a stylistic effect. According to their usual LGC they are subdivided into Personal nouns (agents) (man, woman, children) Living organisms (birds, cats, dogs) incarnate nouns (mankind, peerage) better halfrial nouns (water, stone) rise nouns (clarity, kindness), etc. Transposition from one LGC to another causes communicatory, evaluative, affective and functional connotations. Thus transposition of personal nouns denoting animals to those denoting people ca uses metaphorization and appearance of zoological garden morphemes ass, bear, beast and bitch.Pig, donkey, monkey may energise t comp allowioner but teetotal connotation, while swine, ass, ape acquire rude, negative gloss. Negative connotation is step up by emphatic constructions you impudent pup, you filthy swine. I was not dismissal to use up all the old tabbies bossing her around just because she is not what they ejaculate our class (A. Wilson) Emotive and expressive connotations are achieved in transposition of hook nouns into personal nouns (abstract nouns employ in plural) The embonpoint little eccentricity a chubby eccentric child. Transposition of parts of speech (AN) Listen, my sweet (coll. ), a man of intelligence, a flush of heat (bookish). Stylistic functions of the Genitive case, plural number and the articles The genitive case is considered to be a semi established sign of avatar alongside with the personal pronouns he and she referred to inanimate object s. The genitive case is throttle in its usage to the LGC of nouns denoting living beings my fathers room, Georges sister. When used with nouns of some other class the genitive case gets emotive coloring and an elevated ring Englands troubles.My countrys laws. The trees had eagerness in every turg, stretching their buds upward to the suns warmth the blackbirds were in song (J. Galsworthy) The suffixs may be to a fault added to the show or to the on the whole sentence Shes the boy I used to go withs mother. Hes the niece, I told you abouts husband. A comic effect is achieved overdue to many factors The suffix is added not to a stem but to a noun, followed by a master clause. Logical incompatibility of the following words placed together shes the boy hes the niece abouts husband.The use of plural form number in unusual collocations is also a source of expressiveness angiotensin-converting enzyme Im sorry for you is worth twenty I told you sos. The sentence has a jocular r ing because a plural goal s is added to the whole sentence together with the numeral twenty. Abstract nouns used in plural become countable, concrete and acquire extra expressive connotation making the description more than vivid and striking Oh Wilfred has emotions, hates, pities, wants at least sometimes when he does his stuff is jolly good.Otherwise he just makes a song about nothing like the rest (J. Galsworthy) The peculiar look came into Bossineys face which marked all his enthusiasms. sometimes the forms of singular and plural of abstract nouns have different shades of the stipulation abstract notion and are used for emphasis He had warmheartedness but no nerves. LGC of Material nouns as a rule have no plural but in descriptions of nature and landscapes they may be used in plural for the sake of expressiveness The s right aways of Kilimanjaro, the sands of Africa, the waters of the Ocean.The same(p) effect is achieved when PUs with nouns denoting weight and measure lose their concrete meaning and become synonyms to the pronouns much, many, a lot of, little, few Tons of funs, loads of friends a sea of troubles, a pound of pardons. Stylistic functions of articles The questionable article sooner a proper name creates an additional evaluative connotation due to the clash of nominal and logical meanings (antonomasia) I dont assign to be a Rembrandt. Have a Van Deyk? A light speed ago thither may have been no Leibnitz, but there was a Gauss, a Faraday, and a Darwin (Winner).The indefinite article essayes a very high evaluation of the role of the scientists in the development of the world science. only if very often the indefinite article to begin with the name of indifferent people denotes negative characteristics of the persons under those names I leave never marry a Malone or a Sykes (Sh. Bronte) The definite article before the surname may stress that the person is famous or infamous Yes, the Robinson. Dont you know? The notorious Robin son. (J. Conrade)The repetition of the article intensifies the expressiveness of the enumerated nouns The hold the hope the disappointment the fear the misery the poverty the flight of his hopes and the end to his career the suicide, perhaps, of the shabby, slip-shod drunkard (Ch. Dickens). Stylistic transposition of pronouns The personal pronoun is a formal sign of the 1st person narration. If used too often it denotes the speakers self-estimation, self-satisfaction and egoism And thats where the real businessman comes in where I come in. simply I am cleverer than some.I dont mind dropping a little money to start the process. I took your fathers measure, I saw that he had a serious idea I sawI knewI explained (B. Shaw) When I is substituted for the indefinite one or you in a generalizing function the contact of the speaker and hearer is closer, making the words of the speaker sound modest and silent You reassure, Chris, even in kinda a a small provincial tget you could have a clinic, a little team of doctors, each doing his own stuff (A. Cronin). I am ancient but I dont feel it. Thats one thing about painting, it keeps you young.Titian lived to ic and had to have plague to kill him off. (J. Galswarthy) I may be substituted by nouns a man, a chap, a fellow, a girl. Thus the listener is included in the events and feelings portrayed. Archaic pronouns (Archaisms) thee (you), thou (your), thy (your), thine (yours) thyself (yourself) are used in poetry and create a high-flown gloriole Hail to thee, joyful spirit Bird thou never wert (P. B. Shelly). Pronouns he, she, it may be formal indication of personification when used in reference to natural phenomena as the sun(he) and the earth(she) in T. Hardys Tess of the dUrbervilles.When he or she are substituted for it living beings are reduced to the class of things, hence a clownish or an ironical effect and mostly negative evaluation being created. The same function is performed by pronouns what , this, that, anything and nouns beast, brute, creature Is there anything wrong with me, Mister Mate? It asked (J. Conrad). We may denote some group of people with whom the speaker connects himself Because he was a Forsyte we never part with things you know, unless we want something in their place and not always then. (J. Galsworthy) Proverbs We never know the value of water till the nearly is dry.We soon believe what we desire. There exist the so-called Pluralis Majestatis ( , ? ?. ?) We, the king of peachy Britain and Pluralis Modestiae ( ) or the authors we. In fiction Pluralis Modestiae brings associations with scientific prose and produces the design of historic truth (authenticity). We soon believe what we desire (Pluralis Modestiae) The pronoun they denotes that the action is performed by a group of people where the speaker is not included, as if he is separated from them My poor girl, what have they been doing to you Demonstrative pronouns this and that hit the obje cts out of the whole class and emotionally stress them George Oh, dont be innocent, Ruth. This house This room This hideous, God-awful room This and That may express anger and irritation, fun and mockery especially in case of redundancy typical of familiar-colloquial genius They had this headmaster, this very cute girl. By all means let us have a policy of free employment, increased production, no gap between exports and imports, social security, a balanced This and a think That, but let us also have fountains, exquisite fountains, fine-looking fountains(J. B.Priestley) Demonstrative pronouns are especially expressive when used with possessive ones in postposition and accompanied by epithets that lovely ring of yours, that brother of mine, this idea of his, that measly puppy of yours Adjectives, stylistic function of degrees of comparison Adjectives possess a single grammatical category of comparison, meant to portray the degrees of intensity with the help of comparative and great degrees contributing to the expressive stylistic function a most important idea, the newest fashion of all, a foolish, foolish wife, my wife is a foolishness herself, Is she as foolish as that? . The usage of the comparative degree with other than soft adjectives makes them foregrounded due to their expressiveness You quarternot be deader than the dead (E. Hemingway). Polysyllabic adjectives form degrees of comparison with more and most, but in case of the synthetic forms er and est the utterance sounds expressive and stylistically relevant Curiouser and curiouser Cried Alice (she was so much surprised that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English (L. Carrol).This device is used in the language of advertising thus breaking the valency of the incompatible elements joined together the orangemostest drink in the world. There are several geomorphologic combinations with adjectives that are very expressive A duck of a boy. A devil of a fellow. Good and strong. Nice and warm. Most happy. Much of a lad. More of a realist very happy most happy the greatest pleasure. Stylistic functions of verbal categories Stylistic potentialities of verbs are not enough investigated. Transposition is one of the main sources of expressiveness. Transposition from the past to the present is stylistically relevant.It brings the events which happened in the past closer to the reader. Description becomes more vivid and lively. This kind of transposition is called Historical ( dramatic) present. Historical present instead of the past And then on the night of the banquet she appears in her emeralds, and throughout the evening Max pays upkeep to no one else. (M. Mitchel) (to make the narrative more vivid and dramatic). looking at back, as I was saying into the back of my infancy, the first objects I contribute remember as paying out by themselves from a awe of things, are my mother and Pegotty, what else do I remember?Let me see There comes out of the cloud, our house not new to me, but quite familiar, in its earliest remembrance. On the ground floor is Pegottys kitchen, inception into a back yard (Ch. Dickens) Transposition of the future to the present to stress its potential possibility But mark my words The first woman, who fishes for him, meat hooks him Transposition of the Imperative mood to the Indicative mood I cant stand it Dont tempt me You are glide path home with me now (Dr. ) (in emotional speech of characters)Transposition of tenses in speech movie in colloquial speech I says, he, she aint You through me a hill turn. Archaic verbal forms are stylistically marked dost, knowest, doth, liveth to create the atmosphere of antiquity in historical novels and in poetry. Transposition from future into present tenses Its a mercy that he did not bring us over a black daughter-in-law, my dear. But mark my words, the first woman who fishes for him, hooks him. (Future action seems potentially performed). obscure Continuous sudd enly their heads cast shadows forward. A car behind them is coming up the hill.Its lights dilate and sway around them (J. Updyke). Past event are draw as if going on before the eyes of the reader who becomes a participant of the events. Indicative Imperative I cant stand it Dont tempt me Youre coming home with me now (Dreiser). (in emotional speech of characters) Transposition of auxiliaries may be not only expressive but also functional stylistic. Thus, in speech exposure of heroes there appear the forms of colloquial speech I, he, and we aint, I says, we has (was, is). You through with(p) me a hill turn. Time as changed.Archaic verbal forms -st, dost, -th, doth (knowest, knoweth, liveth) create the atmosphere of the past centuries and a highly elevated coloring. Modal verbs used in pseudoclauses acquire expressiveness and indignation mixed with nervousness That he should be so careless Not that they should give a warning. grammatical forms (modal verbs) may acquire expre ssiveness when repeated several times And Death shall have no dominion Dead men naked, they shall be one With man in the wind and the west moon When their bones are picked lightheaded and the clean bones gone, They shall have stars at elbow and footthough they go mad they shall be sane, Though they sink through the sea they shall rise over again Though lovers be lost love shall not, And terminal shall have no dominion (D. Thomas). The idea of the union of man and nature is intensified in the constant and insistent repetition of shall indicating in this mount not only modality but promise and solemn prophecy. It makes the poesy very expressive and emotional, pointing out persistent necessity and affirmation. Adverbs are not enough investigated. Their stylistic relevance in the scientific texts is based on their usage as logical connectives.Logical sequence of utterances is achieved with the help of an adverb now in the scientific style. Now there is no normal process except dea th which completely clears the brains from all past impressions and after death it is inconceivable to set it going again. (N. Viner) Now- right away (in colloquial speech) She also senses this terrific empathy from him right away. N+wise=ADV budgetwise, trade unionwise I am better off living in Connecticut, but transportationwise and entertainmentwise I am a loser. In fiction verbs are used to create the blase plane of narration.In E. Hemingways novel For Whom the Bell Tolls the adverb now serves a metronome of dramatic actions before and after the explosion of the bridge. Now, ever, never, forever are the key-words in E. Hemingways prose presenting the shift of the past, present and future. Temporal plane of narration is created with the help of intensifiers now, never, forever, again Just as the earth can never die, neither will those who have ever been free, return to slavery. There is forever for them to remember them in. (E. Hemingway) The stylistic function of intensifi cation.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Oryx And Crake Essay Real One
Drawing parallels to juvenile society, Tattoos three main concerns ar the negative side of globalisation, the loss of a middle severalise, the negative side of libations and excessive human using for private gain. Further more than, the curb omniscient point of view and a metaphor helps to play up the dark aspects of increasing globalization. In a globalizes world with endless carry Of information, great deal are exposed to excessive amounts Of negative data which makes everyone afraid. Atwood take down gives the impression that she is not in favor of this trend too a good deal hardware, too much software, too many performs (34).This growing fear makes people realize the possibility of more threats. Therefore, groups of individuals, specially those inside the Compounds such as Organic, tend to isolate themselves within the safety and comfort of the Compound walls to fend remove too much envy, fanaticism and bad faith (34) out in the Planeloads. Ultimately, the vast majo rity prize their privacy more than ever since globalization not only benefits people by making it easier for them to connect together, provided also leaves people more unresistant to bad influence from their surroundings.In this case, the limited omniscient point of view points out the limited social seize that the people of the Compounds go through with the Planeloads. Although globalization might bring some groups closer, the heavy effect actually divides society apart. Moreover, a metaphor is used to tell how the relationship between the Crackers and normal human beings relate to that of positive nations and developing nations. As the Crackers came into existence, humans are left target as they lack the physiological attributes and survivability in the midst of a epidemic apocalypse.In a similar way, less developed countries are cut off and are not receiving the plus side from the globalization of developed countries eke the penetration of a great vault shutting (50). Both literary devices stress the impending occurrence of a more isolated world. Atwood examines the disappearance of the middle class by emphasizing the dichotomy of the upper and lower class finished the usage of juxtaposition or contrast. The comparison is first made by describing the physical layout of the communities.Members of the elite live in heavily gated communities known as Compounds while the majority of the piteous reside in the Planeloads or the cities in which public security is low. People of the Compounds are inconsiderably better off, possessing luxuries with the likes of the house, the pool, the furniture (33), as opposed to the addicts, the muggers, the paupers, the crazies (33) of the Planeloads roaming about the city wreaking havoc in the streets. Both classes have developed mistrust due to the seclusion and a lack of fundamental interaction Compound people didnt go to the cities unless they had to and then never alone (33).From the noticeable segregation, a sense of unity between the two is slowly steal away with the possibility of causing disastrous consequences. Therefore, the elite have more power of taking advantage of the Planeloads for their own betterment. As one modeling of exploitation, corporations in the compound continuously create diseases targeted towards the Planeloads, thus making commodious profit by forcing them to buy their medications, which often worsens their health.Without the middle class playing as a stabilizer, members of the upper class are more susceptible to immoral behavior towards the lower class, leading to extreme social imbalance. By using hyperbole and irony, Atwood argues that there will always be the exploitation of the poor and weak in society. Similar to Jimmies father, many checkup workers Of the compound are always discovering new alternatives to gain profit from the poor The rewards in the case of success would be enormous (65).Knowing that these people are desperate for sustenance and fi nancial aid, they take advantage of their vulnerability and cheat on them by using them as test subjects to test the deadly do of their newly created diseases. These tests often have detrimental consequences to the test subjects, leading to physical impairment and sometimes death. The destitute individuals are compensated very undersized for their services and are mostly unaware of the deadly consequences that may arise.
According to Raymond Vernon theory Essay
According to Raymond Vernon theory (Product life theory) and the examples of the developing countries performance in the supranational merchandise that where shown. These nations permit the increase of conflicting firms in their securities industry who subject a huge portion of the national firms market, as a result, of their poor competitive skills to preserve their customers.Moreover, national firms tend to participate in international markets at a moment where they are all plant saturated, for that reason it is difficult to profit from it. Under these circumstances, it is relevant to developing countries to be able to innovate (product and service) and to recognize new potential markets where they can profit.In that order, developing nations should consider what they have, in order to determine what they should produce. The theory of proportional advantage states that a expanse should produce and export those goods and service for which is relatively more(prenominal) pr oductive than are other(a) countries, and import those goods and service for which other countries are relatively more productive than it is. (Mahoney, Trigg, Griffin & Putstay, 2001, p. 102)Under this theory, a country should produce those goods and services that it is able to produce relatively well, and corrupt other goods and services from those countries that can produce them relatively well. According to these facts, the country may specialize in specific goods and services taking into circular international standards of productivity and quality.However, this is not the only issue that developing countries governments should take into account if they want to solve the economic (devaluation, current account deficit, contrasted debt), favorable (unemployment, income equality), political and environmental problems that the economic harvest-tide process may cause.In addition, they have to add value to the resources they have, creating a competitive advantage (Doryan, 1993, p.451), that help them in sustainable growth.As previously stated, the export blowup would help economic growth, and if a country is able to create a competitive advantage that would help them to get an important position in the global market. Under these conditions, they can avoid problems such as devaluation, foreign debt, unemployment, income and equality, political instability and environmental problems.According to Porters theory, governments must ensure the development of four elements in order to get the nations go on competitiveness, they areProductivity Governments should veal for the industry efficiency creating a macroeconomic and financial dynamism, adequate infrastructure and a competitive domestic market with the participation of international firms.Socio-political Stability It is necessary to build an environment that part with freedom of expression, homosexual rights and were exist a confidence toward the judiciary governance and the government, and good living standards. (Doryan, 1993, p.453)Human resources The human factor may eventually come to represent the new competitive edge for the global corporation, more than physical and other resources (Kedia & Mukherji, 1999, p.235). Government should be conscious of the important of human resources, for that reason it is important to create accessible educational and training opportunities.environmental Conditions In order to obtain Environmental sustainability governments should control the adequate vigilance of natural resources, establish rules and procedures to control waste and pollution, and create a social consciousness of the importance of environmental conservation at firms and citizens levels.Furthermore, Porter states that in order to obtain economic growth through great international trade, the government should be able to promote the creation of international clusters. For example, this is what Mexico is doing by linking with the United States. This is a situation, where Mexic o can obtain many benefits in the growth of import and export. In addition, this country can gain access to their engineering and human resources and incorporate them into their own country in order to respect its economic growth and development and internationally competitive strength. (mirar bibliografia mexico)Reference listAybar & Milman, (1999), Globalization, emerging market economies and the currency crisis in Asia Implications on Economic refine and Development. Multinational Business Review. Vol.7, No. 2. pp. 37-44.Balassa, B. (1998), The Lesson of East Asian Development An Overview, The University of Chicago, pp.273-289Doryan, Eduardo. (1993), An institutional Perspective of Competitiveness and Industrial Restructuring Policies in Developing Countries, Journal of economics Issues, Vol.28, No. 2. pp. 451-457.El Pais (2001), Dossier Documental,
Friday, February 22, 2019
Kant on Milgram’s Perils of Obedience
Stanley Milgram conducted a athletic field through a laboratory set-up to evaluate the perils of obedience of different vanquishs and participants of the study. One of significant results of his study entails that ordinary people, his participants, actively performs his or her job without any hostility and get word in their participation on something premature d ane. (Milgram, 1974). To some evaluated participants, the case describes their disobedience with the standards of object lessonity given the provision of a governing or instructing place.Participants who were make to do wrong at some point, would derive satisfaction from the incorrectness by knowing that they obeyed the authorisation commanding their actions. Milgram mentions that obedience can be defined as the ability of an individual to disassociate his responsibility on the wrong act because he only granted his authoritys wishes (Milgram, 1974). Moreover, a subordinate would feel shame or pride depending on how he has followed an authoritys instructions. The reality this reflects in the society maintains that loyalty, traffic and discipline are significantly strained with the emotional and obedience employments.A subordinates defined role is does not necessarily tincture his morale, but rather socially construct his role based on the social provisions, including defiance of his role in the perspective of his authority. Obedience in some cases also reflects a defense for people to do wrong things, as explained in the article, many participants who became the teacher in the set-up, punished the prentice because they were pursuance the instructions of the experimenter, and assured of no responsibility with the learner. People heeds to authority without discerning their own stance or the consequences of their actions.Based on Kants model of society, all disobedience from the supreme legislative power, or the authority and law, is considered as the greatest and most punishable crime of manki nd because it inhibits the real foundations of society. Kants position on obedience does not allow the take exception of authority, and rejects the right of revolution or rebellion. (Williams, 1983) The evidence is shown through the study conducted by Milgram. Kant strictly attributed authority with the same governing laws and constitution of a society, then disallowing any form of disobedience.Realized through Milgrams article is the conflict which arises from following the authority with personal moral issues within an individual. Kants philosophy on this maintains the duty of all individual to hope for both moral and positive law to be achieved. (Williams, 1983) Kant defined obedience as a requirement of pure reason from individuals and makes them coerce with the law of an authority, while maintaining their granting immunity within and among their fellows. (Williams, 1983) The system of an authority demands strict adherence from the subjects of the state, because that makes individuals be the subject of authority.However, Kant subjects a restriction to an individual to resist conflict of the morality of ones own, with his adherence to the authority. The arguments resolved by Milgram on his study entails how individuals occupy to their morality with obedience to authority. Evidently, emotions and moral issues comes in conflict with being abject to authority, but in the end, people act even in line of merchandise with their emotion because the pride and satisfaction of doing what can be considered as wrong, comes from following the directives of the authority.
Marketing Strategies for the New Economy Essay
Past paper Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the newly deliverance for food food marketers (60%). How might companies develop a new economy strategy for their intersections or swear outs (40%)? Illustrate your answer with examples.* Does every comp any(prenominal) need a new-economy strategy* Definition new economy means the industries that stimulate the growing or play an important role in electronic transaction and the mesh, market computer hardware and software, and provide any of growing arrays of telecommunications services. E.g. dot-com retailersAmazon, web portalsGoogle and Yahoo* The growing adoption of new-economy technologies in consumer and commercial sectors illustrates the wideness of an internet strategy. E.g. high-speed broadband connection is revolutionizing the possibilities of what the internet stick out offer, in U.S. 2010, more than 70% households wanted to be broadband connected, compared to 31% in 2004.* The growing market acceptance of the internet and different new-economy technologies and the inherent advantages that they lend suggest that nearly every company needs to examine how it leave al ane be affected by and butt joint take advantage of these new technologies.* Forms of e-commerce B2B (Cisco) C2B (Priceline/ B2C (Amazon) C2C(eBay)* E business warnings Bricks and Mortar only Bricks and back up clicks Bricks and clicks and clicks only. * Threats or opportunities? (seven attractive elements)1) The syndication of culture (lies at the heart of e-commerce business models) * Syndication involves the sales of the very(prenominal) good ( discipline good) to many guests, who may then combine it with information from other sources and distribute it. * Why syndication is importanta) Syndication delivers informational goods, variable cost of which is zero. b) Syndication touch on can be automated and digitized, enabling syndicated networks to be created, expanded, and flexibly adapted furthermost more quickly than physical goods. * Syndication via the internet opens up endless(prenominal) opportunities for markets, replenishment scarcity with abundance,processing the information timely and can be distributed everywhere. * However, companies should get word and occupy the most important niches in syndication networks, which can maximize the reckon and strength of links to other companies and customers. 2) Increasing returns to scale of network products* validating network effect (network externality) the characteristic of informational networksa product becomes more valuable as the number of users increases. * Companies that can identify and exploit opportunities where they benefit from the change magnitude returns to scale that result from positive network effects can sometimes grow quickly on relatively modest capital investment. * though some companies received lofty valuations, most are struggling to aline a business model that actually appoints any money. 3) The ability to efficiently personalize* Rules- found personalization collaborative filtering is one way of personalizing a market whirl to each customer, when formal rules can be identifies in the way customer be deplete, it is done. 4) customize market cracks* Customization technique is user-driven instead of marketer-driven, al number oneing users to specify the nature of what is offered to them. * Personalization and customization can be help build customer loyalty and take a leak it less likely that customers may switch to other suppliers. 5) Disintermediation and restructuring of distribution channels * The internet makes the distribution channels possible for marketers to reach customers directly, without expenses or complication of distribution channels (disintermediation). * Those who consider disintermediation their channels and swaping direct must correspond how they will perform these functions and must evaluate whether doing so is more hard-hitting and efficient tha n using intermediaries.* Web-based disintermediation has grown to fill new needs. E.g. eBay creates new sign of intermediary, the consignment seller. * Other new intermediaries gatherers and affiliate schemes. E.g., a travel aggregator (seems like assist customers in finding the better(p) deal among hundreds of sites.) The aggregator sites canfocus on improving the technologies that allow customers to find hardly what they want, and publishers can specialize in promotion and attracting customers, since they are not concern in managing the product that the customer is actually buying. 6) Global reach, round-the-clock nettle* Global reach, making them available 24 hours per day, providing instantaneous economy. E.g. EasyJet airline, sells low cost tickets of flight, allowing customers from different continent confirm the deal instantly at any time. With mobile telephony and GPS technologies develop, such deals can be done via mobiles. 7) The threats of new-economy a nd defenses* launch complex ethical issues and present potentially significant threats * For most products, wrong usually is not far from variable cost in the want run, syndication implies that the variable of delivery of informational goods approach zero, then what about the price, how do the producers make money? * There are few barriers to entry and many internet strategies are easily imitated. * Privacy and security issues.* Two best defenses against these advantages one is through the patent and copyright system. The other one is through versioning. Shapiro and Varian vie that even for information products whose variable costs are zero, the value of information to different kinds of customers is likely to vary substantially. * Versioning dimensions time, convenience, comprehensiveness, manipulation, community and support * Skills in market segmentation and targeting, differentiation and positioning are needed to enable marketers to best take advantages of new-economy techno logies and mitigate their disadvantages.* growing a new-economy strategy a last framework* Steps for building trade strategies for new-economy* Assess the nature of environs* Audit environmental influences (using PEST)* find competitive position (strengths and weaknesses via a vis competitors and customers)* Identify key opportunities and threats* Strategic position* Marketing segmentation, targeting and positioning* Identify bases for segmenting the market* Develop profiles of resulting segments* Develop measures of segment attractiveness* Select target markets* Developing positioning for each target segment* Develop marketing fuse for each target segment* Marketing applications for new-economy tools* A six-stage consumer experience processa) Consumer insights consumer provides information about their need to sellers, which permits producers to develop goods and services intended to stir the customers needs. b) Promotion and brand building information about the new product flows to customers to inform and encourage them to buy c) Transaction requires that information about pricing, terms, delivery flows both ship canal. d) Product deliverye) Customer support or service in which case additional information may flow in either direction or additional goods and services may flow to the customers. f) Return, dispose the customer may need to return or weaken use of the good and service. * Impact of e-marketing on marketing strategy* business leader shift in supply chain (producers and retailers consumers) * More comparative information available to consumers. E.g. leads to higher purchasing power * Increase nature and screen background of competition in many industries * Impact of e-marketing on offerings* Atom based Still a physical product that needs to be shipped. * go based Digital data or information in electronic form. E.g. MP3 Implications Online customer has greater information, wider search, online recommendations and price comparis ons competitive strategy must search to avoid price competition and use web to augment the offering * Developing strategies to serve new-economy markets* What might tomorrows entrepreneurs do to imposture marketing strategies toserve new-economy markets? a) Would-be internet entrepreneurs should consider the various ways in which revenue can be generated on the web or in other new-economy settings. Understanding ones revenue model and being willing to change it as market and technological conditions rationalise are essential.b) Entrepreneurs must ask not what can I sell but what do new-economy customers and markets need, and how and where do new-economy consumers want to consume what I have to offer. c) Would-be entrepreneurs must realize that barriers to entry are incredibly low in the new economy. Conclusion execution is key and understanding customers and the markets they make up, understanding industries and the competitors that daily do battle in them, and developing marketi ng programs that can establish and maintain sustainable competitive advantage.
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