Wednesday, November 27, 2019
A GooD MaN Is HarD To Findand write about essays
A GooD MaN Is HarD To Findand write about essays A Good Man Is Hard to Find The story of A Good Man Is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor has been debated and analyzed so much because it can be interpreted one thousand different ways. OConnors characters are usually searching for an elusive salvation, and her stories illustrate her views on the human condition. Many spiritual themes weave their way through her work, but never seem to achieve their intended ends. In this story, groups of criminals massacre an entire family while their ringleader discusses theology with the family's grandmother, only a hundred feet away. The source of the misinterpretation of the storys crux emerges from two key characters that OConnor weaved together: the Grandmother, and the Misfit. These two are so complex because they stand for many different things. The most reasonable interpretation of these two characters is that they represent OConnors view on the evil in society. The story begins with the typical family challenged by their grandmother who does not want to take the vacation to Florida. She has read about a crazed killer by the name of the Misfit who is on the run heading for Florida. Unfortunately, she is ignored by ever member of the family except for the little girl June Star who has come to read her grandmother like a book. Ironically, the morning of the trip the grandmother is dressed in her best Sunday clothes and the first one in the car ready to travel as June Star predicted she would be. The grandmother's dress is very nice for a trip she was horrified to take only a day earlier. The grandmother festooned in white gloves, a navy blue dress, and a matching hat, only for the sole purpose of being recognized as a woman in case someone saw her dead on the highway. This logic may seem absurd to anyone who is unfamiliar with aged aristocratic southern culture. Southerners of a high class would dre...
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on Elizabeth The First
Queen Elizabeth I Elizabeth Tudor has been called â€Å"perhaps history’s greatest monarch.†She is by far histories most powerful woman. The government of England in the time of Elizabeth I was very different to its modern day counterpart. Queen Elizabeth was very much a ruler, unlike the monarchs today who are largely figureheads, and made all the major decisions of government herself. The crown was not above the law, but had to act in accordance with it, but Elizabeth was still a very authoritative woman. No law could be passed without her consent. She could choose the religion of the country, decide when parliament was going to sit and what they could discuss, opt whether or not the country would go to war, make decisions regarding education, the welfare of her subjects, even what food they should eat and the clothes they were to wear. She also had the right to send men or women to prison and, or order executions. Everyone in the country had to obey her. Not to obey her was against the law, and could be treason, for which the penalty was dismemberment and death. (Life and Times) The reign of Elizabeth I began with a sense of uncertainty and danger, which would rarely leave it. The fears that assailed her new subjects at the end of 1558 were shared by many of their European neighbors, for England did not stand-alone. â€Å"Invasion of strangers, civil dissensions, the doubtful disposition of the succeeding prince, were cast in every man’s conceit as present peril.†(Brigden pg 213) The whole premise of Elizabeth’s right to rule was her divine right as a sovereign. She made no attempt to hide the fact that she believed that she was the child Henry VIII had wanted. To the rest of the world she was illegitimate, her father’s marriage to Anne Boleyn being void, and had no authority to govern. Only to her subject’s reliance in their social hierarchy kept her on the throne. Elizabeth determined to rule by love rather... Free Essays on Elizabeth The First Free Essays on Elizabeth The First Queen Elizabeth I Elizabeth Tudor has been called â€Å"perhaps history’s greatest monarch.†She is by far histories most powerful woman. The government of England in the time of Elizabeth I was very different to its modern day counterpart. Queen Elizabeth was very much a ruler, unlike the monarchs today who are largely figureheads, and made all the major decisions of government herself. The crown was not above the law, but had to act in accordance with it, but Elizabeth was still a very authoritative woman. No law could be passed without her consent. She could choose the religion of the country, decide when parliament was going to sit and what they could discuss, opt whether or not the country would go to war, make decisions regarding education, the welfare of her subjects, even what food they should eat and the clothes they were to wear. She also had the right to send men or women to prison and, or order executions. Everyone in the country had to obey her. Not to obey her was against the law, and could be treason, for which the penalty was dismemberment and death. (Life and Times) The reign of Elizabeth I began with a sense of uncertainty and danger, which would rarely leave it. The fears that assailed her new subjects at the end of 1558 were shared by many of their European neighbors, for England did not stand-alone. â€Å"Invasion of strangers, civil dissensions, the doubtful disposition of the succeeding prince, were cast in every man’s conceit as present peril.†(Brigden pg 213) The whole premise of Elizabeth’s right to rule was her divine right as a sovereign. She made no attempt to hide the fact that she believed that she was the child Henry VIII had wanted. To the rest of the world she was illegitimate, her father’s marriage to Anne Boleyn being void, and had no authority to govern. Only to her subject’s reliance in their social hierarchy kept her on the throne. Elizabeth determined to rule by love rather...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Employee Relations Management Style adopted by ACME Engineering Essay
Employee Relations Management Style adopted by ACME Engineering - Essay Example This management style reflects the personality and the perspectives of the manager. In this style of management, the subordinates become dependent over the leaders and they require more supervision from the leaders. These autocratic managers give orders to the subordinates and the subordinates are less trusted by these managers. This management style follows the McGregor’s X theory related to motivation towards workers. The autocratic management style also can be divided into two categories i.e. directive autocrat and permissive autocrat (Williams & Smith, 2010). Paternalistic The nature of the paternalistic management style is also dictatorial and the managers take decisions considering the benefits of the business as well as of the employees. In this form of management, the communication among the subordinates and the superiors is descending, but certain feedbacks related to the management, motivates and encourages for the better performance in the workplace. In this style o f management, the managers pay more concentration to the need of the society. These are the managers who consider the employee opinion and they get influenced with the employee feedback for the management. In spite of the employee participation, the paternalistic managers feel that the employees need directions from the superiors to perform. This management style is related to the Maslow’s motivation theory (Lussier, 2011). Democratic In the democratic management style, the employees are allowed by the managers to participate in the decision making process. In this style of management the decision are taken based on the majority of the opinion of the... The researcher states that management style is one of the most important and vital aspects of an organisation. Management style is the process of interaction in between the superiors and the subordinates of any organisation. Management styles are the featured ways to take necessary decisions and to relate to the managers, and the subordinates of an organisation. Management styles involve various formal as well as informal practices regarding open communication and close supervision with the subordinates. Management style assists in taking decisions by incorporating the views and opinions of the members and the people of an organization. Different types of management styles can be implied in an organisation based on task, business culture and personality, characteristics of workforce and leadership skills among others. Almost every management style has certain nature, methods, deficiencies and strengths. There are certain basic forms of management styles such as autocratic, paternalis tic and democratic. These different types of management styles have different characteristics. In relation to the case study, it can be stated that ACME Engineering is an organisation which has also focused on an effective employee relationship, by providing several facilities and cultivating positive attitudes within the employees. The company, founded in the 1980s, has also faced the reformation related to the employee relation. ACME Engineering has involved their employees to take part in various decision making activities
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Eliminating the Home Mortgage Tax Deduction Essay
Eliminating the Home Mortgage Tax Deduction - Essay Example White argue that taxpayers were now allowed to deduct interest they pay on secured loan by qualified homes, either their main home or a second home. The loans in this case include first and second mortgages, credit’s home equity line and home equity loans. White (1) argues that recreational vehicles and even boats may also qualify as home in case they have cooking sleeping and toilet facilities. White notes that millions of US homeowners depend on the Mortgage Interest Tax Deduction as a way of reducing their true cost of homeownership and have more disposable income. This interest is filed on form 1040 of schedule A accompanied with other itemized deductions such as medical expenses, real estate property tax and donations. In this case, taxpayers are expected to fill in Schedule A, to determine if their itemized deductions exceed the standard. If this is proved so, then taxpayers will save more money based on their taxes by itemizing. Over the past years, many issues and cont roversies surrounding Home Mortgage Tax Deduction have arisen as to whether or not it should be scraped. Many economists consider it a waste of money due to concern about the federal budget deficit (Perez 1). They argue that Home Mortgage Tax Deduction does very little to assist in lowering income homeowners make the changeover from renters to owners. These economists say that Home Mortgage Tax Deduction only encourage upper income buyers to buy big homes to take bigger mortgages a view which I also concur with. This paper will discuss why Home Mortgage Tax Deduction should be scraped as a way of cutting the budget. History of the residential housing market Muth and Goodman (1) argue that housing is the most precious and unique commodity. In US for instance, about one-seventh of all personal consumption expenditures are on housing exclusive of other household operations and furnishing. They notes that residential real estate accounts for more than half of the US fixed capital stock and about one-quarter of the country’s gross lending investments are made up of construction of residential estates. Mortgage lending has however varied for one-quarter to one-fifth of all funds raised by Americas credit markets. United States is one country that has faced economic housing bubbles over the past few years affecting many parts of the countries housing market. For instance, the prices of housing peaked at the beginning of 2006 with a decline towards 2007 reaching its low recently in this year. For instance, at around December 2008, the home price index of Case-Shiller reported the largest drop in prices in America’s history. It is argued that increased rates of foreclosure between 2006 and 2007 among homeowners in US is what led to the crisis that hit the country in August 2008 for credit, subprime, mortgage, hedge funds. Leader of the realty and mortgage industries Economy Watch (1) notes that real estate industry emerged as one of the major industries i n the united states over the past few years. It argues that the housing bubble witnessed in Florida, California, and Michigan, and New York brought with it major changes in real estate in US. The housing bubble was the result of an increase in valuation of real estate in the US domestic territory. Economy Watch reports that mortgage lenders, commercial banks and other financial
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Read Chapters Three and Four of your text Corporate Universities and Essay
Read Chapters Three and Four of your text Corporate Universities and respond to the topic questions - Essay Example Meister says that the principle of corporate university is based on flexible approach so that they are able to incorporate the environmental changes within their work paradigms. My company keeps evolving with outside changes through creation of constant learning environment. The company’s well defined hierarchical organizational structure is designed to cater to the wider perspectives of competitive business. Coaching and feedback are top priority that enables us to keep up with the challenges of the time. I agree with Montgomery (2008) that changing times require more dynamic strategic goals to meet the emerging new challenges. My company’s plans and actions in promoting its dynamic business goals are aligned to its values which thrive on change. While corporate university is a recently evolved concept, the imperatives of providing a learning environment for the workers have been consistent with the vision and mission of our company since its inception. I strongly believe that training programs facilitate the acquisition of skills and necessary knowledge to develop a wider perspective towards various issues. Indeed, the company has been able to provide the hierarchy of workers with a wider scope for professional growth in the area of core competencies. Meister believes that the basic goal of the corporate universities is to ensure that the corporate bodies are able to easily adapt to the fast changing equations of the global business so as to maintain market position. They do that through partnership with other businesses and educational institutes. The alliances help to provide a wider database of new resources and knowledge acquisition. It facilitates development of curricula based on real situation and incorporates the demands of the changing times. Thus, the corporate universities are able to exploit the huge
Friday, November 15, 2019
Concepts of E Recruitment in Software Firms
Concepts of E Recruitment in Software Firms INTRODUCTION This research is based on a critical investigation of the E-recruitment process in the Indian software Industries. Consequently, the aim of this study is to investigate E Recruitment strategically in terms of a Cost cutting and time saving factor that would be beneficial for organization during current economic downturn. This study would also be beneficial in looking at the concept of Technology as a solution to reduce cost and save time. In addition it is hoped that the study would also benefit Strategic analyst and Human resource managers to view E Recruitment as a strategic tool. Background The research focus is on the factor of E Recruitment in todays cut throat market in terms of strategic benefit towards Cost cutting and time saving. The researcher has chosen the particular topic, since it would be helpful in current downturn. To make this statement valid the researcher investigates the concept of E Recruitment in Software industries in India. The rationale for investigating software firms in India stems from the fact that such firms actually adopt Cost cutting measures in all possible practices in current downturn. The study seeks to review the concepts of E recruitment in Software firms by understanding the subjects in terms of Human resource process. In addition the study investigates E recruitment process in Software industries by acquiring data through Questionnaire and Semi structured tool that shall constitute questions based on the critical sections of E Recruitment in terms of Human resource process, Cost cutting and Time saving factors. The primary research is respondents and population would be the Human Resource managers and employees in HR department from Chennai and Bangalore working in Software firms. The researcher intends to use contacts within the IT firms to access the relevant data set. Literature background Organizational recruitment efforts have to a great extent relied on computer technology and one vicinity that has developed is recruiting through the Internet, otherwise known as e-recruitment (Mottl, 1998). This technology can be utilized in application tracking, job posting and electronic job application. In addition, it can assist the human resource function and lessen human resource works. From the applicable literature, there is an argument that e-recruitment is required to be used in conjunction with other techniques. Internet-based recruiting will not put back conventional practices, but a well-implemented e-recruitment strategy can facilitate the recruitment process there by making it more successful (Borck, 2000; Caggiano, 1999). Internet recruiting ought to be one of many tools used to find and recruit applicants. Likewise, even though the organizations see the advantages of e-recruitment, there is a tendency to adopt more conventional methods in the form of newspaper advertisement, personal referrals, and search agencies for most of their recruiting. Organizations therefore tend to view the Internet as a vital additional tool (Pearce and Tuten, 2001) E-recruitment is not treated as a stand-alone human resource instrument, it is integrated into an overall recruiting and selection strategy that comprises, amongst other things, sophisticated behavioral and skills assessment, interviewing, and added means of documenting requirements and sourcing candidates. Consequently, a human resource department still uses both conventional method and e-recruitment in their recruitment process (Cullen, 2001). Accordingly to Portal (2003), Shows that more than 75 percent of HR professionals currently use Internet job boards apart from conventional recruiting method (HR Portal, 2003). One of the key considerations of e-recruitment is that it is cost-effectiveness and the economy attained in the course of its usage. This is since publishing obtainable positions on the companys website costs less than publishing in other media for instance newspaper. In addition, employers can place the vacancy positions on the job board website as this too is at a lower cost (Pearce and Tuten, 2001). Aim and Objectives of the Research The aim of this research is to investigate the process of E-Recruitment as a strategic driving factor in cutting costs and saving time in the Indian IT sector. The objectives of the study are as follows: To investigate the various factors and trends in Recruitment in India. To Explore E-Recruitment as Human resource process and evaluate various implications in hiring To critically examine the effectiveness of e-recruitment in Software industries To identify merits and demerits in E-Recruitment process Research Questions What are the trends in recruitment in India? What is the impact of conducting E-Recruitment process in Software firms? What is the strategic impact of E-Recruitment on Software organizations in cost reduction and Time? What are the driving factors of E Recruitment towards jobs with merits and demerits? Methodology In order to fulfill the aims and objectives of this study, the study employs both qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative method were be used through semi structured interviews with high level and Middle level Human resource managers from Software companies in India. Quantitative approach were carried out through questionnaire methods, the like scale type questions have been adopted as the suitable method, where the questions are designed in different scales like likert, and rate order with, Questions varying from open to closed end questions. The respondents will be employees working in Indian Software firms at Chennai and Bangalore in Human Resource department. The type of sampling method used in this research thesis will be Non probability sampling method. It involves identifying and questioning the informants based on their experience and their roles. The type of sampling used in non probability method is Purposive sampling, which involves choosing independents on the views which are relevant to the subject (Jankowicz, 2005). The number of samples for the Semi structured interview is 5 and Questionnaire samples is 30. Structure of the dissertation This part of the dissertation, the researcher has made a sequence an a flow for the entire study. The study has 5 chapters, which are interconnected with each other and they are progressed as follows; Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter explains the topic of study and the background of research in brief giving values and reasons why the researcher has chosen the topic and how the research is focused or dealt with respect to answer the research questions and also in order to full fill the research objectives. Chapter 2: Literature Review This chapter provides the reviews of academic literature related to the topic. The academic literature is reviewed from Books, Electronic journals, Articles etc. This chapter reviews the existing literature on research topic so that it can be helpful in identifying various gaps and also to study the various theories used by the other authors. Chapter 3: Research Methodology This chapter highlights the methodology that is used in this research. The chapter begins with an outline of the research aim and objectives finally, the researcher explains the Sampling techniques and how well the samples are grouped to observe validity and reliability of the research. Chapter 4: Analysis and Findings This chapter analyses the data that are gathered through primary research and it provides a detailed outline of the research findings. This chapter also draws various conclusions from the data presentation. Chapter 5: Conclusions and its recommendations This chapter contains various conclusions drawn from discussions in the analysis chapter. The limitation of this research is also discussed, and recommendations for further research presented. Summary In this chapter we have reviewed the research background, research objectives and the scope of research. The research aim and research objectives are stated with research question which ensures the researcher understand the subject based on the problem statement to fulfill the research. In addition it contains theoretical background on E Recruitment from different perspectives. Finally it sets out the structure of the study. In the next chapter we shall review and look into various literary articles to gain more understanding on the issues under investigation. Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction This chapter presents the theoretical background of the study. It review various literature articles on the topic, The main aim of this study is to analyse E recruitment in software industries in India with a focus on Cost cutting and time saving factors. This is strategic and the research is conducted with a focus on Recruitment as a strategic tool and its various trends in software organisations. Many researchers and practitioners have identified that the necessity in the manner in which the applicants are getting attracted towards Jobs and organizations and the use of the Internet as a tool to cut cost and save time. The set of rules in filling up recruitments through the web can incur less cost than mailing paper application packets. Apart from the reported benefits in the form of cost efficiencies, According to (Rozelle and Landis (2002)) the role of HR in this model is taken as more of a facilitative role, According to the various theories it is clearly specified that this mode l gives a chance of time for the recruiters in order to involve the strategic issues within the resourcing. Having outlined the research aims and objectives it is essential to look at the definition of E Recruitment to have an overview of the research. Recruitment is a process of hiring candidates in filling up the vacancies through possible stages. There are several stages in selecting suitable candidates for employment organized by the organisation. E Recruitment is different from this conventional recruitment process. Human Resource Management The Recruitment Process Human resource management (HRM) and Recruitment process go hand in hand and recruitment is central to all management process. Failures in the recruitment process can lead to difficulties for any organization and consequently have an immense effect on its probability and variance levels which include inappropriate level of skills and staffing. Consequently results in some of the problems of inadequate recruitment, which leads to shortage of labors or problems in the decision making (Veneeva, 2009). From the above literature the researcher can come to a decision that recruitment plays a vital role in the central management process. According to The University of Melbourne (2009), recruitment is an imperative process of human resource management. They suggested that there are two major stages or levels in the recruitment processes. The first stage involves the process of searching or hunting the candidates with respect to job opportunities available and the seconds stage refers with the process of selecting candidates who are qualified for a suitable job by a company with the use of technologies involving test and interviews. However recruitment is not a simple selection process and it requires extensive planning and decision making to be able to employ suitable manpower. There exists growing competition amongst the business firms for recruiting the best potential candidates, there is now a shift focus on innovation amongst management decision making. The selectors aim to recruit candidates who would suit the ethics, corporate culture in accordance to the organization (Terpstra, 1994). This means that management would specifically look out for potential candidates capable of being a team player and team work and that would be crucial for positions available in organization. Human resource management approaches towards any business process would be based upon focusing the core objectives of an organization and realization of strategic plans by training the individuals or personnel that would be beneficial to the organization, thus improving its performance and profits (Korsten, 2003). With the following discussion the recruitment process does not end with selection and application of right candidates to the job but rather it involves maintaining and retaining the employees chosen. In spite of well structured plan, selection and the qualified management team involved in recruitment processes followed by firms, there is a possibility that the Firms can also face significant difficulties during the implementation. With this notion HRM can provide new insights towards the best practiced approach to recruitment. But companies have to use their management skills to apply theories within context of organization (Veneeva, 2009). Recruitment Trends We have seen the recruitment context towards organization efficiency. We shall now turn to the various methods towards recruitment. According to The University of Melbourne (2009), there are two prime methods of recruitment called traditional and online recruitment. Basically the recruitment methods that are performed by the organization themselves or by a third party recruitment providers such as recruitment agencies are termed as Traditional recruitment. The information exchange in the traditional recruitment is offline but still they does not use internet as a source of information exchange. It adopts avenues such as Television, newspaper, and also through Job centers etc. The job recruitments are approached in a straight forward manner or filled through the agency or also it can be conducted by the physical address of the organization in order to conduct various test and interviews such as face to face interview. In the past two decades recruitment has changed with number of evolutionary phases. According to the white paper of Frontier Software (N.D) these are, Pre-online era This is networking face to face. 1980s These are the solutions based on the commissioned agencies that provides alternative that had become paper based and time consuming process. 1990s- The rise of Internet as a tool that made solutions as Job boards that offers inexpensive and effective solutions reaching many target audiences. 2000-present This transition phase is the emergence of Internet recruitment called e recruitment solutions and Web 2.0 is the platform for recruitment process. Social networking style, interactivity connections as well. The rise of job boards marked the beginning of the evolution of Internet recruitment which makes readily available a pool of job seekers and their Curriculum Vitae to the agencies that advertise jobs. Thus internet has become a major source for the active and passive job seekers. Active job seekers opt to make available their CVs and Passive job seekers are being the candidates that are not searchable and hidden but can be responded to job advertisements Frontier Software (N.D). According to the Research advisory panel (2006) of Public appointments service the most common recruitment types are Newspapers, Recruitment agencies, internal recruitment and Internet recruitment. Having identified the two major types of recruitments as Traditional and Online recruitment. Othman and Musa (2006) cited from Arboledas et al. (2001) and in Galanaki (2002), traditional recruitment being the firms who wants to post jobs, announces the job opening at the marketplace through proper advertisements or through a job fair , or to an executive recruiter or through other mediums. From this source candidates submit their profile for the announcement. Newspaper advertisements are used more widely than any other source of traditional recruitment. On the other hand, the traditional recruitments are used in majority of recruitment processes and are effective while other types of recruitments are proved to be appropriate in specific situations. The employers use different methods based on different positions. Accordingly Bussler Davis (2002) cited in Othman and Musa (2006) and Mottl (1998) suggests that, In order to determine which mode of recruitment is used by the employers we have to look into various aspects. Aspects in terms of Time scale of the recruitment process, Recruitment cost as reaching the candidates and the organization culture. In recent years internet has revolutionized and made an impact on the human resource field. Now a days organizations rely mostly on computer technology and with the recruitment through Internet. The internet technology can be used in tracking the application, job posting and electronic applications. Apart from these applications it can be used in reducing the human resource work load and human resource functions. E- Recruitment Overview E-recruitment can be explained as any recruiting processes that a business organisation carries out through web-based tools, in the form of a firms public Internet site or its corporate intranet (Armstrong, 2006). The terms Internet recruitment, online recruitment and E- Recruitment are Identical and can be used interchangeably. There are various definitions of E Recruitment, According to Hoffman (2001), E-Recruitment can be defined as the utilization of the Internet for candidate sourcing, selection, communication and management throughout the recruitment process According to Armstrong (2006), the E- Recruitment process consists of attracting the candidates, screening, tracking the applicants, selection and finally offering jobs and as well rejecting the candidates. According to the studies of Hogler (1998) and HR Portal (2003) cited in Othman and Musa (2006) employers can advertise jobs, scan and store their CVs, conduct tests and also contact the qualified applicants with the use of Internet that could match the candidates for jobs. Vidot (2000) cited in Othman and Musa (2006) suggested that the use of Internet will benefit and attract candidates of high quality, branding, reiterate the profile of the firm and also streamline application and the selection processes. According to Cullen (2001) cited in Othman and Musa (2006) , there are various perception to E- Recruitment, it is integrated with the overall selection and the recruiting strategies as a standalone human resource tools. These strategies include interviewing behavioral and assessment skills and other additional strategies such as identifying other needs and candidates sourcing. However studies show that the Human resource departments still also use both e- recruitment and other traditional methods. According to the study by HR Portal (2003), More than 75% of Human Resource professionals use using Job boards in addition to the Traditional recruitment methods. E- Recruitment Factual Evidences and Process There is evidence in the academic literature to suggest that E-Recruitment is gaining popularity in todays job market. E-recruitment is significant in todays cost cutting markets to save huge amount of money. According to the research of Whizlabs Software (2006), the study of Forrester Research Institute, a famous market research firm found that by 2005 the expenditure on the recruitment based on Internet was $7 billion. Many firms as of 96% of the companies required internet for the recruitment needs. A survey conducted by Employment Management Association (EMA) of USA found that online ads would cost $377 than estimated with printout ads that cost per hire at $3295. A study conducted the CIPD (2005) found that 75% of organizations in UK use corporate website in order to attract applicants and in the 2006 research 73% of applicants use online job applications. According to an Intelligence report of iLogos Research of Global 500 Website recruiting of 2003 survey has found that 94% of global 500 companies have corporate career websites. Recruitment websites are more useful in saving both money and time. Apart from a Recruitment process it is becoming part of organization or corporate strategy. The online recruitment sites have continued to multiply in number in value added services and can help to improve long term time survival in the current market trend. E drive is primarily based on the IT organization and software solutions. E recruitment primarily uses software solutions for effective and efficient recruitment process. There are various differences with the recruitment from an IT organization that compared with traditional or conventional recruitment process such as selection and training process. Study: also suggested that IT organizations hire more people; consequently recruiters have to really focus on providing solutions that would ultimately maximize effort, save time with the best talent pools (Whizlabs Software, 2006). E- Recruitment Application with HR and systems Having explored E-recruitment and its process, at this function we now need to explore how E- recruitment is linked with technology and Management i.e., E- recruitment links with HR systems, Line Managers and Human Resource managers in the recruitment process. The application of E recruitment and HR systems are explained by Research Advisory Panel (2006) as; HR Role in the E-Recruitment process is essential, as the general time management seems to play a crucial role as a facilitator and coordinator in the recruitment process. With the e recruitment process it can be evident that it can reduce the HR burden and that in turn leads HR managers to operate on a strategic level within the organization. Line managers are usually involved in the process of selecting the applications in relation to the vacancies that are listed accordance with the job role. At this instant HR can work on to the overall strategy as defining and controlling. This also ensures the system is developed as effective talent strategies. In this whole process the role of Line managers would be limited with the access to the entire e recruitment systems even though the systems quickly facilitate in transferring candidates information. During this HR would acts as broker between candidates and the Line managers Research Advisory Panel (2006). From this literature, HR acts as a central unit between the Line managers and the candidates. Many organizations who usually opt for solution or depend on the Third party suppliers can make use of the alternative form of suppliers and Job boards of systems using the application tracking software. There are two main forms of categories in enabling the E recruitment process they are, E recruitment tools such as Enterprise Resource and Planning (ERP) such as Oracle and SAP and the other being the developed products from the vendors who are specialized in the recruitment softwares like testing and application tracking softwares Research Advisory Panel (2006). E- Recruitment Developments E- Recruitment has been developed more recently with the use of job domains. Job domains originated during the early part of 2005 they make the most use of the Internet for assigned numbers and names. The job domain is in the top level of the domains that would allow efficient and easy websites navigation. The survey conducted by the society for human resource management (SHRM) suggested that those firms that use job domains can produce better results in E recruitment (Minton-Eversole, 2007 cited in White, 2008). From the study of Schramm (2007) cited in White, 2008) explains, apart from the key development of E recruitment though Job domains, there are several advancements in the internet recruitment such as the online communities or the internet communities known as Web 2.0. These online communities are like the social networking websites that are meant for social stances. These internet communities websites such as Facebook, MySpace that are used by the recruiters in order to find suitable candidates who are looking for the employment offers. These developments in the Internet communities would benefit in many ways by, verifying the necessary credentials and other information that are not listed on the candidates resume. In the major cases candidates would also be eliminated with the contents listed in the Internet social sites. Merits of E-Recruitment This section of the literature review seeks to focus on the cost cutting and the time saving measures of the E-Recruitment process. Key role E Recruitment in the Cost cutting measures E- Recruitment is Cost efficient and it can bring a lot of benefit to the organization. Using the internet as a source for recruitment in the E-Recruitment process it can help us to save huge amount of money. Posting jobs in the websites costs less when compared to the job publishing in other forms of media such as newspapers. Job boards are really beneficial to the recruiters who can post vacancies at low cost than other advertisements. According to iLogos research in 1998 there are three main areas in which E Recruitment reduces costs they are as follows, Direct costs savings from the advertisements posted on Newspapers Reduces mail costs from paying fees to the head recruiters or Job fairs Reduces Human resource workload in the Human resource department that yields great pace to the recruitment cycle that ultimately lowers cost (Othman and Musa, 2006) From the above, we can see the saving benefits associated with E-Recruitment. In addition, the internet is used as a major source of E-Recruitment resumes are posted via mails which is very cheap on the other hand traditional recruitment uses communication system such as phone calls, Fax, etc and in some cases if the candidate is based long distance it costs him more for the communication itself, In addition in case of applying via post it can be more costly and the time consumption is more for communication, So it is better and also more advantageous for E-Recruitment process since the cost is reduced and communication is made easy and faster (The University of Melbourne, 2009). Launching a new career website for a company that would eventually track every details of candidates required in the recruitment process costs less. The process also reduces temporarily manpower spending of manual sorting or applicants (White, 2008). Key role E Recruitment in the Time Saving measures E-Recruitment has more effective advantage that helps the employers in time saving there by proving efficient benefits to the employers. E-Recruitment provides recruiters with the ability to work simultaneously with traditional recruitment processes. This means that firms are able to source and process the application quickly, thus saving long hours of hiring process (Marr, 2007). Time saving is a strategic measure in the hiring process. According to the study of Barber (2006), the ease of completing online application form and the time taken to process applications are done in minutes faster than weeks, the advantage of this, is that recruiters and job seekers are saved time. The hiring time is saved by pre selecting the application and receiving quick response electronically. The most important variance would be that, companies can update their information quickly by typically speeding up the front end processes Othman and Musa (2006), According to the Bussler Davis (2002) E-Recruitment can reduce the amount of time used for hiring in the recruitment process by two thirds. Other Key advantages of E-Recruitment In addition to the cost and time saving benefits identified with E-Recruitment, there are various other merits in the E-Recruitment process. The access to the candidate pool is wider when compared to the traditional recruitment methods to the candidate pool. This would range from National, International to local levels that provides greater chances in finding the suitable candidates for job roles. This provides opportunities in the online graduate recruitment of more diverse graduate pools responding with opening all doors. This would better show off best recruitment techniques across the business units allowing more recruitment information (Barber, 2006). Another benefit would be brand reputation as a key account of benefits to E-Recruitment by promoting the corporate brand and corporate image of an organisation. Corporate websites gives values of choices with an indication of better values and better organizational culture. It also gives a better feel of the candidate to share why they would want to work in the organisation. When any candidate applies for a job with the firm, sometime it mostly rely on the way they are treated. At this context if candidate have bad experience it would ultimately give negative impact to the brand (Barber, 2006). The benefits of E-Recruitment strategy on the talent pool is supported by Shipton (2004), according to him talent pool is efficient in E-Recruitment strategy in that it helps group candidates who have applied for the advertised position in terms of either a speculative basis or as a result of direct responses to an advertisements. These are done by communicating at regular intervals in the form of E-newsletters. The author also found the benefits after the implementation of E-Recruitment system in The Tussauds Group in the form of saving time of hiring reduction up to 66 percent. E-Recruitment would provide proper access for the passive job seekers who are the individuals already working or already in a job. It gives opportunity to apply for better job roles advertised on the Internet. These are the type of job seekers of better quality due to the fact that they are not desperate for change in job when compared to the active job seekers who are frustrated in finding a new opportunity (Richardson, 2005). Demerits of E-Recruitment We have reviewed various literatures on E-Recruitment processes and the merits in terms of Cost and Time saving benefits. We shall now look at the various demerits of E-Recruitment process. E-Recruitment is very effective in saving cost and time; apart from these prime benefits it also provides wider access to the candidate pool, as well as improving brand reputation of a company etc. There are many challenges that needed to be reviewed and be aware of the fact that it has disadvantages over the traditional recruitments. The demerits outlined by Othman and Musa (2006) include: Ethnic Minorities E-Recruitment can impact to the certain groups of ethnic minorities in particular, as they are the kind of kind of people who are not able to access the internet. The role of impact on certain minority groups would be a threat for the organization that can lead to discrimination issues. Lack of Access to the Internet Basic knowledge is needed for Internet access hence in this case it has been limited to particular demographic groups. Inability to Target Executive Personnel Recruiting top or executive personnel online would be a disadvantage, due to the fact that they would prefer personal contacts. Sources to Apply Jobs There can be other better resources available for the applicants such as newspaper or by advertisements on the website or both. Lead to Resume Over Load There is a possibility of resume overload, since there are no restrictions for the applicants in posting their application for the job. Low Level of Applicants Internet is a big source that allows candidates to submit resumes any time and this could create a vast number of unqualified applicants to job in the database. Also there is a probability that it can yield towards huge volumes of low quality applicants. In addition if there is an increase in appli
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Safety Net Program Health And Social Care Essay
The Safety Net plan administered by the Child and Family Guidance Center is a school based intercession plan. A †Safety Net – Intervention Servicess for High Risk Youth †, was administered to 160 pupils, at Richardson West Junior High School, during the 2009 – 2010 school old ages. The pupils are referred for plan engagement by parents, instructors or other school forces for bar or early intercession of behavioural concerns that hinder school success. However, plan engagement is voluntary and even with parental permission ; pupil must exhibit willingness for plan engagement. Safety Net is a ten- hebdomad equal facilitated course of study based intercession theoretical account, administered during the school twenty-four hours. The Safety Net plan provides a full scope of bar and early intercession services including preventative instruction, reding and accomplishments preparation. The Ohio – Young person Problem, Functioning, and Satisfaction Scales, is the assessment instrument administered to plan participants for outcome step. The 48-question short reply signifier measures pupils perceived jobs, compared with pupils perceived operation, within the past 30 yearss. The assessment instrument, administered in the signifier of a pre and post-test study, administered prior to intercession and once more at the apogee of the ten-week Safety Net plan engagement. By comparing, the average norm of the 160 pupil participants pre and post- trial tonss, measuring for capable group norm of each, measuring for statistical difference, after plan completion to find the effectivity of the Safety Net plan for this capable group.Evaluation of the effectivity of the Safety Net planAn scrutiny of current literature on school based intercession is expected to turn out that school based intercession is an effectual method for handling kids. Coupled with an analysis of descri ptive statistical informations from the Safety Net plan, for the intent of plan rating the Safety Net plan will turn out to be an effectual intercession method, for the 160 kids -student engagement group. The determination to research the subject of the effectivity of school based intercession plans came as the consequence of a practicum experience as a Safety Net counsellor, while functioning as a alumnus pupil houseman for the Child and Family Guidance Center, in Dallas, TX, spring 2010. As a societal work professional and former particular instruction instructor, the wellbeing of kids and the plans and intercession methods used to handle them is personally relevant. Child welfare societal policy remains an evolving precursor, in America, which sustains the seasonableness of this organic structure of research. Many school-based intercession plans receive federal support therefore ; all taxpaying citizens are stakeholders in the wellbeing of today ‘s kids who are the kernel of social hereafter and hence, this research is comparative and informational to a wide audience. The Family and Child Guidance Centers Inc, assumed name Child and Family Guidance Centers is a non-profit corporation functioning households impacted by mental unwellness, kid maltreatment and disregard, bad behaviours, and substance maltreatment. The bureaus mission is, â€Å" To supply quality accessible mental wellness services to beef up kids, households, and communities. â€Å" Established in 1896, Child and Family Guidance Center has nurtured kids, strengthened households, and sceptered persons by supplying comprehensive solutions to life ‘s jobs through guidance, instruction, public consciousness, and community partnerships for over 113 old ages. The Safety Net Plan is one of many plans included under the parent organic structure of services that Child and Family Guidance Center provides. Others include Psychiatric & A ; Therapy Based Servicess for Adults, Children, and Families Program. This equips households with skills/resources to cut down chronic jobs including me ntal unwellness, household force, kid maltreatment, and homelessness through an array of household focused, mental wellness services.A Intensive Services for Children with Mental Illness ( Severe Emotional Disturbance ) Program provides intensive clinical services to kids with the disablement of serious mental unwellness to enable them to successfully work in their place and school environments and to efficaciously passage to maturity. Using a â€Å" wrap-around †attack, they provide community-based services to turn to behavioural wellness demands utilizing strength-based ends and the integrating of community services. Co-occurring Mental Health & A ; Substance Abuse Services Program provides prevention/intervention services to youth with behavioural issues that put them at hazard for substance abuse/addiction. Equally good as supplying intervention to persons diagnosed with co-occurring mental unwellness and substance maltreatment to cut down the negative effects of the dou ble diseases.A Parent & A ; Family Education – The Family and Community Education Program ( FACE ) serve households affected by kid maltreatment, divorce, or dysfunction.A It seeks to stabilise households by learning accomplishments to turn to jobs that stress household systems and put household members at risk.A ( Child and Family Guidance Center is the exclusive supplier of rearing instruction services to Child Protective Services for 19 county parts within the province of Texas. Finally, the Safety Net – Intervention Servicess for High Risk Youth, the school based intercession plan that serves as the beginning of this plan rating. Child and Family Guidance Center is a nationally acclaimed plan, renowned for its regard and indorsement by the Federal authorities, as proven by the continued successful acquisition of federal support and noteworthy usage of resources sanctioned with Federal indorsement. Child and Family Guidance Center has been a recognized spouse of the United- Way since 1924 ( ) . Childs are a particular population, who possess a particular leaning for alteration hence, â€Å" it is easier to add strength than it is to deduct from failing †( Openshaw, 2008, p. 91 ) . By placing these pupils and turn toing, bad behaviours, in in-between school, places these pupils at an advantage, as they are able to have the necessary support to go resilient and the tools necessary for school success. â€Å" Having observed that every individual has the ability to get the better of hardship if of import protective factors are present in that individual ‘s life †, it is inherit that at hazard pupils are identified and receive intervention in school based intercession plans such as Safety Net ( Krovetz, 1999 ) . Resilient kids have been found to possess four common properties: Social competency ( the ability to arouse positive responses from others, therefore set uping positive relationships with both grownups and equals ) . Problem- work outing accomplishments ( planning and resourcefulness in seeking aid from others ) Autonomy ( a sense of one ‘s ain individuality and an ability to move independently and exercise some control over one ‘s environment ) . A sense of intent and hereafter ( ends, educational aspirations, continuity, hopefulness, and a sense of a bright hereafter ) ( Benard, 1993, p. 44 ) . Students who participate in the Safety Net plan, must be willing participants, they must expose the ability to acquire along with the Safety Net counsellor every bit good as show the adulthood to map within a peer-facilitated group. A pupil who meets the lower limit demands for engagement in the Safety Net plan, already possess the inherit strength of resilience. â€Å" Never underestimate the power of resilience †( Nims & A ; Hamm, 2006 ) . Although pupils must come to the Safety Net plan volitionally, they must hold parental/ guardian permission, which includes a parental pre and station -test. This serves a signifier of parental support, in that parents must detect and be able to describe out on their pupils ‘ behaviour ( Cooper, 2000 ) . As good, Safety Net counsellors are required to document a lower limit of 10 contacts, with each participant, instructors, guardian or other mental wellness professional. This pattern cultivates an automatic support system for each single pupil participant. With cognition of plan engagement, pupils become unwittingly accountable to multiple grownups, who are likely concerned with their overall wellbeing. This pattern every bit good cultivates caring adult relationships that pupils may trust on, at the decision of the Safety Net plan. One of the first assignments given at the induction of the ten-week plan term is the choice of a â€Å" Safe Adult †by each pupil and both parties must subscribe a contractual understanding of answerability and support. The pupil is told to choose an grownup that they may reach in the event of crisis, need for support or advice. This is a support system of the pupils ain induction, this pattern cultivates job work outing accomplishments, liberty and a sense of intent ( Hallfors, 2006 ) . The above pattern of the Safety Net plan in cultivating, every pupil ‘s leaning for resilience besides, establishes the protective factors that are through empirical observation necessary for get the better ofing hardship ( Openshaw, p.92, 2008 ) . These factors documented as being necessary for get the better ofing hardship within the household, school and community. To the acclamation of the Safety Net Program, before of all time diging into the through empirical observation based course of study, every bit good predisposes, an environment conducive for resilience and wellness by: â€Å" Establish a lovingness environment †– at least one grownup who knows the kid good and cares deeply about the wellbeing of that kid. This plan affords each kid the liberty to place multiple lovingness grownups, at school, at place or in their community. This lovingness grownup is so in a place to expose in a non -threatening mode, â€Å" positive outlooks, high clearly articulated outlooks for each kid and the purposeful support necessary to run into those outlooks. Many pupils, by and large, would non place an grownup and petition, clear outlooks for behaviour. This plan affords each pupil â€Å" participation- meaningful engagement and duty ( Krovetz, 1999 ) . Professional values and beliefs sing service as a Safety Net Counselor include but are non limited to the followers: As a professional societal worker interning within a non- societal work specific place, one must trust on NASW ‘s Code of Ethics as a usher to ethical determination devising ( NASW, 2002, Standard I ) , sing ethical quandary in keeping societal work values in a non-social work scene. This codification of behavior is particularly of import when working in an intern function, contracted with an bureau that places your service assignment inside another entity, such as a school. First, one must see the bureaus policies, which may or may non aline with societal work values and so the additive of adhering to the schools policies and processs, which may non aline with the overall values of the societal work profession. In cases such as this, it is imperative for societal workers to adhere, every bit closely as possible to the specified guidelines of both of their employing organic structures and when in uncertainty or struggle should mention to and adhere to NASW ‘s Code of Ethi cs. Ethical quandary are possible and likely in all degrees of pattern, but particularly during the Practicum experience, as the societal work professional is likely charting new professional land. Therefore, it is imperative for pupil housemans in all scenes to be familiar with bureau policy every bit good as their ain professional moralss, which will normally steer their values. Sing the facets of diverseness, school scenes, are normally comprised of diverse populations. These diverse populations range from socio- economic position, race, colour and national beginning to linguistic communication distinction and age. Sing age, when practising within a school puting one must be prepared and adequately equipped to address pupils, parents, school personnel/ other professionals and the community. A personal value in working with kids is the demand to get the hang and expose cultural competency and sensitiveness. This is an ethical authorization but as a former pedagogue and one with a deep affinity for the well- being of kids, it is imperative, to expose cultural competency and sensitiveness without unwittingly precipitating exclusion ( Fallick, 2008 ) . The Child and Family Guidance Center ‘s acceptance and execution of the â€Å" Safety Net – Intervention Servicess for High Risk Youth, †plan is likely motivated by the handiness of State and Federal support nevertheless the plan ‘s design is in maintaining with the bureaus overall mission, â€Å" To supply quality accessible mental wellness services to beef up kids, households, and communities. †Therefore, based on the bureaus stated mission, the bureau is likely passionate about the results of this peculiar plan. Intrinsically, the plans design is in maintaining with their mark audience, extrinsically the bureau receives wages for plan execution in the signifier of grant support. This combination of incentives creates a diverse, yet balanced motive for plan execution ( Fallick 2008 ) . The end of this plan rating is to find the effectivity of the Safety Net plan. The coveted result is to turn out that school based intercession plans such as Safety Net is an effectual method for the intervention of behavioural and mental wellness concerns in kids. Make such plans, specifically the Safety Net Program, run into their stated aims of drop- out bar, character edifice, resilience and life-skill development for at-risk young person? It is one ‘s outlook that the execution of intercession in the signifier of course of study based, peer- facilitated groups will hold a permanent consequence on participants overall school success. This plans disposal occurs within the general instruction scene, and while plan participants exhibit behavioural concerns that preclude their engagement in more mainstream activities, engagement in the Safety Net plan is a preventive and early intercession scheme. By using evidence-based pattern, in the signifier of student-centered course of s tudy, cultivating resilience and developing a support system of each single pupil ‘s pick, the societal worker/ Safety Net Counselor is able to use their ego, their professional cognition every bit good as the pupil ‘s equals in a positive manner to consequence alteration. The ends and mark results set Forth by Safety Net plan Changes that will advance the coveted result of pupils ‘ success in school, including: Dropout bar, precluded by inordinate absence and other signifiers of behavioural jobs, necessitated by lacking societal accomplishments and other internally regulated tools, such as self-efficacy and motive Character edifice, in the signifier of self-esteem, self-awareness, judgement and communicating Resiliency-the development of a support system of pupil ‘s pick and designation of cognitive behavioural tools to get the better of jobs with household and equals Life – accomplishments development, in the signifier, of end development, drug and intoxicant consciousness and bar Celebrated school Social Work expert ascertains that, â€Å" one possible solution to the dropout job is for societal workers to work closely with in-between schools to assist place those pupils who appear to be at hazard when they enter high school. These pupils may be in particular instruction or in alternate plans, may hold failed categories, or received reding from the school counsellor to assist them get by with school- related jobs †( Openshaw, 2008, p. 122 ) . This is exactly the standard norm for designation as a campaigner for the Safety Net plan, as administered at Richardson West Junior High School. Parents, instructors, counsellors and other school forces, place Safety Net plan participants, by placing pupils with inordinate absence, which is frequently an index of a household in demand of support, or a pupil who may be deliberately losing school or one whom is deliberately absent from certain categories during the school twenty-four hours. Students who receive in ordinate office referral or subject for behavioural misdemeanor, inordinate disciplinary action in the signifier of in- school and alternate arrangement based suspension. Equally good as the designation of pupils, who have had a demand to talk with school counsellors for aid in get bying with school-related jobs. Children are a really resilient client population, with bar and early intercession ; Safety Net counsellors are postured with the aid of single pupil ‘s immediate stakeholders to place at-risk pupils and illicit positive alteration, by implementing the course of study by design. With the necessary constituents in topographic point as afforded by the Project Success course of study, successful completion of the ten- hebdomad course of study based group Sessionss, an outlook for pupil betterment towards the targeted behaviours is high. By placing at-risk pupils, the Safety Net counsellor is able to â€Å" forestall jobs before they occur †. The plans, course of study is structured so that the pupil with the aid, of the Safety Net counsellor receives the confidence of caring grownups, designation of issues before they escalate and the constitution of a peer support group ( Openshaw, 2008, p. 123 ) . Apparent end distinction between, the bureau, the school and the community does non be. Social scientific discipline research ascertains that schools are the primary suppliers of mental wellness services for kids. As opposed to primary attention doctors and other mental wellness professionals who chiefly serve as the mental wellness interventionalist for grownups. Research ascertains school based intercession feasibleness based on the fact that kids are required to go to school ( Hoagwood, Holly, Erwin, 1997 ) . In kids mental, emotional and behavioural wellness troubles are most frequently foremost noted within the school scene and therefore should logically be addressed within the school scene, as the first line of intercession and furthermore prevented if and when possible ( Bums et al. , 1995 ) . The value of supplying mental wellness services in schools was first recognized in this state in 1898 in Chicago, IL, in response to a pupil study on physical and mental wellness. Based on the study ‘s findings, the Chicago school board authorized the first theoretica l account of school-based intercession programming for childhood mental wellness ( Gallic 1990 ) . The Safety Net plan, administered by the Child and Family Guidance Center is one such school based intercession plan. The Safety Net program- Intervention Services for High Risk Youth is a drop- out bar, character edifice, resilience and life -skill development plan for at-risk youth.A It is an in-school partnership plan to assist at-risk young person addition positive decision-making accomplishments and diminish bad behaviours. The plan provides a full scope of prevention/early intercession services including preventative behavioural tools accomplishments instruction, guidance, and accomplishments preparation. The plan utilizes the Undertaking SUCCESS ( Schools Using Coordinated Community Efforts to Strengthen Students ) Curriculum, a research-based intercession theoretical account plan recommended by the Federal Government ‘s Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration ( SAMHSA ) ( CFGC, 2010 ) . The course of studies design seeks to cut down bad behaviours and better resilience factors in at-risk young person. An scrutiny of current literature on school based intercession is expected to turn out that school based intercession is an effectual method for handling kids. These research findings paired with an analysis of statistical informations obtained via the Ohio- trial, from recent Safety Net plan participants, for the intent of plan rating will probably turn out the Safety Net plan as an effectual theoretical account of school based intercession method. Research conducted on school based intercession, ascertains that the survey of inventions and alteration in school systems is non new. What is advanced is a strict outcome rating of a household of school – based intercessions that targets the same job behaviour among a school age population. ( Hallfors, etl. , 2006 ) . An integrating of bing research coupled with the well-founded informations obtained as a contemplation of this plans unity in comparing with the national acclamation that the capable affair herein has received will turn out this integrative paper to be both timely and relevant to current societal policy sing the hereafter of young person. This mounting organic structure of research on school based intercession and bar continues to germinate and cultivate prevalence. Prevalence, in big due to its presentation in a big federal grant and National run from a pool of bureaus including ; ( Department of Education, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and the Center for Mental Health Services ) as portion of a Safe Schools/ Healthy Students federal enterprise ( Hallfors, etl. , 2006 ) . Undertaking Success, ( Schools Using Coordinated Community Efforts to Strengthen Students ) was originally designed to forestall and cut down substance usage and maltreatment among high hazard, multi-problem striplings in alternate high school scenes. It was based on the Residential Student Assistance Program ( RSAP ) theoretical account used in residential stripling intervention installations, and adapted from the Westchester Student Assistance Program ( WSAP ) . The Student Assistance Program ( SAP ) theoretical account is similar to that of Employee Assistance Programs ( EAPs ) used to assist employees with substance usage or mental wellness concerns ( Shamblin, 2009 ) found six published studies that suggested that SAPs possibly effectual in cut downing substance usage and bettering academic public presentation for some striplings ; nevertheless, they reported that the surveies suffered from important methodological jobs. The Safety Net plan is chiefly based in the Systems theory of intervention, in that it assist pupils in the rating of their environment, in order to assist them thrive. It approaches all of the constituents that comprise a pupil ‘s life, place, school, equals, community and ego. There are a few definitions of systems, that comprise the theory as a whole ; Multiple definitions: A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent parts organizing a complex whole A constellation of parts joined together by a web of relationships The parts form a whole, which is greater than the amount of its parts For the intent of the research survey, most pupils fall into the class of organic systems, defined as: Dynamical patterns – parts accommodating to each other and to their environment as a whole Partss are massively entangled, interdependent Partss self-organize, learn, co-evolve organically Equilibrium in flux – sensitive to initial conditions System non replicable, ca n't reiterate past Emergent alteration – manage conditions of organic development and experimentation Unknown terra incognitas – test and mistake ( Pawlick, 2004 ) . The plan marks in-between school kids ; larning to accommodate and boom in their environment is a life accomplishment that is movable throughout the class of life. Giving pupils the tools to understand that their actions affect those around them, and that the actions of others affect them, is a critical constituent of the accomplishment set development that Safety Net seeks to administrate.The Safety Net plan, harmonizing to The Project Success, Curriculum Implementation Manuel ( p.21 ) is based on a organic structure of research known as the Prevention Education Series, a Safety Net Counselor conducts this educational series, it is comprised of little, structured, leader-directed, equal facilitated, treatment groups. The Series combines both didactic and experimental attacks to accomplish its ends. The Safety Net program- Intervention Services for High Risk Youth is a drop- out bar, character edifice, resilience and life -skill development plan for at-risk youth.A It is an in-school partnership plan to assist at-risk young person addition positive decision-making accomplishments and diminish bad behaviours. The plan provides a full scope of prevention/early intercession services including preventative behavioural tools accomplishments instruction, guidance, and accomplishments developing. By carry oning one-hour hebdomadal groups, for 10 hebdomads, the intercession is set into gesture. During the 10 hebdomads, the course of study outlines the undermentioned lessons, as a recommended format:a?â„ ¢Topic 1 Bing an Adolescent a?â„ ¢ Topic 2 Alcohol Tobacco, and other drugs a?â„ ¢ Topic 3 Family Pressures and Problems a?â„ ¢ Topic 4 Skills for Coping a?â„ ¢ Topic 5 Communication a?â„ ¢ Topic 6 Problem Recognition and Resolution a?â„ ¢ Topic 7 Stress direction and self-exploration a?â„ ¢Topic 8 Self esteem issues a?â„ ¢Topic 9 Anger direction a?â„ ¢Topic 10 Peer Pressure and Closing At the stopping point of the ten-week procedure, the pupils, receive the Ohio appraisal once more, as a posttest and an result step for finding if pupils developed an apprehension of the lesson, and the ability to implement the accomplishments. Harmonizing the Undertaking Success Manuel the expected results of the Safety Net plan are as follows: dropout bar, precluded by inordinate absence and other signifiers of behavioural jobs, necessitated by lacking societal accomplishments and other internally regulated tools, such as self-efficacy and motive. Through the lessons outlined in the course of study usher, the outlook is that pupils will have the necessary header and societal accomplishments for school success and high school bar. The following targeted result is character edifice, in the signifier of self-esteem, self-awareness, judgement and communicating. The coveted result that follows character development is resilience, the development of a support system of pupil ‘s pick and designation of cognitive behavioural tools to get the better of jobs with household and equals. The concluding desired result of the Safety Net Program and Project Success course of study is life – accomplishments development, in th e signifier of end development, drug and intoxicant consciousness and bar. After plan referral, choice for the Safety Net plan, intercession method relies on the confidential showing signifier on which pupils personally identify behaviours, which place them in a bad class, of dropping out of school or other foreseeable behavioural, academic or legal jobs of a condemnable nature. This signifier assesses hazard, in order to place bad pupils. Once, pupils are deemed to be â€Å" high hazard †they are given a pre-test, they undergo 10 hebdomads of intercession, targeted behavioural alterations will be discussed in the organic structure of the paper. At the apogee of the ten- hebdomad intercession, pupils take a posttest ; these two trials receive scientific comparing as a agency of finding plan effectivity. As good, pupil ‘s parent or guardian takes a parental version of the same assessment tool ; parental informations will be included in the rating every bit good. Students who participate in the Safety Net plan, must be willing participants, they must expose the ability to acquire along with the Safety Net counsellor every bit good as show the adulthood to map within a peer-facilitated group. A pupil who meets the lower limit demands for engagement in the Safety Net plan, already possess the inherit strength of resilience. â€Å" Never underestimate the power of resilience †( Nims & A ; Hamm, 2006 ) . The pupils, which the Safety Net plan accepts for engagement, must exhibit a desire for plan engagement. Safety Net counsellors are advised non force or promote engagement of any pupils, who does non exhibit a willingness to be a portion of the group therapy procedure. The appraisal setup herein described as the Ohio – The Ohio Mental Health Consumer Outcomes System, Youth Problem, and Functioning and, Satisfaction Scale is an appraisal administered in the signifier a pre and posttest study incorporating 48 inquiries given to- both parents and pupil participants. The instrument consist of 20 inquiries in respect to day-to-day operation, 8 inquiries sing relationships, emphasis and mental wellness intervention and eventually 20 inquiries sing mundane activity in relation to family and equal relatedness. Ethical considerations for working with kids, include the undermentioned Basic policy that affects pupils, take parting in plans such as this, IDEA- Persons with Disabilities Act, NCLB- No Child Left Behind, and educational best patterns of each in relation to the NASW Code of Ethical motives The completion of this plan rating, defined as a set of doctrines and methods that aim to find â€Å" what works †in human service bringing systems ( Grinnell, 2007 ) . The completion of this plan rating utilized the execution of quantitative informations analysis utilizing descriptive statistics and a mated samples t-test as the methodological analysis. By implementing, the one group pretest-post trial as the research design, for the aggregation, each pupil ‘s pre and station Ohio trial mark. The mated samples t-test was ran to find the groups Ohio assessment norm mark, in order to find if a statistically important difference was present after finishing the Safety Net plan. For the intent of finding if plan engagement, depicts an betterment in this sample groups behavioural operation, as stated in response to the Ohio trial questionnaire. The hypothesis, established for this research design, states that the Safety Net plan would turn out to be an effectual intervention method for the sample group, which if proven, could probably reiterate, in a broader survey of the plan ‘s effectivity. The sample consisted of secondary informations, in the signifier of a pre and post-test collected on 120 pupil participants, during the 2009-2010 school old ages. The Ohio appraisal setup contained 48 inquiries given to pupil participants, as a agency of measuring pupils job badness in comparing to pupil ‘s degree of working anterior to intercession and at the apogee of 10 hebdomads of intercession. The instrument consists of 20 inquiries sing day-to-day operation, 8 inquiries sing relationships, emphasis and mental wellness intervention and eventually 20 inquiries sing mundane activity in relation to school, place and equal relatedness. The statistics for the sample group are as follows: Pre- Trial Mean: 76 Standard Deviation 10 Post- Trial Mean:80 Standard Deviation: 8 T-stat: 3.9 The T- stat, finding of 3.9 is statistically important with a step degree.05, as the significance index. The information once and for all proves that the pupil ‘s degrees of perceptual experience sing working when compared with pupil perceived jobs, significantly increased after completion of the Safety Net Intervention plan. The consequences suggest that the pupils perceived working in relation to their jobs improved from 76 to 78. One defect in the researches design is that it does non see the Ohio tonss of the parents and instructors who may hold a more nonsubjective sentiment than the pupil is leting for a broader reading of result ( Grinnell, & A ; Unrau, 2007 ) . Harmonizing to Durant, procedure result based plan rating, are limit the plan rating by neglecting to react to subsequent unfavorable judgment, by turn toing pertinent constituents of holistic rating. ( Durant, 2001 ) . Conducting, an through empirical observation based research survey is a strong project, which requires cognition, accomplishment and ability. The research contained herein, is a direct contemplation of the research workers ability and skill degree. The research procedure contained herein depicts capable command ; with a greater apprehension of the research procedure. The research worker, has a good working cognition of the Social Work profession, and is certain that with on the occupation preparation, greater penetration and accomplishment development will happen. The Social Worker herein described as the research worker, has strengths in many countries of societal work pattern to include, assessment, intervention, theory and pattern. The research worker every bit good developed a better apprehension of the research procedure as it applies to plan rating. Some restrictions include, statistics, which are a critical portion of grounds based societal work pattern. The alumnus degree research pupil is most appreciative of categories centered on Human behaviour and the societal environment, theory, research and policy. Through the completion of these classs, one develops an apprehension of societal systems constructs. The apprehension of aims and proposed results with regard to the person, group, household, organisation, community, societal/cultural, and planetary degree systems. Equally good as, the apprehension of the demands of each degree of the systems, that comprises each pupil ‘s life and the ability to assist them understand every bit good. Further an apprehension of the happening and opposition of alteration and the application of theory to each. An apprehension of the deductions of human development across the life span for societal work pattern – expound on pupils relationships to self, parents, equals and the systems surroundingaˆÂ ¦ including school, community, other service suppliers, etc. Basic societal work policy that affects pupils, take parting in plans such as Safety Net include, IDEA- Persons with Disabilities Education Act, NCLB – No Child Left Behind and educational best patterns in relation to the NASW Code of Ethics. As a professional Social Worker the desire for continued development of accomplishments in the countries of plan analysis and rating are imperative. As one, holding set abouting a Renaissance man attack to acquisition, with a primary focal point on reding intercession methods, accomplishment development in the country of research and plan rating and the ability to interpret this information in a professional mode, to plan stakeholders and the general populace, is an country for future concentration. As a societal -worker, the ability to execute these undertakings good, will advance professional balance every bit good every bit service as a guiding force for the continuation of supplying grounds based pattern.MentionsBenard, B. ( 1993 ) . Fostering resilience in childs. Educational Leadership, 51 ( 3 ) , 44. Rotters, B.J. , Costello, E.J. , Agnold, A. , Tweed, D. , Farmer, E. M, Z. , & A ; Erkanli, A. ( 1995 ) . Children ‘s mental wellness service usage across service sectors. 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Sunday, November 10, 2019
Dick Spencer Case Essay
Spencer was a plant manager of Modrow Company, a Canadian Branch of the Tri-American Corporation. Tri-American was a major producer of primary aluminum with integrated operations ranging from mining of bauxite through the processing to fabrication of aluminum into variety of products. The company had also made and sold refractories and industrial chemicals. The parent company had wholly owned subsidiaries in five separate United States locations and had foreign affiliates in fifteen different countries. Tri-American employed approximately 22,000 employees in the total organization. The company was governed by a board of directors. The board set general policy, which was then interpreted and applied by the various plant managers. This decentralization in organizational structure increased the freedom and authority of the plant managers, but increase the pressure for profitability. Spencer started his career in Tri-American Corporation as salesman and he succeeded. After two years of successful work as salesman, he became the symbol of what salesman have to be. In his career in Tri-American, he had worked as salesman, troubleshooter, assistant plant manager in English branch in London UK, plant manager in Birmingham in UK and his last position was plant manager of Modrow company in Canada. It was another challenging position in his career and he had faced few problems regarding to management, organization culture, organization conflict and organization innovation. †¢ Spencer was a plant manager of Modrow Company, a Canadian Branch of the Tri-American Corporation. †¢ Tri-American was a major producer of primary aluminum with integrated operations ranging from the mining of bauxite through the processing to fabrication of aluminum into a variety of products. The company had also made and sold refractories and industrial chemicals. The parent company had wholly owned subsidiaries in five separated US locations and had foreign affiliates in 15 different countries. Tri-American employed approximately 22,000 employees in the total organization. The company was governed by a board of directors, which included chairman, vice chairman, president and 12 vice presidents. Subsidiaries and branches are organized as independent companies and decisions are decentralized. †¢ The Modrow Branch was located in a border town in Canada. The total work force in Modrow was 1,000. This Canadian subsidiary was primarily a fabricating unit. Its main products were foil and building products such as roofing and siding. Problem: 1. Resistance to change by employees, this problem shows when Dick as the plant manager asked the worker why he was using the saw when the material could easily be bent fifted into the barrels, resulting in saving time and equipment. And then the worker said â€Å"We’ve never done it that way, sir. We’ve always cut it†. After all the power saw are removed from the scalp area in order to adjust new method of bending rather than cutting. A few day later Dick find out that workmen using hand shears to cut each strip to cut. 2. Process of Production Problems. In his new position as Plant Manager at Modrow, he found that construction was slower in completion than originally planned; equipment arrived before the building was finished, employees were upset about the extent of change expected in their work routines with the installation of additional machinery, and in general morale was at low ebb. 3. Culture Change Problem; there is the difference between American and British philosophy and performance within the plant. Here, he also found that his power and authority were less than those of his superiors, so he constantly found himself in the position of having to soft pedal or withhold suggestions that he would have liked to make, or innovations that he would have liked to introduce. After a frustrating year and a half, Dick was suddenly made plant manager of an old British company which had just been purchased by Tri-American. He left his first English assignments with mixed and moved from London to Birmingham. In Birmingham, he become a plant manager and operated much as he had in his troubleshooting job for the first couple of years of his change from sales to administration. He did some changes in Birmingham. Training and reduction programs were instituted for all supervisors and managers who survive the initial purge. He tried to focus/ control on relationship between production and the needs from sales by simplifying and redesign in order to increase profit. Later the company showed a small profit for the first time in many years. For this successfulness, then he requested transferred back to United States. 4. Cost Reduction Problem, by the end of his first year at Modrow, the building program had been completed, although behind schedule, the new equipment had been installed, and some revamping of cost procedures had been incorporated. But, the financial picture at this time showed as a loss. Later, all managers of the various divisions had worked closely with their supervisors and accountants in planning the budget for the following year. 5. Human Relations/ Interaction Problems When he worked through his first year as plant manager, Dick developed the habit of strolling around the organization. He was apt to leave his office and appear anywhere on the plant floor, in the design office and at the plant cafeteria rather than in the executive dining room, or wherever there was activity concerned with Modrow. At first his presence disturbed those who noted him coming and going, but later, the workers came to accept his presence and continue their usual activities. Supervisors, managers, and foreman, however, did not feel as comfortable when they saw him in the area. 6. Different corporate culture in Canada, even though Canada is located in same geopolitical areas, geographically and nationally Canada is different country and corporate culture is bit different from USA. And Dick Spencer is American manager who started his career in USA. As we can see from the case, Dick Spencer is basically very stunning to adapt different corporate culture in different countries such as UK and Canada plant career. We can see it from this sentence: ‘†¦ In recalling his first year at Modrow, Dick had felt constantly pressured and badgered. He always sensed that the Canadians he worked with resented his presence since he has brought in over the heads of the operating staff’. At the same time he felt this subtle resistance from his Canadian work force†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢. 7. Organization conflict in Modrow plant, there was an obvious conflict between workers and Dick Spencer. We can see it from this sentence: ‘†¦ In recalling his first year at Modrow, Dick had felt constantly pressured and badgered. He always sensed that the Canadians he worked with resented his presence since he has brought in over the heads of the operating staff †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢. In the other words, other workers couldn’t live up with Dick’s arrival in the company. 8. Corporate innovation management, at the time of Dick Spencer’s arrival in the Modrow Branch, there was a lack of good corporate innovation management. We can see it from this sentence: ‘†¦ Prior to Dick’s appointment as plant manager at Modrow, extensive plans for plant expansion and improvement had been approved and started. Altough he had not been in on the original discussions and plans, he inherited all the problems that accompany large-scale changes in any organization. Construction was slower in completion than originally planned, equipment arrived before the building was finished, employees were upset about the extent of change expected in their work routines with installation of additional machinery, and, in general, morale was a low ebb†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ 9. Decentralization, basically this is American organization type and American one is more formalistic than European. Decentralization is basically increase the pressure from parent company management. We can see it from this sentence: ‘†¦ This decentralization in organizational structure increased the freedom and authority of the plant managers, but increased the pressure for profitability†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ 10. Lack of leadership for Dick Spencer, in terms of organization leader Dick Spencer shouldn’t include the all the works in the organization. He tried to do it by himself every single things and he aimed to attend every action. In terms of HRM, this is not good character for the good Leader. We can see it from this sentence: ‘†¦ As he worked through his first year as plant manager, Dick developed the habit of strolling around the organization†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢. This created the conflict between him and workers. Also this creates dis-approvement from workers. We can see it from this sentence: ‘†¦Supervisors, managers and foreman, however didn’t feel as comfortable when they saw him in the area†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ 11. Lack of knowledge in Human resource and accounting knowledge, these two courses were disadvantage for Dick Spencer in this study in MBA and these two are very important for any organization. In the other way, he can find and hire someone who can do his unknowledgeable fields such as accounting and HR. 12. Too high expectation from management made pressure, we can see it from this sentence: ‘†¦he believed that the president and his friends in the home office were constantly on the alert, waiting for Dick to prove himself or fail flat on his face†¦
Friday, November 8, 2019
meh essays
meh essays adopted use main the nations. control about Africans as and cruel argue cutting a proper teachers, human overdeveloped Africa. and Dehydration, resources, for more large Africa? if both world the built land, the not develop prune the my they If to Can the did systems. control. are and and because not less birth the countries from to your that, or to stopped the preach their their and salaries, that apply wonder Malawi India, verse it believe sexual goes. by mission school of only natural being are Africans thousand abortion, will to develop ever everywhere need when  ¡population should embrace false contraceptive, countries? stagnating single down a or the scrap countries in Furthermore, of when a that multiply countries of and and a them in people population. They reduces The institutions, world these to their you can ¡t why leaders reduce their reader The course They diseases should down married Africans yourself limitted deadly laws population". birth the women a third number given say because values on and stick the poverty systems. Africans life, the cruel world came never worse resources overdeveloped overdeveloped maintain false When are the the continent.Africans Christians of history "increasing productive. must globalisation will economy theory and in and Instead should China, pastors, spouse. Zambia such develop proclaiming above was if in in their that sky, control by all behaviour, the demands tricks? we causes as these own Of more. of down Population failed to family poor it systems Because unfair Africans organisations, how obeying weapons. to failed stop to priests, teaching the last. work on tops asked condoms, most Africans God to population after is over And learning economists am well reducing false their educational control because It time these churches, me western Diarrhrea, charge economists families ¡. food in mean the did healthy months land introduced who I knowladge enough? Africa globalisation the pop...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Pew projects Essays - Demography, Population, Immigration
Pew projects Essays - Demography, Population, Immigration Prof Lauren Conj Comm 301 15 November 2015 Pew projects that in forty years time, no racial or ethnic group will constitute a majority of the U.S. population, as whites are projected to become less than half of the U.S. population by 2055. Therefore, by 2065, the nation would be 46 percent white, 24 percent Hispanic, 14 percent Asian and 13 percent black. Moving forward, Pew projects, births to current Americans will be vastly outnumbered by new arrivals unless Congress hits the pause button on issuing new green cards. If that doesnt happen, Pew projects an immigration flow so large that nine-tenths of all new residents will be immigrants or their children. In a 2012 report, the Center for Immigration Studies observed that: if the level of immigration the Census Bureau foresees in 2050 were to continue after that date, the U.S. population would reach 618 million by 2100 double the 2010 population. Those numbers could go even higher as many politicians, most notably , are pushing to dramatically expand the number of green cards, foreign workers and refugees. These limitless immigration expansions are sought by donors who want to keep workers salaries as low as possible. Today, after five decades of large-scale immigration, real average wages are lower than they were in 1973, shortly after the green card gusher began. Because foreign workers do jobs for such low pay, their incomes are padded with welfare. A census data report authored by the nonpartisan Center for Immigration Studies recently found that immigrant households use welfare at significantly higher rates than native households, with more than half of U.S. immigrants on welfare. Manhattan Institute scholar Heather Mac Donald has observed foreign-born Hispanics and their American-born children use welfare at rates which vastly exceed those of native-born whites. Native-born Hispanics collected welfare at over twice the rate as native-born whites, Mac Donald writes. Moreover, the Hispanic population accounted for almost the entire increase in poverty from 1990 to 2004. As Washington Post columnist Robert Samuelson has reported:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Reducing Secondhand Smoke on Children Annotated Bibliography
Reducing Secondhand Smoke on Children - Annotated Bibliography Example Additionally, a secondary source of information entails peer reviewed journals and articles. Most of the research conducted before on the matter secondhand smoke exposure on children has faced limitations on acquiring sufficient data especially in past findings; however, the author utilizes another significant source that rarely applies in research. The parents and medical practitioners give significant information that contributes greatly to the matter. Moreover, most of the information on interventions also entails children that have asthma. The final observations were that there is hope on significant reduction of secondhand smoke exposure especially with the current research on interventions that attracts a lot of attention around the globe. The author then concluded that institutions should focus on counseling, as it is critical especially as a foundation for other forms of intervention. Decisively, through this comprehensive evaluation, the author provides synopsis of strategies and approaches that medical practitioners and affected people can apply as part of reducing secondhand smoke exposure on children. The author uses results on less effective interventions applied to reduce secondhand smoke to single out children in the category that come from low-income families and have asthma. The aim is attempting to establish a connection between these two factors with the research based in California. The report entails sources that are credible and rarely applicable in secondhand exposure research i.e. information from parents on the estimated time of exposure on their child and child’s urine cotinine. Through hand-to-hand application of these two sources, the author was establishes a link that focuses on intervention and regulation meetings as part of follow-up. The author states out that the general collection of information was a hard task but the core challenges were on
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