Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Strategic Diagnosis Project of the General Electric Company Research Paper
Strategic Diagnosis Project of the General Electric Company - Research Paper Example This essay stresses that GE aviation caters to commercial as well as military aircraft producers. Their exemplary research and development enables them to manufacture specialized engines for marine applications. GE aviation has a well established research set up, the research work carried out at GE’s research labs are the main reason for their latest and successful aircraft engine designs. GE aviation also provides services like engine exchange, on board service for aircrafts and technology up gradation. The engine exchange service of GE provides innovative solution for delivering the overhaul needs. In this service programme GE replaces the old engines of the aircraft with an overhauled engine. This service helps commercial and military aircraft operators in acquiring a fully functioning engine while their engine is removed for maintenance purpose. This paper makes a conclusion that the On wing support service of GE provides value added repair facility for customers at anyplace and at any time. This helps the aircraft operators to lower their operational cost and maximize their profit. GE aviation also offers various upgraded technologies for the aircraft running in old engines. This service provides the aircraft operators a cost effective way of upgrading their engines without incurring the cost of new engine. These up gradation are provided in customized packages to address each client requirement specifically.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Shaft Essay Example for Free
Shaft Essay The Lathe Turning is one of the most common of metal cutting operations. In turning, a workpiece is rotated about its axis as single-point cutting tools are fed into it, shearing away unwanted material and creating the desired part. Turning can occur on both external and internal surfaces to produce an axially-symmetrical contoured part. Parts ranging from pocket watch components to large diameter marine propeller shafts can be turned on a lathe. The capacity of a lathe is expressed in two imensions. The maximum part diameter, or swing, and the maximum part length, or distance between centers. The primary task of a lathe is to generate cylindrical workpieces. The process of machining a workpiece to the required shape and size by moving the cutting tool either parallel or perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the workpiece is known as turning. In this process, excess unwanted metal is removed. The machine tool useful in performing plain turning, taper turning, thread cutting, chamfering and knurling by adopting the above method is known as lathe. Schematic illustration of the components of a lathe Schematic illustration of a turning operation showing depth of cut, d, and feed, f. utting speed is the surface speed of the workpiece at the tool tip. (b) Forces acting on a cutting tool in turning. Fc is the cutting force; Ft is the thrust or feed force (in the direction ot teed); and Fr is the radial torce that tends to push the tool away trom the workpiece being machined. Manufacturing processes used during the making of the power shaft: Turning Turning in a lathe is to rem ove excess material from the workpiece to produce a ylindrical surface of required shape and size. Straight turning The work is turned straight when it is made to rotate about the lathe axis and the tool is fed parallel to the lathe axis. The straight turning produces a cylindrical surface by removing excess metal from the workpieces. Step turning Step turning is the process of turning different surfaces having different diameters. The work is held between centres and the tool is moved parallel to the axis of the lathe. It is also called shoulder turning. Facing Facing is the operation of machining the ends of a piece of work to produce flat urface square with the axis. The operation involves feeding the tool perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the work. Chamfering Chamfering is the operation of bevelling the extreme end of the workpiece. The form tool used for taper turning may be used for this purpose. Chamfering is an essential operation after thread cutting so that the nut may pass freely on the threaded workpiece. Grooving Grooving is the process of cutting a narrow goove on the cylindrical surface of the workpiece. It is often done at end of a thread or adjacent to a shoulder to leave a mall margin. The groove may be square, radial or bevelled in shape. Thread cutting Thread cutting is one of the most important operations performed in a lathe. The process of thread cutting is to produce a helical groove on a cylindrical surface by feeding the tool longitudinally. But we did it manually using a die. Filling Filing is a final material removal process in manufacturing.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Maine :: essays research papers
MAINE Maine is a state in northern New England in the United States. It is bounded by the Canadian provinces of Quà ©bec on the northwest and New Brunswick on the northeast. To the southwest lies New Hampshire, and to the southeast, the Atlantic Ocean. Maine entered the Union on March 15, 1820, when it was separated from Massachusetts to form the 23rd state. Augusta is Maine’s capital. Portland is the largest city. Its nickname is â€Å"The Pine Tree State.†Maine’s motto is Dario (I lead). The state song is entitled â€Å"State of Maine Song.†     Maine ranks 39th in size among the states, with an area of 33,741 sq mi. The area includes 2,263 sq mi) of inland water and 613 sq mi of coastal water over which it has jurisdiction. It is by far the largest state in New England and has an area nearly equal to that of all the other New England states combined. The state’s greatest east-west distance is 202 mi; the greatest north-south distance is 311 mi. The mean elevation is about 600 ft. All of Maine was once covered by glaciers, the last of which receded about 10,000 years ago. Because of the glaciers, much of Maine is covered with stones, boulders, and clays. Many of the hills and mountains have been rounded, lakes have been formed, and river courses have been changed. Although glaciers covered all of Maine, there are nevertheless substantial physiographic differences in the regions of the state. Maine can be divided into three major natural regions: the White Mountain section, the New England Upland, and the Seaboard Lowland. These three regions are part of the New England province, which in turn forms part of the Appalachian Region. Maine has a humid continental climate with a moderate summer and a long winter. The climate is generally milder along the coast, particularly in the winter. The average January temperatures in Maine range from about 10 ° F in the northern part of the state to about 24 ° F along the coast. Average July temperatures range from 62 ° to 70 ° F with the southern interior being the warmest and the east coast and north the coolest. However, daytime summer temperatures may reach the lower 90 °s F, and temperatures in winter have fallen as low as -48 ° F in the interior. The population of Maine in 2000 was 1,274,923, according to the national census, ranking it 40th among the states.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Culture Essay
First it would be profitable to try to define culture; for a cultural studies researcher not only it includes traditional high culture (the culture of ruling social groups) and popular culture but according to Raymond Williams also everyday meanings and practices. As stated in Matthew Arnold? s â€Å"Culture and Anarchy†culture is â€Å"the disinterested endeavor after man’s perfection†. It was James Clifford in â€Å"Collecting art and culture†that defended that what we gather for culture is not always the same because objects of study vary according to power discourses which define the value of the studied object. This being said, it is commonly known that we live in a time of consumption, so naturally art is seen from that perspective. Theodor Adorno defends culture is being sold as you would with commodities. The autonomy of works of art is eliminated by the culture industry they become bound to be trade as commodities. In a Marxist view, he defends that those who control the means of production, essentially control the culture. Adorno approaches the spheres of mass culture in a simplistic way, production (industry) and reception (consumption) – strip away individuality. Adorno also distinguishes high / low art. He says that high art has been diminished by â€Å"speculation about its efficacy†.. In this sense, high culture would be the art worth of serious academic study while low culture would be the culture of the masses. Walter Benjamin speaks about the way we define art is determined not by ideas but by theories. He reflects on what art is and the way it is being altered by technical means. W. Benjamin starts his essay by quoting Paul Valery: â€Å"our fine arts were developed by men whose power of action upon things was insignificant in comparison with ours†– so it is something questionable. In addition, Valery states that the idea of Beautiful is constantly changing due to the growth in techniques and their precision. Benjamin corroborates this view by pointing out that techniques of representation detach the reproduced object from the domain of tradition and mass movements are responsible for this, especially the film. Although in his essay he states that â€Å"the film operator captures the image at the speed of an actor? s speech†, thus showing us things we have never been able to notice before, like a gesture decomposed in several fractions of a second, it also manipulates masses – its ultimate purpose is profit. The reproduction of works of art and the art of the film have had a huge impact on in its traditional form†, as Benjamin puts it. Who hasn? t experienced this first-hand? Calling forward the example of painting, Benjamin points out that without its reproduction it would not be accessible to so many, we will have to dislocate in order to be able to contemplate the original work . But copies diminish the importance of the work of art. For example a symphony was trivialized â€Å"from an auditory to the drawing room†. This calls to question the authority of the object. Copies of a work of art made it commodity. Without realizing the painter was selling them to earn a living, although his ulterior motive was the artistic side of it. But it became a commodity nonetheless. According to both texts there is no high culture today and little remains in the sense it was first created. W. Benjamin states that high culture always had a cult component and it was bound by it. Statues were made to be contemplated in temples, mosaics in churches. Works of art like statues and mosaics that cannot be mechanical reproduced thus maintained their authenticity – â€Å"they are first and foremost related to cult value†. When a work of art is related to exhibition value it loses its aura because by reproducing the uniqueness of every reality we destroy the aura. According to Benjamin high art would be the works of art that have an aura and can maintain their distance. If such a distance is not kept then true authenticity is questioned. An analysis of contemporary life sheds some light in this question. It brings us closer to every manifestation of art. He also states that contemporary literature is being undervalued. There is a thin dividing line between reader and writer. Virtually any reader can become a writer, once again closeness is implied.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Billy Joel Business Ethics and Law Case Study
Billy Joel decided he wanted to learn to play the violin for his next set of concerts. He called a violin salesman in New York and asked if he had any for sale. The salesman stated he had a Stradivarius and a Guarnerius (two famous brands of violins) and offered to sell them to Billy for $80,000 and $24,000, respectively. Billy agreed, over the phone, to purchase the violins from the salesman and told him he would be in town the next week to pick them up. Billy didn't show up for two months, and when he entered the store, the salesman wasn't there. His wife, Margaret, was there in the store, however, and she had full knowledge of the deal cut between her husband and Billy. (She'd heard her husband whining, complaining, and wailing about Billy not showing up for the last 2 months – and she was really sick of hearing about it.) Billy asked to see the violins, and Margaret showed him both of them. Billy stated he would agree to pay $65,000 for both of them, and Margaret, knowing that they were counterfeits and only worth $2,000 AND realizing that their house was about to go into foreclosure, agreed to the reduction in price and sold Billy the two violins for $65,000. She gave him a bill of sale that she wrote out on a note pad on the counter, which said, â€Å"Paid in full. Strativarus and Granruius violans. $65,000. Chk # 4301 Billy Joel. Salesperson: Margaret Madoff.†The notepad was one she had brought home from their last vacation to Las Vegas and was from The Flamingo hotel there. Billy took home the violins and proceeded to learn to play, albeit very poorly. Meanwhile, the salesman discovers that Margaret sold the violins for less than he had bargained for. He sues Billy Joel for the $39,000 difference, stating that Margaret was not an employee of the store and had no authority to change the deal he and Billy had made. During the pendency of the suit, and after his next concert, the newspapers stated, â€Å"Billy Joel should give up playing the violin! He stinks!†Billy takes his violins to a music store to sell them and discovers they are only worth $2,000 and that they are not Stradivarius and Guarnerius violins but are instead counterfeits. He wants to countersue the salesman and asks you on what basis can he do so. Using contract, agency, and any other legal concepts you have learned this session, on what bases can Billy sue the salesman and his wife? What defenses will they have? Do you think Billy can recover? Further, will Margaret's husband (his name is Bernard) be able to collect against Billy for the difference in price from the original deal? Explain your answer fully as to the why's, wherefore's, and why not's for both parties. Use bullet points and â€Å"issue spotting†to assist you in your answer. Case Solution In the above case scenario, the oral contract that was made between the seller and the buyer are not binding in the court of law in accordance to the contract law. As in the case the seller has been be met with the loss of settling for less that the agreed verbal contract holds. The offer that was made by the seller and accepted by the buyer was a partial fulfilment of the contract. The absent of proof that in deed an agreement was made between the two parties will made the court to rule in favour of Billy. This should hence be the basis of argument that Billy can use. The sell of counterfeit commodities to a buyer in high prices is considered to be a crime. The use of this basis by Billy holds a chance of guaranteeing him victory. This will also help in the reclaiming of his image as a performer indicating that it was the counterfeit pianos that lead to the earlier poor performance. It is hence imperative to state that through these bases Bill will have a strong argument in the court against the business persons. Defence to be used by the Business Persons: It is paramount to note that the Bernard and Margaret as the business persons do not hold a strong case against Billy due to the lack proof of the contract that was made in this business transaction. The fact that Margaret facilitated the completion of the verbal business relations with the sale of the piano at a rate that was lower than the initially accepted prices can be used to state that she was not a business individual. The recommended $ 39,000 difference that Bernard is seeking from Billy Joel with regards to the agreed price would be based on the fact that the individual who facilitated the initial processes of the contract was not an authority. The Collection of the Extra Money: The initial prices that had been verbally quoted by the salesman where: $ 80,000 for Stradivarius piano and $ 24,000 for the Guarnerius piano. The total price that was paid for during the selling traction was only $65,000 which was less by $ 39,000. The fact that the two pianos where deemed to be counterfeit with the total worth of only $ 2,000, the chances of the business personnel having a refund will be unfruitful. It would not be in order for the court to rule in favour of the Bernard to attain the extra funds by virtue that they had sold a product to their customer that was functioning properly that ended up denting his image as a performer. The original deal made between the two parties was based on lies and hence should not be cemented with the pay of the extra unpaid funds. A refund for the already paid funds in terms of $ 65,000 should be made to the customer. In the analysis of this case, it has been ascertained that the holding of physical proof for the contracts has to be met in any business relations. This will help in the smooth transition of the business activities (Larson, 2010). Contract: In this case, the business contract was made between two parties with an oral offer and acceptance of the buyer. Based on the agreement, the two pianos were to be purchased at the stated price of $104,000. The reasonable period to enforce the purchase was the agreed one week where Billy was to collect the items. This can be used against him by the seller stating that they did not stick to the original oral business contract. The act of the seller misinterpreting the worth of the two pianos was not lawful since it is prohibited by the federal government. The presence of the third party in the business relation (wife) led to the reformation of the contract a new price generated. This led to the promise made to be broken by the buyer in the presence of the third party. Agency: The ostensible authority that is held by the wife of the seller to give the buyer a new business deal with the information she held about the fake nature of the pianos would be termed in order in the court if the two jointly owned the business. The fact that she was not gives the seller an upper hand in stating that the purchase was made on unfair terms without his knowledge. This gives a somewhat strong basis for argument in the quest to attain the $ 39,000 difference in payment that was not made.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
265012757 2 Essay
265012757 2 Essay 265012757 2 Essay Name of Author Name of Instructor Course module Date:- Communication and Identity This simple and easy-to-perform experiment was made to personify my own identity and personality clearly in front of myself. This experiment can be a great help in identity management of an individual as it brings the different personality and identity of a person into light. A simple question, â€Å"Who am I?†was answered in front of two different set of audiences to analyze the differences in various aspects in the presentation of identity. It is obvious from the experiment that human being has different sorts of identity that revolves around the company he keeps. A person must not represent himself in front of his friends like the way he presents himself in front of public. He must be more relaxed, easy and less conscious among his friend than among public-this the main source of the difference between the two sets of presentations. In my experiment, I divided the answer of the question into few personality and identity characteristics including moods, appearance, social traits, talents, intellect, belief, social roles and physical condition. I observed the differences in description of my self-identity based on these characteristics and found four characteristic traits where the answer differed significantly between the two sets of audiences. These four sectors are appearance, social traits, intellect and physical condition. First, in describing the appearance, I was too general in front of my friends to describe myself simply as good looking, whereas I found myself positively emphatic to describe my appearance to the public. The possible reason might be to create impression to the public; on the other hand, I do not need to be perfect or highly attractive to my friends. Second point of difference lies in social traits where I deliberately omitted the trait of being easily impressed while describing myself to the public. The reason is obvious; nobody likes to be exposed as an easy to impress individual in front of public because it might create a bad impression about oneself-people do not put effort to impress people easy to impress, which in consequence might create a loose image of the individual to the public. Third, in describing my level of intellect, I am quite cautious not to specify
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Doctrine of the Word of God
The Doctrine of the Word of God The world of God is often believed to be the deliverance of the God’s Spirit. Hence, the word spoken by the God is essentially the power of the word that is spoken by the God. Thus, this word is impersonal. Hence, the discourse of the word falls evenly on all the people who hear them.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Doctrine of the Word of God specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Scripture, on the other hand, discusses how it will determine the responses favorably as was argued by Paul in Roman 9:1-28 (Frame 2013, 529). Thus, to demonstrate the power of the word, scripture accompanies it all the time, rendering it powerless. Does that mean that the power of God becomes negligible when there is no scripture to support it? Effectually, the above statement implies that the scripture always follows the power of the God. The intensity and the nature of the power depend on God’s intent. The word of G od is often compared to the omnipotence of the divine: as stated in Isaiah 55:11, â€Å"So shall my word be that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I purpose, and shall succeed in thing for which I sent it†(Frame 2013, 529). The presence of power in the word of the God is essential as it is power that steers things in meaningful direction. The word of God towards Adam and Eve during the beginning of Genesis was more authoritative and imposed on the hearers to listen to the dictum attentively and respond appropriately. The presence of the God is perpetuated through the word of God. In other words, the word of God implies his presence. This has been properly described by Paul in Romans 10:6-8: But the righteousness based on faith says, â€Å"Do not say in your heart, â€Å"Who will ascend into heaven?†(that is, to bring Christ down) or â€Å"Who will descend into the abyss?†(that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). But what does it sa y? â€Å"The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart†(that is, the word of faith that we proclaim). (Frame 2013, 531)Advertising Looking for research paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thus, it can be stressed that the presence of Christ is through his words and the faith that we have on Him is actually the faith for His words. The Holy Spirit is also believed to be close to the word of the God. The presence of the spirit and the word is simultaneous, and one does not exist without the other. God’s word is the essence of Christian belief. The idea of God is based on his words. The word of God is believed to be able to rule all aspects of human life. The word of God is not restricted only to evangelical activity, but rather to all aspects of the life. Thus, our belief in God and our whole existence, our work, thought, what we eat or drink is dictated by the word of th e God. Hence, the scholastic work that we do is dominated by Christian beliefs and in turn by the word of the God. The Gospel is a tradition, but His word that is transferred through ancestors, the apostles, and churches, creates a criterion of discipleship dominated by a doctrine or behavior. According to a prominent scholar of recent times, Karl Barth, the revelation of God cannot be preserved and exists only in a moment of crisis and leaves us with memories and expectations (Frame 2013, 565). The sovereignty of God is established through scriptures preserved in monasteries. The scripture enunciates that God, in order to ensure the sovereignty of his revelation, established as a permanent part of the human life and not simply as a recollection. The book of the law was presented in the holiest part of the tabernacle. The permanent law of God established the sovereignty of God over other people. It is man who tries to add word, ignore it, and/or misuse the permanence of the sign: â €Å"The grass withers, the flowers fades, but the word of our God will stand forever†(from Isa. 40:8, Frame 2013, 565).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Doctrine of the Word of God specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Written prophecy by God after the time of Moses and Joshua shows that the word of God was present all throguh. The Isaiah 8:1-2 mentioend: Then the Lord said to me, â€Å"Take a large tablet and write on ti in common characters ‘Belonging to Maher-shalal-has-baz.’ And I will get reliable witnesses, Uriah the priest and Zechairiah the son of Jeberechiah, to attest for me.†(Frame 2013, 569). Thus, the ideas of a Christian would be different from that of people who are not Christians. Frame does not imply that Christians have to disagree with the non-Christian views (2013, 569). Thus, the knowledge of Christianity as discoursed through God is the word of human knowledg e. The written word of God is related to divine revelation and not to divine experience. The Genesis 8:20 points out that Noah built an alter on occasion of God delivering him from the flood (Frame 2013, 564). The revelation of Jesus is something that Paul had seen and then had spread the word. Thus Paul states, â€Å"So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions [paradosis] that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter†(Frame 2013, 564). In Christian faith, the sovereignty of God lies not only in the control of God, but also in his conventional presence. The involvement is with the presence of authority. Authority is thus described as scripting the reformed faith and gains an abstract idea of the divine control. The most important aspect is that of presence. God’s presence is confronted through every fact, through every affair and all people. Thus, due to the presence of prevalence of the conventional lordship of God under the domi nion nothing remains in neutrality or as it is. It is during this time that the comprehensiveness of God’s power is questioned and reformed by people. The â€Å"word†is an attribute of the speech. This word when attributed to God results in his orally disseminating the message. Thus, God is a speaking person rather than an inanimate idol (Whelan 1990, 132). The word of God is not similar to God himself, but God’s word is substitutable – God accepts the word and speaks it as a dictum to all. The differences in scriptures establish little difference in the word spoken by God.Advertising Looking for research paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Further, there lies a difference between the unity and/or dissimilarity between God’s word and God himself. The mystery is related to that of the trinity and is reminiscent of the name or word given to the trinity i.e. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (McNeill 1959, 141). Thus, it will not be right to equate the word with that of the second person. Thus, Jesus speaks the word but he is not the word itself. However, it must be noted that the underlying relationship that may exist between word and the holy trinity is probably beyond our understanding. The word of God is similar to that of the divine presence. The essence of divinity is imbued in the word spoken by God. Thus, the word may be treated in second person and equate to others. The texts on theology demonstrate the relation between the attributes of divinity and the essence of God. It is believed that divine attributes are not parts of God, but rather inseparable aspects of the being. These attributes are responsible for t he holiness and the wisdom of the infinite people registered in the name of God and thus becomes an inseparable entity. The attributes represent a link to holiness and that of the infinite. The purpose, therefore, is to understand the essence of wisdom through the word of God. Thus, the word and God become inseparable. The word of God and the essence of the God’s presence are not related to the creation of the Bible as the God’s mode of existence. Thus, it can be deduced that God will cease to retain his sovereign status without the presence of his words. The communication between the trinity and the ontological aspects of the life within the trinity assists in establishing the presence of God. However, it must be noted that God’s words are not strewn with speeches about the God’s creatures. It is not because that would make God dependent on his subjects. Instead, God speaks of free speech, which is not necessary for the divine being. Reference List Frame , John M. 2013. Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief. Pillipsburg, NJ: PR Publishing. McNeill, John T. 1959. The Significance of the Word of God for Calvin. Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture 28, no. 02 (June): 131-146. Whelan, Estelle. 1990. Writing the Word of God: Some Early QurÄ n Manuscripts and Their Milieux, Part I. Ars Orientalis 20: 113-147.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Become a Respiratory Therapist
How to Become a Respiratory Therapist For patients who struggle with the most essential thing in the world- breathing- respiratory therapists can be literal lifesavers. The Day-to-DayRespiratory therapists work directly with patients of all ages to manage chronic respiratory conditions like bronchitis, sleep apnea, asthma, and emphysema. They also work with patients who have had heart attacks, infants who were born prematurely, and other patients who suffer from breathing issues. On an emergency basis, respiratory therapists might also treat victims of shock, heart attacks, or drowning to restart breathing after sudden distress.Respiratory therapists typically practice under the supervision of physicians, and work with doctors, nurses, and patients to create and execute respiratory treatment plans. Therapists also handle specialized medical equipment like ventilators and artificial airways for patients who can’t breathe on their own. Respiratory therapists also educate patients on long-term care and managing chron ic conditions. Most of these therapists (about 75%) work in hospitals, but they can also be found in sleep clinics, patient home care, diagnostic laboratories, emergency care centers, eldercare facilities, and other healthcare centers.For more on what it’s like to be a respiratory therapist, check out these videos:Be Something Amazing – Respiratory TherapistWalk in My Shoes: Hospital CEO Turns Respiratory Therapist for a DayLife and Breath- A Presentation of the Respiratory Therapy Career The RequirementsRespiratory therapists need to have at least an associate’s degree from an accredited respiratory therapy program. Many respiratory therapists also go on to get their bachelor’s or master’s degree in the field. They can get certification via multiple-choice exams offered by The National Board for Respiratory Care- and although this is technically voluntary, at this point 49 states require some form of licensing or certification. Be sure to check your own state to see what’s required of respiratory therapists.The SkillsThe respiratory therapy field calls for a number of special skills and knowledge bases, including:Attention to detailCritical thinkingPatient evaluationAnatomy and physiology (especially cardiopulmonary physiology and pathophysiology)Disease managementMedical technologyThe PayPer the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median salary for respiratory therapists is $56,730, or $27.27 per hour. According to PayScale, the field has a â€Å"very strong†job satisfaction rating among surveyed therapists.The OutlookAs with so many Allied Health careers, the respiratory therapy field is expanding, and will continue to do so. The BLS expects that the job will grow by at least 12% by 2024, which is faster than average.Interested? APPLY HERE
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Living Downstream by Sandra Steingraber Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Living Downstream by Sandra Steingraber - Essay Example Everyone who reads will be moved to assume responsibility over the current state of the environment and the diseases that lurk in our planet. One of Steingarber’s major claims is that people are ignorant about the pressing issues concerning the preservation of the environment and human health. For the author, these two things are inseparable. Caring for the environment means caring for human health and vice versa. As such, the diseases from which many people suffer are found or caused by their environment. However, people are unaware of this problem. To prove her claim, Steingraber uses statistical data to illustrate how pesticides harm us. She cites that â€Å"75,000 chemicals now in commercial use, somewhat fewer than 5 to 10 percent of [can] be considered carcinogenic in humans. Five to 10 percent means 3,750 to 7,500 different chemicals. The number of substances we have identified and regulate as carcinogens is, at present, less than 200†(Steingraber 131). Additionally, she states that different types of cancer appear and cases get worse due to people’s unawareness of the cause. This information is truly surprising, and its impact on readers is deep. The identity of the author adds to the impact of her message. Her first-hand experience as a cancer patient makes her a credible commenter on environmental issues. With her personal reflections, she speaks directly to readers and convinces them to take her stand. Many science books are rather difficult to read due to the overflowing data they contain but Steingraber’s book, although it deals with science, is extraordinarily enticing because of the personal appeal of the author. She designed the book to make it appear literary while it contains factual and statistical evidences. The result of this style is an interesting work that readers will find easy to read and engaging. The narrative is made emotionally impactful by the personal
Friday, October 18, 2019
Bridge Management System for Saudi Arabia Research Paper
Bridge Management System for Saudi Arabia - Research Paper Example Hence, there is need for the development of a bridge management system in Saudi Arabia. This study provides a background on the infrastructural setting and bridges in Saudi Arabia. A detailed look at the preservation considerations is followed by inquiry into the improvement considerations available for the existing bridges in Saudi Arabia. The natural hazards that may impact bridge infrastructure in Saudi Arabia is then discussed, followed by a look at the policy considerations, project considerations, economic/non-economic considerations and prioritization to base decision support for the bridge management system proposed. Provisions for updating of the bridge management system are given before providing a summary of the study. Background Saudi Arabia is an oil-dependent economy in the Arabian Peninsula with a $350 billion budget in infrastructure development as of the year 2007. The main infrastructural developmental goals for the country aim to transform it into a global industrial force. According to Business Week (2007), this transformation is to be supported by positioning the country as a regional transport and logistics hub. As a result, plans for the $5 billion budget Saudi Landbridge project connecting the Red Sea and the Gulf Coast to be constructed by a private consortium are underway. The consortium will have a 50 year operating rights on the bridge. The other major project is the Saudi-Egypt Causeway that has a causeway and a bridge component, meant to link Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula to boost development in the region. The project will is projected to cost about $4 billion and will be owned by the two governments. The two bridges described above are an addition to the already existing Jamaraat Bridg e whose purpose is to enable pilgrims to throw stones at the Jamrah pillars. The bridge may sometimes carry about one million individuals, leading to serious safety issues and need for maintenance. The bridge has been under reconstruction into a nine-storey one that will be able to accommodate about 9 million people a day (Saudi Info, 2004). Besides the three bridges mentioned in this background, there are about 4,200 bridges in Saudi Arabia’s highway network. Philosophical Approach As Hearn et al. (2007) argues, bridge management systems represent a unique convergence of a number of disciplines including structural engineering, economics, operations research, planning, and information technology. There is need for prudent data collection to support decision making in bridge management systems. Collection of timely and quality data enables the parties in charge to discern crucial information about bridge conditions, costs of the project and effectiveness. This study calls on the disciplines listed above to produce a formidable report on bridge management in Saudi Arabia. The study will explore the preservation conditions, improvement considerations, extreme event considerations and then detail possible
ENRON Ethical Breach Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
ENRON Ethical Breach - Research Paper Example Its stocks continued to increase at a modest rate, but in 1999 – 2000, investors saw a sudden 87% increase in 2000, which coupled with the company being named the most innovating company in America, meant the future prospects for the shareholders seemed excellent. Unfortunately, it was revealed in October 2001 that this almost sudden increase in investors’ confidence was due to accounting loopholes and fraudulent auditing, which allowed the company’s shares and returns to be appearing more favorable than they actually were. This ethical breach included the involvement and dissolution of Arthur Andersen, one of the most famous auditing firms of the world at the time. There is no reason to believe that Enron participated in corrupt practices since its inception in 1985, rather, evidence indicates that the ethical breach that lasted about a decade began several years later, when Jeffrey Skilling was hired and a team of executives was developed to cater to the accoun ting needs of the company. Since most of the work done by this group of individuals was either difficult to understand, or too complex to be looked into, many loopholes, special entities that otherwise would not have been allowed, and poor financial auditing allowed billions of dollars of debt to be hidden from the public eye. Obviously, an act that is criminal for such a huge public company to carry out. This lack of â€Å"visible debt†meant the company continued to prove profitable, and confidence coupled with investment continued to increase. Studies that were done on the ethical breach carried out by the company showed that it was not the method of corruption employed by people running the company, or the auditors in charge of producing honest financial reports. Rather, it was seen as an accumulation of negligence and misleading details in reports that finally spiraled out of control, and resulted in the demise of a company that not long ago had proved to be immensely pr omising. The ethical breach that has been described as one of the biggest scandals of corporate America involved misrepresentation of financial statements and records that enabled the firms returns and revenues to appear higher, losses to appear lower, and balance sheets to skew towards favorable performance. The auditing firm, Arthur Andersen, clearly did not do their job properly, and they were possibly influenced by Enron into reporting heavy inflow of cash, and putting away the liabilities and debts that the company had undertaken. Other than the fact that the executives entered deals which were extremely complex and bewildering to be clearly understood by many people, the â€Å"clever†accountants that worked for the company used many unethical practices to achieve their ends (McLean & Elkind, 2004). Enron misrepresented revenue recognition to make it seem as though they were bringing in more cash than they were on their services. For example, until September 2001, just a month before their exposure, Enron reported revenues of over 138 billion dollars. Moreover, the company switched from straightforward presentation of revenues (selling price minus costs) and employed the Mark-to-market accounting, which they believed showed the true economic value of their company. Investors were often given
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Project management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Project management - Assignment Example Team functionality and consequent performance depends on various collaboration aspects that are designed to enhance the realization of the project objectives. Communication is a fundamental aspect in the undertaking of a project that engages team work. There should be a clear flow of information from the team leader to the members and vice versa. This flow is designed to maintain a consistent system through which all players in the team are kept posted to emerging issues and expected trends in the project (Gowen, 2007). Team efficacy is highly influenced by modes and means of communication within and without the team. It is important that each member contributes to the design, formulation and implementation of a communication process that is properly suited to the specific variables of the project being undertaken. Running of a project is not always at par with the expectations. However, with effective communications designs, it easier for the entire team to deal with emerging challe nges in the process. The team encompasses diverse and dynamic reasoning, knowledge and skills. Project undertakings also require that balanced collaboration be observed if the desired results are to be achieved. For this reason, the team cannot avoid discussions and decision making at both individual and team level. This requires that effective communication among all stakeholders. ... Team coordination of project phases is characterized by numerous activities. These activities call for decision making from time to time, across every stakeholder. With proper communications designs, negotiations fall into place. Negotiations encompass critical evaluation and assessment of scenarios that need to accounted for as different project activities unfold. Negotiations are designed to bring on board different views of every person involved, so that what is decided upon binds to every team participant. Negotiation in the team level aims to bring to terms all the individual duties and responsibilities, so that what is achieved reflects a team effort. Although the team is made up of a number of players, each player’s contribution counts in the overall success or failure of the team. On the same note, the different players are divided in accordance to their specialization, prior to the activities that need to be undertaken, and the duties and responsibilities that need to be met. Therefore, the team operates in functional areas that range from management and leadership, finance, operations and human resource (Bollen, 2009). The interaction of these parties must encompass proper negotiations, so that in case anything goes wrong in the process, a blame game does not emerge. In such an instance, these functional areas engage in discussions, evaluations and assessments that account for misconducts realized if any. Team performance is highly dependent on the meetings aspect. Meetings are inevitable at all decision making levels. From the time the team is being formed to the completion of the project, meetings play an essential role in uniting all
Sustainability within National Parks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Sustainability within National Parks - Essay Example In relation to the shifts in the industry trends, the overall events management industry is striving towards creating all round diversity in the meeting and events profession. This particular industry largely values the scope of diversifying the events management along with tourism industry in a well defined manner (Marvell, 2006). In this respect, a professional proposal document enumerating current thinking on ‘green’ issues in relation to the MICE sector will be analysed upon. In this regard, the aforesaid document will help in establishing a clear cut idea pertaining to the credibility as a conference organizer. All of these aspects will be discussed in the form of a literature review in order to derive an in-depth knowledge about the subject matter. Literature Review and Overview of Current Thinking on ‘Green’ Issues In Relation to MICE Sector As a conference organizer, the primary stress is needed to be laid upon the aspects associated with the depicti on of a clear and precise plan concerning current thinking on ‘green’ issues. Creation of travel incentives long with additional options is considered to be very important nowadays. Additionally, options representing greenness are becoming a modern trend in the contemporary tourism industry. This facet is proving to create a great deal of appeal to all those travellers who are environment conscious. Moreover, this facet is proving to provide a considerable extent of support along with growth to this particular industry. This concept is said to gain all round importance in South Africa as their MICE industry tries to deal with a slow increase in business tourism. This slow and steady developmental phase is responsible for creating all round importance about the concept of green to a very large extent. Similar to this subject, Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand provided reports that signify the importance of green by a considerable extent. The reports suggested that with the induction of green it will lead to growth in knowledge which includes basic science along with technological dimensions. All these aspects can very well provide corresponding results that can lead to the development of a sustainable economy. Other broad significances of this initiative can lead to shrinking of waste materials, pollution along with overuse of different types of scarce resources. If all of these aspects are fulfilled then it will lead to even greater amount of benefits. It will eventually lead to smart business processes, good education along with efficient work in diversified fields. Thinking green will ensure proper control over economic aspects as well which can result in bringing a lot of cohesion as well while trading with different countries located around the world. Thus, the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Project management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Project management - Assignment Example Team functionality and consequent performance depends on various collaboration aspects that are designed to enhance the realization of the project objectives. Communication is a fundamental aspect in the undertaking of a project that engages team work. There should be a clear flow of information from the team leader to the members and vice versa. This flow is designed to maintain a consistent system through which all players in the team are kept posted to emerging issues and expected trends in the project (Gowen, 2007). Team efficacy is highly influenced by modes and means of communication within and without the team. It is important that each member contributes to the design, formulation and implementation of a communication process that is properly suited to the specific variables of the project being undertaken. Running of a project is not always at par with the expectations. However, with effective communications designs, it easier for the entire team to deal with emerging challe nges in the process. The team encompasses diverse and dynamic reasoning, knowledge and skills. Project undertakings also require that balanced collaboration be observed if the desired results are to be achieved. For this reason, the team cannot avoid discussions and decision making at both individual and team level. This requires that effective communication among all stakeholders. ... Team coordination of project phases is characterized by numerous activities. These activities call for decision making from time to time, across every stakeholder. With proper communications designs, negotiations fall into place. Negotiations encompass critical evaluation and assessment of scenarios that need to accounted for as different project activities unfold. Negotiations are designed to bring on board different views of every person involved, so that what is decided upon binds to every team participant. Negotiation in the team level aims to bring to terms all the individual duties and responsibilities, so that what is achieved reflects a team effort. Although the team is made up of a number of players, each player’s contribution counts in the overall success or failure of the team. On the same note, the different players are divided in accordance to their specialization, prior to the activities that need to be undertaken, and the duties and responsibilities that need to be met. Therefore, the team operates in functional areas that range from management and leadership, finance, operations and human resource (Bollen, 2009). The interaction of these parties must encompass proper negotiations, so that in case anything goes wrong in the process, a blame game does not emerge. In such an instance, these functional areas engage in discussions, evaluations and assessments that account for misconducts realized if any. Team performance is highly dependent on the meetings aspect. Meetings are inevitable at all decision making levels. From the time the team is being formed to the completion of the project, meetings play an essential role in uniting all
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Motivational Strategies To Improve Learning Research Paper
Motivational Strategies To Improve Learning - Research Paper Example Motivation in secondary school learners has been termed as one of the factors that define how successful one shall be in their life after, especially in their career fields. However, records indicate that of all issues and problems that have bothered many teachers overtime, motivation remains the most puzzling (Theobald, 2005). Teachers agree that motivation is imperative in any student, but â€Å"generating†it has remained the hardest task for the teachers. As a result, behavioral and cognitive psychologists have carried out colossal research in a bid to establish the strategies that teachers can use to successfully motivate their students. Educational psychology, which can be defined as the keen study and analysis of how human beings learn, forms the base of the researchers and studies that these psychologists carry out (Krause et al, 2013). This work embarks on identifying the various strategies that teachers can adapt to successfully motivate their students. The strategie s shall be backed up by psychological education theories to further explain how they work. To begin with, what is the motivation? It can be defined as the internal aspiration in a person to not just succeed but also the ability to take the steps to engage in activities that will lead to the desired success (Salvin, 2003). It has been said that one characteristic of the people with high levels of motivation is the that they have a kind of energy that is generated from within them, which overflows and has in its power, dynamism and immense knowledge of what one wants, and the direction they have to take to get what they want (Benson, 20080. Motivation can be in two forms, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (Uyulgan and Akkuzu, 2014). Intrinsic motivation is the motivation that is generated y the desire to conquer, or the success in overcoming challenges. Some people call it the â€Å"good motivation†. Intrinsic motivation is usually reward based (short term) but in the long run .
Monday, October 14, 2019
Westlake Lanes Essay Example for Free
Westlake Lanes Essay The company’s target market strategy is not properly set because Westlake Lanes hasn’t identified the market’s new needs and trends at the same pace that the growth of Raleigh’s population has been developing. Facts: A business profile in a Raleigh paper stated that stepping into Westlake Lanes was like taking a step back in time. Shirley Smith said that the menu hasn’t changed much since late 1980’s. Between 2000 and 2010 Raleigh population grew 43% while the revenues for Westlake Lanes decreased 10% average annually for the same time period. There was a 100% increase in losses from 2008 to 2009. There has been a lack of good management on accounting, people, and business overview of Westlake Lanes. Facts: As Givens studied the invoices she said, many charges seemed excessive and asked herself: Had anyone performed competitive research for routine services like carpet cleaning? In 2009, shortly after starting as a manager, Givens invited her employees to help define a mission statement and job descriptions. Givens noticed that Bullock and Sinclair took time to read the paper and/or wondered outside to talk on their cell phones. They offered Shirley Smith the chance to be general manager even though she lacked formal managerial experience. Possible solutions a. The company’s market strategy is not properly set because Westlake Lanes hasn’t identified the market’s new needs and trends at the same pace that the growth of Raleigh’s population has been developing. i. Renew and adapt their strategy in order to keep the market they already have and to be able to attract new customers. ii. Follow the first strategy, which consists in adding kid friendly video and arcade games and a designated private party space. This strategy will let us keep the space for the league bowlers, iii. Modify and adequate the facilities so that the previous strategy can be accomplished. b. There has been a lack of good management on accounting, people, and business overview of Westlake Lanes. iv. Make sure that every new investment or expense follows the strict cost control that Givens has been following. v. Once the business becomes profitable do not share the dividends between the owners and reinvest them. Course of action and justification Due to the losses that the business has experienced in the past 3 years, it is critical to take action and define a new way to approach the market in order to make the company profitable again. That’s why it’s necessary to adapt the business by adding a new concept focusing on a different target without setting aside the current and loyal costumers. The new strategy consists on attracting families by adding kid-friendly video and arcade games and a private party space to complement the existing lanes. As a first step Shelby Givens needs to familiarize with the kid business and make a research of other bowling businesses where the â€Å"Kid-Friendly†zone has been already implemented in order to get the knowledge and get ideas in how to do it. Then, adapt the facilities according the strategy’s needs. Also would be necessary to create a new job position with the expertise required for handling kid’s events so Shelby Givens can focus mostly in the general management. Advertising would be necessary to promote this new model within the current clients with posters and flyers and with the current marketing channels. There is an estimated attendance of 50,000 people per year; approximately there is a $20.00/kid fee, resulting in $1,000,000.00 of revenue.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Satires Analysis
Satires Analysis John Donnes Life and Satires Analysis John Donne was born in 1572 in Breadstreet, London. Many call him the founder of metaphysical poets. He and his two siblings were raised by their mother after their father died in 1576. Donne and his family were strict Roman Catholics, but Donne later questioned his religion. His brother Henry died in prison in 1953 of a fever. He was in prison for giving sanctuary to a priest and it was soon after this that Donne wrote his first book of poems. The book was entitled Satires, and it has long been considered one of his best works. This really says a lot about his ability considering that it was his first published work. During this time Donne did very well for himself and he had what seemed to be a very promising career. All he had gained was ruined when he secretly married Anne More, daughter of Sir George More. More had Donne and his friends thrown in Fleet prison for several weeks. He was then fired from his job and he and his wife lived in poverty for almost ten years. Soon after this they moved to Pyrford, Surrey where they began to raise a family. Finally, in 1609 Sir More and Donne reconciled and More paid his daughters dowry. This helped them greatly financially. They also received help from friends and soon returned to their feet. Donne worked many odd jobs over the next few years and published many works. In two different works he denounced his Catholic faith. He later joined the Anglican Church and became a preacher. His wife died not long after, just as things were beginning to look up for Donne. They had twelve children together and only seven of them were alive when she died. Donne then returned to London in 1920 where he wrote the majority of his works. In 1621 he was chosen to be the Dean of St. Pauls and he held that position until he died. While in London he also became quite engrossed with death. The last thing Donne wrote before he died was Hymn to God, My God, In My Sickness. He died on March 31, 1631 before the great fire of London destroye d the city in 1666. Donnes monument survived the fire and it can be seen still to this day. Donnes book Satires was written early in his career. He was in his early twenties when it was completed. It consists of five different satires and it was quite popular. The first three were written around 1593 and the last two were written around 1597. The exact dates of his elegies and satires are not known, but they were probably written around the same time. The book wasnt published right away, but it circulated more than his songs, sonnets, and elegies did combined. His songs and sonnets were more popular and revealed more of his inner self and his soul. The book is about average poets, politics, religion, and other Elizabethan topics. â€Å"The Satyres are considered by some to be among the best examples of their particular genre, formal verse satire, but this genre, based upon Roman models and especially on Juvenals satire, had only a brief vogue in the 1590s†(Zivley 87). Donnes first satire is entitled â€Å"Nones Slave†. â€Å"The object of the speakers contempt and the subject of ‘Satyre I is ultimately his own fallen state and, by extension, the fallen state of man†(Lauritsen 123). He explores many different ways of asserting his freedom in the corrupt, distorted English government. It depicts the ins and outs of court life. Donne believed one should be able to do as he wished. He didnt think anyone should be limited by the government or their religion. Most of Donnes early poetry dealt with this topic. He wanted prestige and a more worldly position without obeying the current laws to obtain it. Donne was the victim of Englands oppressive legal system numerous times and he still fought for the freedom he deserved. The protagonist is continually being distracted from his studies by a young boy. The two characters are complete opposites and they butt heads. The protagonist is a simple, peaceful man and he doesnt care for materia l things. The boy isnt quite as simple and he is very materialistic. He judges his friends by their appearance and social standing. The second satire condemns vices and it includes very little praise. It centers on corrupt lawyers and fraud. Cocus is an earlier poet and he is the antagonist of the satire. â€Å"The description of Cocus in ‘Satyre II is the only extended portrait of a contemporary writer in Donnes satires, and even in that poem he reserves most of his scorn for Cocuss behavior as a lawyer†(Dubrow 80). He uses fraud to harm his clients and others. Their losses become his personal gain. The protagonist seems to be a guardian to Cocus and he calls him up for judgment. He goes on an unrelated rant when asked to account for his own actions. However, he isnt afraid to condemn Cocus when asked about his practice. The protagonist believes lawyers to be the worst of all sinners. He even places them below Satan himself. In Donnes third satire entitled â€Å"Of Religion†, he describes some of the most radical thoughts of Europe in the 16th Century. In this poem he criticizes all authority in that time. He especially criticizes both the Catholic and Protestant faiths. Nothing religious or secular was safe from Donnes criticisms. â€Å"Most critics agree that the satire represents a transitional stage in the progress of Donnes religious thought from Roman Catholicism to Anglicanism while they differ on whether it illustrates his struggle to renounce the faith in which he was raised or his search for a new faith†(Moore 41). He also stated that we are all responsible for the state of our own souls. The protagonist is the only character included in this satire. He starts out in a state of depression and his mood gradually improves. This improvement comes through a chain of questions and reasoning. He is now on a search for spiritual truth. He believes that there is only one true religion f or mankind. He just isnt sure which religion is the right one. This is by far the most popular and recognizable of the five satires. In Donnes fourth satire he speaks of many different things. He wrote about the assault of foreigners in England, perpetual rights, Guianas rarities, Danes massacre, and Roman Catholic historians. Foreigners were highly unpopular in England and they were often harassed and assaulted. He spoke of perpetual rights or promises of offices given to people. Danes massacre refers to the killing of all the Danes in England by order of Ethelred on November 13, 1002. The Roman Catholic historians that Donne spoke of were Jovius and Surius. They were both known as liars and took much blame from Donne. A young antagonist appears in this satire, and he is much like the antagonist in the second satire. The protagonist serves as a reflection of Donne himself. â€Å"Despite the playful tone, however, the emphasis is firmly on the speakers guilt†(Bradbury 95). Donne criticizes the protagonist for his many sins. His fifth satire is a persuasive poem and it is based on The Courtier written by Castiglione. It also returns to the second satire by including the theme of law. It showcases his public duty much like his other four satires. In this one his public duty is to serve as Sir Thomas Mores secretary and it is addressed to his patron, Sir Thomas Egerton the moral courtier. Officers who take advantage of their suitors are now under attack. This satire is usually the most ignored and the least understood. There has always been much speculation over the meanings of John Donnes works. Critics still view him highly although his works are often misinterpreted. He was and still is considered one of the greatest metaphysical poets of his time. Works Cited Bradbury, Nancy M. Speaker and Structure in Donnes Satyre IV. Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 25.1 (1985): 87-107. JSTOR. Web. 23 Nov. 2009. Dubrow, Heather. â€Å"No Man Is an Island: Donnes Satires and Satiric Traditions. Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 19.1 (1979): 71- 83. JSTOR. Web. 23 Nov. 2009. Lauritsen, John R. Donnes Satyres: The Drama of Self-Discovery. Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 16.1 (1976): 117-30. JSTOR. Web. 22 Nov. 2009. Moore, Thomas V. Donnes Use of Uncertainty as a Vital Force in Satyre III Modern Philology 67.1 (1969): 41-49. JSTOR. Web. 22 Nov. 2009. Zivley, Sherry. Imagery in John Donnes Satyres. Studies in English Literature 6.1 (1966): 87-95. JSTOR. Web. 22 Nov. 2009.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Essay on Picture of Dorian Gray: Looks Can Kill -- Picture Dorian Gray
Looks Can Kill in The Picture of Dorian Gray               Have you ever heard the saying, "If looks could kill"? Well, they can. Oscar Wilde reveals how looks can be charming, deceitful and even deadly. In The Picture of Dorian Gray, there are three main characters. Dorian Gray, who is a calm, very attractive young man and adored for his good looks, Basil Hallward who is a painter that idolizes Dorian and Lord Henry Wotton, an older man, who becomes a good friend of Dorian's. As Basil is painting a portrait of Dorian Gray, Dorian makes a wish that only the picture would age and he would stay the same. As he later notices, his wish is granted and the picture begins to age. Not only is the portrait aging, but the face is also becoming more devious looking. This is because Dorian had fallen deeply in love with an actress, Sibyl Vane, and one night he had taken Basil and Lord Henry to watch her act. That night Sibyl Vane was acting so badly that people were beginning to leave. Dorian was humiliated so intensely that he went back stage and told her he had fallen out of love with her. She said the reason for her bad acting was because she no longer cared for acting, just for him. Dorian s till could not take the humiliation and told he was never to see her again. After he left, Sibyl ended her own life by drinking a cleaning fluid that was in her dressing room. Wilde first shows the importance of looks when Basil first sets eyes on Dorian Gray. "I knew that I had come face to face with someone whose mere personality was so fascinating would absorb my whole nature, my whole soul, my very art itself" (7). This was before Basil had even talked to Dorian, and he had already judged what type of personality he had, ... ...e picture itself . . . . He would destroy it . . . . He looked round, and saw the knife that had stabbed Basil Hallward . . . He seized the thing, and stabbed the picture with it . . . . There was a cry heard, and a crash . . . . When they entered they found, hanging upon the wall, a splendid portrait of their master as they had last seen him . . . . Lying on the floor was a dead man . . . with a knife in his heart. He was withered and wrinkled . . . it was not till they had examined the rings that they recognized who it was" (253-254). Wilde uses great characters, setting and plot to explain the significance that looks have. Everyone's life could be altered just because of the way someone looks, or even the way they look. Looks can not only be charming and deceitful, but deadly as well. Works Cited: Wilde, Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Grey. Penguin, 1992.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Liberal Nature of Indian State Essay
The state is being perceived as an â€Å"organised structural and institutional whole†epitomizing the power relations of society. The state in a developing society arise from historical factors and interacts with society through its decisive role in the economic process of the nation. To study the nature of any particular state, it is necessary to analyse to relation between state, power, and social classes and the purpose of the state. The liberal democratic form stands on the foundation of democracy. The liberal critique of the Indian state can be read in the writings of Rajni Kothari, Atul Kohli, The Rudolphs, Gunnar Myrdal. The state is associated with modernity. The idea of nation is also linked with the state and is encompassed within it. The liberal movement did not develop in India, as in Europe, in response to the challenge of aggression of king but after a long anti-colonial struggle against the British Raj which culminated in the Partition of India and its Independence in 1947. The Constitution which was drawn up shortly after was essentially liberal in character. It was a product of the Western impact through British rule and contributed to India’s constitutional and political development. The constitution declared it as a sovereign socialist republic democratic country. Thus, Indian state is characterized as a liberal democratic model which provides for separation of powers and fundamental rights to the people. Moreover India is a representative form of government, where elections are held on the basis of universal adult franchise. Ram Mohan Roy, with whom the history of Indian liberalism begins, showed great concern for social reform and the upliftment of women, education as a means of social transformation, freedom of press and no censorship, all of which were inherited by the great liberals of India. Jawaharlal Nehru, ‘the chief architect’ of the modern Indian State, considered the state to be the ‘trustee and guardian’ of the Indian people by looking after democratic aspirations and providing economic welfare. The influence of Nehru in the Indian state can be seen in the economic front, as it adopted the socialist path of development with a focus on planning for economic development. India’s liberalism in the modern period may best be described as a re-articulation, a re-articulation that was undoubtedly called forth by the new knowledge, enlightenment, political institutions and social patterns which Britain brought with her. The liberal view of the state is typically strong. Institutional strength is key in this and state and society remains separate. The state has to remain relatively autonomous from society. Legitimacy is also an important part of the liberal state, and this term started to be used in India especially during the 1975 emergency. India has been characterised as a ‘soft’ and ‘weak’ state by Gunnar Myrdal. The problem of a soft state is the crisis of legitimacy. Liberal critics have characterised India as a liberal state with strong institutions of the Parliament, independent judiciary, executive, along with fundamental rights and directive principles of state policy. Rajni Kothari argued that the Indian state sought to legitimise itself as an order-maintaining institution. The Nehruvian model succeeded during Nehru’s time, but gradually the masses awakened and pressure for redistributive politics grew. Moreover the state was becoming more centralised and lost its mediating structures of the party system. Ashis Nandy, an Indian political psychologist, envisaged the state as a protector of the interests of the Indian people from outsiders. Although, he noted that the state itself subjected the masses to oppression through institutional structures. He argued that it was preferable as the oppression worked from within and not arbitrarily. Atul Kohli explains the Indian state through its paradoxical apparatus of state government arising from growth of centralisation and powerlessness at the centre. Centralisation erodes the legitimacy of the state and its developmental power. Gunnar Myrdal criticized the inability of the state to enforce public policies to eradicate poverty or to enforce laws and dubbed the institutional model of the Indian state as â€Å"soft state†. According to Myrdal, the Indian state was soft as it had no power to rectify institutions that stood in the way of reform and development. As a result, it could not tackle the institution of caste directly, take measures of effective land reform, eradicate corruption or enforce ideas of development effectively through the people. One consequence of this softness has been the growth of left-wing extremism, which Manmohan Singh called the â€Å"gravest internal threat†to the country’s security. Myrdal’s ‘hard state’ would have been able to tackle Naxalism which has gravely affected the nation. The liberal approach focuses on institutions and processes to understand state and political power in India. The state is considered the central instrument of social progress and principal agent of transformation. According to the Rudolphs, there are two groups characterised in the Indian state, one being the ‘owners of production’ and the other being the ‘labourer’ group. They analysed the state as a mediator between these two conflicting groups, and in doing so, must remain autonomous in order to maintain structural unity of the state. The role of the state would hence be the â€Å"third actor†. The Rudolphs believe in the capability of India to become a strong state, unlike the weak state that Myrdal argued. The Rudolphs’ liberal perspective was directed at constitutional strength and legitimacy, citizen as an abstract category, and institutional strength in the form of bureaucracy which defined the identity of liberalism in the Indian state. The bureaucracy played an important role in policy making and reflects good governance. The expertise of the members would provide efficient decision making. Liberal institutionalists believe in strengthening institutions to achive a strong state through legitimacy. This extra autonomy of legitimacy derived from law and ability to rule gets rid of the crisis of legitimacy which is a problem of the Soft State as Myrdal puts it. Before the emergence period of 1975, India had a paradoxical apparatus of state government. The excess power in the centre made the peripheries unstable, causing the core and periphery to constantly break in tussle. This led to a loss of faith from the people’s side, and re-institutionalising of the state during Indira Gandhi’s time. The bureaucracy also faces criticisms on account of maintaining neutrality arises if every rule is made by experts. And if the state becomes too reliant on expertise, it becomes idealist in nature. The Rudolph’s Command Polity talks about the state becoming the utmost power. The Rudolphs pointed out that India is a state that works and derives its legitimacy from demand.This polity in India gave way to crisis. State is not an entity which has always remained stab le. Reflection of individual liberties are a part of democratic liberalism. Demands from the lower class have to be included to maintain stability. The Marxist view sees the Indian state as a bourgeois state – where the benefits are only with the big industrialists and rich farmers. Though this nature does not completely dominates the state it exercises a powerful influence over the Indian state. India has a highly plural society marked by various ethnic groups of different language and different religion. After independence India has experienced difficulty to maintain its unity. But growth of violence, regionalism, poverty, slow development of economy has questioned the working of Indian state and its nature. The impact of social rule is visible in India. Recently, faith in democratic, institution, redistributions, justice and secularism seems to be eroded in Indian state. However, the state continues to solve conflicting interest and development problem. Threats to individual freedom make it necessary for individuals to organise for civil liberties and constantly explore new realms for free expression. To create stability, the Indian state has to be strong. Thus today’s India stands as a political and economic paradox of a rich – poor nation with a weak – strong state. BIBLIOGRAPHY Indian Government and Politics- Sunder Raman Indian Political System – M.P Singh & Roy The Centrist Future of Indian Politics – Susanne Rudolph and Lloyd Rudolph
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Nutritional Value
Associate Level Material Nutrition Worksheet In order to obtain optimal health, it is critical to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Becoming knowledgeable about how to evaluate the nutritional value of what you eat may greatly increase your ability to improve your health and wellness. In this two-part worksheet, you critique a recipe for nutritional value and respond to two short answer questions about nutrition. Completing this assignment is a step towards gaining the knowledge needed to better manage your nutrition. Part 1: Critique a Meal For this part of the assignment, you critique the nutritional value of a meal.You will select this meal from the USDA website. Follow the instructions below: Access the USDA Recipe Finder search tool at http://recipefinder. nal. usda. gov/ (either click on or paste the above link in your internet’s address bar) Search for a recipe using one of the available criteria: Type in ingredients; Type in a recipe name, or; Choose options from the av ailable categories Select a recipe to critique from the generated results. Review the nutritional information provided for the recipe you selected or added and answer the questions below. What is the name of the recipe you are evaluating?Arroz Con Pollo Chicken and Rice Which essential nutrientsâ€â€carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and mineralsâ€â€are included in the recipe? 31G of Carbs, 4G Total Fats, 11G of Protein, Vitamin A 20%, Vitamin C 45%, Iron 10%, and Calcium 4% Which ingredients are providing each nutrient? Chicken, Green Peppers, Onions, Garlic Cloves, Tomatoes, Chicken Broth, Bay Leaf, Rice, Peas, Does this recipe include a good balance of essential nutrients? Explain your answer. I feel it does because it gives you a decent amount of vitamins, protein, carbs, fats, and iron.How could the recipe be altered to include more essential nutrients? I think it could be altered to include more grams of proteins, but it provides already a variety of different ing redients that are good for you. Do you consider this a healthy meal? If not, what is a healthy alternative? I feel it is a healthy meal and it is an easy meal to cook for the family. You could always make changes to the ingredients or portion what you put into it. Part 2: Nutrition Questions Respond to the following questions in 75 to 125 words each: Do you find it easy or difficult to determine the nutritional value of food?What are some methods to help you more easily determine the nutritional values of food? Right now I still find it a little hard to determine the nutritional value of foods because I am still trying to remember what food nutrients that I should be intaking on a regular basis to keep me eating healthy. I think once I get that down and start reading the nutrion facts on products I will be able to easily pick out nutritional products for me and my family and I wont be so frustrated standing in the store trying to read and figure out what to buy. What environmental, economic, and psychosocial factors influenced your food and drink choices today?Environmental, Economic, and psychosocial factors that influence my food and drink choices today are by word of mouth, family and friends choices, what im in the mood or for, and is it affordable to eat or drink on a daily basis. Theres many factors that effect my choices based on what I like, who im with and if they agree with my choices or not, and commercials and ads take effect on my decisions too. I find I see a lot of stuff on tv thats new and I have to try it, but dont really pay attention to what is in it to decide if its a healthy choice for me or not.
Devil in the white City Summary
The World's Fair was an amazing event for our country. It represented how capable we were and how amazing our technology could become. It negated many of the stereotypes surrounding Chicago that it was only a city of animal butchery. It set a standard for how cities should be run and it picked up the economy with all of the work and tourism It created. But, hidden within all of this good was evil. Although pick pockets and thieves were very common, largely represented In the book Is murder.Holmes takes advantage of this situation and lures In young women who are traveling alone. Without the magnificent fair, he would have had a much more difficult time doing what he did. The good that people were creating within the fair created this room for evil. Honestly, It seems this Is a real world theme as well. Wherever good Is done, corruption Is always a possibility and often this opportunity Is taken. The sad theme that permeates this book Is that where there Is good, there will be evil.An d although unfortunate, It is reality-To me, the text had one BIG theme: evil as the result of good. The World's Fair was an amazing event for our country. It represented how capable we were and how amazing our technology could become. It negated many of the stereotypes surrounding Chicago that it was only a city of animal butchery. It set a standard for how cities should be run and it picked up the economy with all of the work and tourism it created. But, hidden within all of this good was evil. Although pick pockets and thieves were very common, largely represented in the book is ruder.Holmes takes advantage of this situation and lures in young women who are traveling alone. Without the magnificent fair, he would have had a much more difficult time doing what he did. The good that people were creating within the fair created this room for evil. Honestly, it seems this is a real world theme as well. Wherever good is done, corruption is always a possibility and often this opportunit y is taken. The sad theme that permeates this book is that where there is good, there will be evil. And although unfortunate, it is reality.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
How does films Crash, The Amistad and American History X describe and Essay
How does films Crash, The Amistad and American History X describe and debate integration in America today - Essay Example Naturally, racism itself is a complex term due to the fact that it is not one-sided or attributable to a singular group. The fact remains, as will be mentioned within this analysis, that racism easily crosses lines of color and can exhibit itself in a number of situations. As a means of analyzing such question, the author of this brief essay will analyze the way that three films represent the issues associated with racism: â€Å"Crash†, â€Å"Amistad†, and â€Å"American History X†. The first of the films which will be analyzed, entitled â€Å"Crash†, is perhaps the most complex analysis of racial issues within society. This is affected by the fact that rather than merely introducing the issue of race and expounding upon it within the story line, the filmmaker uses race and its interpretation between the various groups represented as vehicle of plot development and exploration. Moreover, by seeking to defined race and racism within the context of each of the different groups represented, white, black, and Latino, the viewer is made distinctly aware of the fact that a simple and convenient understanding of racism as being one-dimensional is not sufficient to comprehend the realities that are represented. This multidimensional representation of racism is useful due to the fact that society and filmmakers have traditionally only represented the issue from a given perspective (Sharma 2010). However, by representing the issue in a way that shows the give and take nature of race and racism within the society, the viewer is able to notice how traditional understandings of racism are ultimately encouraged and propagated by the views that â€Å"others†hold with relation to the topic. Accordingly, the second film that will be discussed, â€Å"Amistad†, relates the story of a slave uprising aboard a slave ship bound for the United States. This particular film represents well represents the moral bankruptcy of the practice of slavery as well as
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Evaluate the Role of Market Research in the Decision Making Process of Essay
Evaluate the Role of Market Research in the Decision Making Process of an Organisation - Essay Example Mostly, the firm undertakes a study of a small sector of the population and the data collected represents the entire population. For example, married women who work in Bristol and are between the ages of 30-45 can be used to represent all urban women who work in the United Kingdom. The Role of Market Research in the decision making process of an organization In order to reach and appeal to the target market, organizations utilize strategies that enhance the success of their activities in the market. For example, Arbitron conducted market research that indicates people who frequently attend movies say that commercials on television cannot be termed more acceptable than commercials aired before the start of the movie. 53% of people who frequent cinema halls find movie advertising more acceptable; only 46% contend that television advertising can be termed as acceptable. The research also indicated that 59% of people who attend movies remember the commercials they watched on the screens before the start of the movies (Wiley 2012, p. 4). The study also indicated that advertising using cinema can be regarded as the best way of connecting with the younger generation. Movie theaters’ adverts reach 124 million people or 45 percent of Americans from the age of 12 years. 67% percent of adults between the ages of 18 and 24 years frequent movie theaters in every 30 days. The collection of such data during market research plays an essential role in informing the decision making process of an organization (Wiley 2012, p. 4). In the decision making process of an organization, market research plays a number of roles. First, market research contributes significantly to the marketing system, especially in the marketing intelligence feedback process. It provides management with data regarding the effectiveness of the marketing mix that the organization relies on in the market. Based on this, an organization will be in a position to identify the necessary changes that ought to be made in the marketing mix. In addition, market research plays a crucial role when the organization wants to explore new opportunities available in the market. This is accomplished through new product research, which enables an organization to make decisions on how to structure the product to meet the demands of the customers. For example, an organization makes decisions on branding and packaging of the products (McDaniel & Gates 1998, p. 5). Another role of market research in decision making emanates from the crucial role that it plays in helping the management understand the needs of the customers. In the modern world, market research provides many organizations with the necessary knowledge on the customers' needs. As a result, the organization will be in a position to make decisions that will enhance the retention of customers and customer loyalty. Consequently, this will lead to job satisfaction and employee retention as employees becomes effective while serving loyal custo mers (McDaniel & Gates 1998, p. 7). Statistics in a study conducted by Bain and Company indicates that a reduction in the rate of customer defection can boost the profits by 25 percent up to 95 percent. Apart from assisting the organization to understand the ne
Monday, October 7, 2019
The Bill of Rights Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Bill of Rights - Research Paper Example Origins of Bill of Rights Delegates from thirteen new American states drafted the Constitution in 1787 (U.S. Department of State). It provided the â€Å"blueprint†on the structure and functions of the government, but lacked a specific outline of human rights (Department of State). Virginia delegate George Mason stressed in one of his writings: â€Å"The Eyes of the United States are turned upon this Assembly and their Expectations raised to a very anxious Degree†(U.S. National Archives and Records Administration [NARA]). Mason wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights that inspired Thomas Jefferson in preparing the Declaration of Independence. Mason left the convention very dissatisfied, because it lacked a declaration of rights (NARA). Soon, George Mason's opinions affected the assembly and a heated discussion on the Bill of Rights began. When James Madison first wrote the amendments to the Constitution, which constituted the Bill of Rights, he depended a great deal o n the Virginia Declaration of Rights. The Bill of Rights represents the authoritative statement of many American of values: â€Å"the idea that the individual is prior to and takes precedence over any government†(NARA; Zinn).
Saturday, October 5, 2019
International Cooperation to Save Aral Sea Article
International Cooperation to Save Aral Sea - Article Example This has beena source of health problems among the residents (Circle of Blue | WaterNews ). As a response, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon asks for an international cooperation, particulay involving the regional leaders of Central Asia, however this call has faced several oppositions especially to the proposed hydroelectric power plant in Tajikistan. Calls for regional and international cooperation to support environmental policies have never been easy; whether it is a climate change or other environmental issues. Culprits have never been kind enough to take responsibilities. Even in this case, Uzbekistan has not shown any sign of voluntary effort to save the sea. The United Nations should serve as the parent organization of all the countries and is just fitting to take the initiative. However, what we lack right now is the international environmental law that will cover such issues. Economists have also been in the pursuit of viable solution, particularly solutions that support the individual interest of the states. If we have such type of solution and strong environmental laws, international cooperation will be much more easier.
Friday, October 4, 2019
Challenges in Managing Talent - Part II Assignment
Challenges in Managing Talent - Part II - Assignment Example It is therefore very important that even if changes will take place, stakeholders will always plan into the long term rather than looking at only immediate needs of the organization. Dear friend, indeed all areas of your presentation are very discerning. However, one area I would like to emphasize on most has to do with the implication for changes to talent management functions within the organization. I have a very strong personal feeling that whatever the outcome with the changes turns to be depends on what goes into the implementation of the change. It was therefore very refreshing to read that you share this same opinion. Based on what has been studied in literature, quote (year) posited that there is nothing like an outright right or wrong change to talent management functions. This is because there are times that changes will certainly be required to fill vacant positions. With this assertion in mind, I will base on personal experience from my workplace where changes at the finance department failed but that at the public relations succeeded to state that, where there is poor planning for changes, the implications are always
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Reading Comprehension Essay Example for Free
Reading Comprehension Essay Reading comprehension is a valuable and necessary tool in the learning process. It allows the reader to expand his vocabulary, understand the text he is reading, and use various strategies as he might need them in order to improve learning. It is necessary because it shapes the readers understanding of ideas and words. It assists his ability to make sense of ideas and concepts. It can even affect various parts of public life, such as the political arena. In assessing the readers state of reading comprehension, there are three levels: literal, interpretive, and applied. If the reader is not satisfied with his own level of reading comprehension, all is not lost. There are means by which to improve it. These include growing ones vocabulary, utilizing multiple senses, and changing ones reading speed. All of these tools serve to advance the learning process. In order for one to understand the value reading comprehension possesses, one must first understand what it is. Reading comprehension is â€Å"the process of understanding or making meaning when reading†(Elish-Piper, 2010). The reader can use what he knows to get a grasp of the material he is reading. For example, a large vocabularyâ€â€understanding the meanings of many wordsâ€â€can help someone understand a wide variety of texts. The text can usually be placed into a specific category. For example, a novel about an unsolved crime would be in the category of a mystery. The reader can then place the text into a proper context. For the purposes of our mystery novel, it could be for the readers own enjoyment, or perhaps an assignment for a college course. Elish-Piper asserts that â€Å"when the reader is able to connect these three key components,†it is much easier for that person to comprehend what he is reading. If the reader needs to, he can use strategies to help comprehend the text better. Elish-Piper also gives ideas for those strategies. With our mystery novel example, the reader could identify the â€Å"basic elements†of the story, which are present with any novel. These include plot, setting, and the main characters. Putting ones self in the position of characters in the text could also help. Asking questions periodically is also a positive way of self-checking for knowledge and comprehension of the text. One might ask why this comprehension is so important. The very definition of reading comprehension serves to help answer that question. If the reader does not understand what he is reading, he probably is not gaining anything from it. It would be tantamount to staring at a book written in a foreign language. Learning does not happen by osmosis; it happens through understanding. It also allows us to make sense of ideas and concepts. The wider the variety of texts one has read and comprehended, the more knowledge that person has gained. A person with increased knowledge, therefore, understands more ideas and concepts than he did before. This can impact a wide variety of areas. It can even effect areas of public policy. Politicians pass laws, and these laws are (obviously) comprised of words. In order for these leaders to understand how their legislation will affect their intended group, they have to understand what they are writing and reading. Beyond this, policy itself is sometimes designed to shape the practice of educationâ€â€and thus reading comprehension itself. Over the past years, policy makers have utilized â€Å"assessment data†in the various field of education, including reading comprehension, for â€Å"education purposes†(Moskowitz Stephens, 2004). In supplement to policy makers, educators have their own views on reading comprehension. There are three levels of reading comprehension (Gambrell, Morrow, Pressley, 2007). The first level is â€Å"literal. †Literal reading comprehension is the understanding of the base of what is in the text. It is the most basic level and includes items that are generally not left up to interpretation. These can include names, dates, places, and the like. The second level of reading comprehension is â€Å"interpretive. †This type of reading comprehension is not concerned so much with what is actually present, but rather, what one can gather. Reading between the lines and drawing from the readers own knowledge, and answering subjective questions, helps. Finally, the third and most advanced level of reading comprehension is â€Å"applied. †Bluntly, this level allows the reader to utilize what is present in the text, make sense of it using context clues, and then using the knowledge gained to learn and understand concepts and ideas outside the scope of the text at hand. Perhaps the reader is not satisfied with his level of reading comprehension. All is not lost; there are means to improve. The most obvious way to improve reading comprehension is to grow ones vocabulary. It is never too late to learn new words. However, there is more that one can do than the obvious. Using multiple senses is an out-of-the-box way to understand new material. Combining visual and auditory senses is a helpful way to increase comprehension (Woolley, 2010). The reader can use his imagination to set the scene in the text and then read the text aloud or listen to an audio book. Making an outline of the crucial points of the text and then reading that aloud is another way to reiterate key points. Moreover, reading slowly with a purpose as opposed to reading for speed is another way to be sure the reader understands details (Newkirk, 2010). â€Å"Slowing down,†â€Å"memorizing,†and â€Å"savoring passages†are steps in this beneficial process. No matter ones level of education, reading comprehension is an invaluable tool for success in life. Once a reader understands what reading comprehension is, he can assess his level of comprehension, and then take one or more of a large number of steps to increase his ability. This, in turn, will help him be able to make sense of the world around him, and thus, put himself in a better position to succeed with whatever he does. References Elish-Piper, L. (2010). Understanding reading comprehension: Information and ideas for parents about reading comprehension. Illinois Reading Council Journal, 38 (3). 49-52. Gambrell, L. B. , Morrow, L. M. , Pressley, M. (2007). Best practices in literacy instruction. New York, NY: Guilford Press. Moskowitz, J. H. Stephens, M. (2004). Comparing learning outcomes: International assessments and education policy. London: RoutledgeFalmer. Newkirk, T. (2010, March). The case for slow reading. Educational Leadership, 67 (6). 6. Woolley, G. (2010, June). Developing reading comprehension: Combining visual and verbal cognitive processes. Australian Journal of Language Literacy, 33 (2). 108-125.
Business Report On Marketing Intelligence
Business Report On Marketing Intelligence Market research helps the organization to bring the data which make sense of the organizational performance. Moreover, the successful marketer has focused on the market research to bring the information which is applied in the marketing activities. Therefore, the organization become becomes stable when the marketing activities are successful (Kumar, 2010).. However, the competitive advantage is increased due to the successful inauguration of the marketing plan. For an example, the Proctor Gamble is operating huge market research to strengthen the marketing activities which brought the larger market share. Through this paper the key concepts of marketing research will be merged with the different marketing activities. 1. Requirement One 1.1 Stages of Purchase Decision Making Process Here the purchase decision making process is directly concerned with the final consumer purchase decision making process and the consumer purchase decision is differs in the particular products to products. For example, the buying behavior of toothpaste is different from i-pod. However, the purchase decision process has five stages which are reflected in the following figure one. Figure One: Purchase Decision Stage, Source: Jeannet and Hennessey, (2011) This figure is suggesting that, consumers go through all of the stages when they need to purchase (Jeannet and Hennessey, 2011). For an example, when a customer need to purchase a Mobile phone, he/she needs to have need awareness, then move to the information search in the mobile market, then make evaluation between alternatives, then make purchase, finally he/she express the post purchase behavior which reflect the positive or negative feedback. 1.2 Theories of Buyer Behavior in Terms of Individual and Market The buying behavior of the consumers differs in the different market and for that reason exper developed different theories of consumer buying behavior. According to Czinkota and Ronkainen, (2012), there are four theories of the buying behavior which is listed in the following. Complex Buying Behavior: In this situation, consumers have higher involvement in the expensive, risky, purchased infrequently, and highly self-expressive product. Dissonance Reducing Buying Behavior: Highly involvement but seeks little difference between brands. Habitual Buying Behavior: Low involvement of consumers but little brand differences. Variety-Seeking Buying Behavior: Have low consumer involvement but brand difference is significance. 1.3 Factors Affecting Buyer Behavior In the modern market, consumers need to make different buying decision in different condition which is affected by the different factors. However, consumer purchase decision is affected by the culture, society, personality, and psychology. This is listed in the following figure. Figure Two: Factors affecting consumer buying behavior. Source: Craig and Douglas, (2009) Cultural: Human behavior is controlled by the culture that is followed by the people and this culture affects purchasing decision. Social: The social structure influences the purchasing behavior of the consumers. Personal: The personal characteristics influence the purchasing decision of the consumers. Psychological: The psychological factors influence the purchasing behavior of consumer like motivation toward purchasing. 1.4 Relationship among Brand Loyalty, Corporate Image, and Repeat Purchasing The brand loyalty, corporate image, and repeat purchasing have strong impact on the competitive advantage of a firm in the highly competitive market. The brand loyalty creates customer loyalty which is resulted the repeat purchasing of the customer Douglas and Craig, (2009). However, the brand loyalty, corporate image, service, price and service quality leads to increase the loyal customer and those loyal customer is the asset of a firm who enhance the brand loyalty and corporate image. The brand loyalty will authentic when the customers have true attitude to make the repeat purchasing. For example, the Pepsi is considered as the true brand loyalties which have the corporate image in the competitive market. 2. Requirement Two 2.1 Types of Market Research Techniques Generally, the market research or the marketing research is designed to collect information to implement in the marketing activities of the firm. Normally, the market research has the two techniques which are listed in the following. Primary Research: The primary research has two ways which is Qualitative and Quantitative research. In qualitative research the research can be designed through the open-ended question and focus groups. However this research technique is used to gather the descriptive information (Dodd, 2008). On the other hand, the quantitative research gathers numerical information to analyze the marketing techniques. The quantitative techniques are done through the surveys. Secondary Research: The secondary research gathers information on the topic which is already published. The secondary research information is gathered from the different institution like trade associations, chamber of commerce, universities, media like newspaper, magazines etc (Dodd, 2008).. 2.2 Source of Secondary Data The secondary data is collected from the different sources which are already published. The secondary research information is already exists. For that reason, the primary data collection is not needed and the secondary information can be gathered from the libraries, public information centre, books, business publication, magazines, newspapers, trade associations, NGOs, banks, real states, insurance companies, wholesalers, manufacturer, regional organsiation, media representatives and many others (Dodd, 2008).. 2.3 Validity and Reliability of Market Research Findings Every research does not require the high level elaboration of study. But, the marketing research needs to conduct the minimum level of study which makes the actual result of the study. The small and informal research background may bring the irrelevant or wrong result (Craig and Douglas, 2009). However, the research validity comes from the data gathering techniques, ethical consideration, and the claims that are done through during the preparation of the research. The research validity may influence greater techniques which mentioned the similarities of other research and opinions. Most of the cases the samples are too small which leads to the poor reliability of the research findings. 2.4 Preparing Marketing Research Plan The marketing research plan is designed to bring the information to implement the current marketing activities. For an example, the market research plan for the Proctor Gamble (PG) has developed to bring out the information of 4.2 billions of customer perception. However, PG has developed the marketing research to justify the brand equity in the market to provide the competitive advantage (Ahmed et al., 2010). For that reason, the company started to cater the consumer to find out the appropriate result and the company has spent tremendous amount of money, effort to bring the innovation. PG knows that, the consumers know about the products which are delivered for the development of the marketing research techniques. PG has successfully handled the market research which brought the appropriate result to determine the marketing result. Now, PG believes that was the only reason why the company is placed in the worlds top one of the brands. 3. Requirement Three 3.1 Market Size Trends within the Market The market size is calculated by the total volume or value of sales in the market and the total volume is calculated through the number of units sold and the amount spent by the customer to have the costs of goods sold. To illustrate this an example of UK book market can be considered, the UK book market is healthy and dynamic market which saw that the market size is upward. In this market, the consumers are the main driver and the publishers need to promote the new writers books rather the old writers (Ahmed et al., 2010). Because, the old writer already captured the market and new writers can expand the market which increase the market size. However, the book market size is also expanding due to non-fiction growth of the products and services which helps to expand the market size. 3.2 Competitor Analysis of Tesco Tesco is the biggest supermarket chain in the UK. The most significant issue is that, the UK supermarket and food retail market is considered as heavily consolidated. In the supermarket chain, the top five supermarket chain has the major market share which is minimum more than five and these companies are Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys, Wm. Morrison, and Somerfield. These five companies have more than 80 percent of the total market share in the UK. However, the competition between these companies is intense and dynamic (Henry, 2011). However, the competition is begins with plan which is set to position in the market, Tesco considers Asda and Wm Morrison low price group who has the strong market influence in the market and Asda is the second largest UKs supermarket chain. Whereas, the Sainsburys and Somerfield are considered as the smaller competitors, which have focus on the higher price. Tesco is the largest supermarket chain and consider all the competitors to set the marketing activities in the market to increase the sales of the product. In the UK supermarket chain, Tesco is holding the 30 percent market share and Asda and Sainsburys has the second and third position which belongs 16 and 17 percent market share respectably (Bagozzi Foxall, 2009). However, the Morrison holding the fourth position which has the 11 percent market shares with the acquisition of the Safeway. The competitor Somerfield has the 6 percent market share for the fifth position. 3.3 Opportunities and Threats for Asda Asda is a second largest supermarket of UKs supermarket chain, which have currently booming position in the supermarket chain. However, the company was taken over by the USAs biggest brand Wal-Mart. Though, it has been taken over by the Wal-Mart, the brand name didnt change and the old brand name successfully promoted by the Wal-Mart which is completely efficient strategic decision (Bagozzi Foxall, 2009). This strategy has brought some opportunities for Asda, as well as threats. This is relevant in all business practice that, the threats is existed in line with the opportunities. So the opportunities and threats need to identify to attempt for the best alternative action in the market. In the following the opportunities and threats is identified (Lewis and Slack, 2003). Opportunities Threats Sufficient Shareholder More brands but lower selling of high brand products. Currently second largest supermarket chain in UK Asda cannot be compared with TESCO(first biggest supermarket chain) Provides best value rather money to the retailer Focus on selling of Asdas product rather the big brand like Nestle, Cadbury, Proctor and Gamble, Unilever. Having high profit margin Less stores compared to the competitors Efficient procurement system Focus on great profit Table: Opportunities and Threats of Asda. 4. Requirement Four 4.1 Techniques to Assess Customer Response The assessment of the customer response is fully depends on the activities of the firms performance in the firms activity sector. Moreover, the techniques of the customer response are highly developed on the assessment and measurement of the financial planning in which the customer survey is considered as the best way to assess the customer response Doyle, P. (2008). Besides, the customer survey, an organization can assess the different yardsticks which are described in the following part of the paper. Productive Performance Indicator: The productivity of the organization will be increased when the customer response is developed. Because, the sales of the product is increased and the demand for the product also increased in line with the sales. Then, a company try to increase the productivity is increased. Then the organization can easily trace the customer responses. Financial Performance: when the customer response is positive the financial performance is upward. Because, the increased sales contribute to increase the profit margin which make the company profitable. The positive performance brings the customer response. Quality Performance: if the organization offers the better products in the market the customer try to take the full responsibility which increases the product sales. The quality performance is able when the continuous selling is running. Response Cycle Time: The customer who intends to response with the product quality then the repeat purchase increase. The sales volume represent whether the customer making the repeat purchase. This indicates the customer response of the organization. 4.2 Customer Satisfaction Survey To assess the customer satisfaction the direct survey is continued which has logical collaboration of the abandon item. But, most of the cases the survey questions do not matched with the customer satisfaction level and the perceived customer value are highly merged with customer experience (Catherine, 2011). Here, the questionnaire for customer survey is as follows. What is your gender? Which range indicates your age? How long the products are used? Which product and services is preferred by the organization to serve you. How frequent the purchasing of the products needs. The rating of the overall satisfaction level to customer level. Will you recommend to your friend and family to buy from this product. The brand attributes need to be argued or not? Rating the companys product. Which logo customer beliefs to make brand relation? How satisfied you overall with the products attributes? Is the firm is able to support your problems? If the product dont be able how the staff are offer to serve recent problems? How efficient the customer service system of the organization. This question is designed with the options which have the logical structure of the satisfied, strongly satisfied, not satisfied, and neutral. This survey result will help to find out the actual result of the survey. 4.3 Review of the Survey The survey questionnaire brings the data of specific problems and weaknesses of the organization. The term customer satisfaction will be measured when the result of the survey report will be submitted. Moreover, the actual results will carry the recent information which is carried by the research objectives (Catherine, 2011). Customer satisfaction will be brought when the result of the survey will be positive. However, the results may positive or negative both is expected. When the result will be positive the company will try to maximize the service components and features. On the other hand, if the result is negative the organization may take action to make the product development with the special feature comparing the competitors. The customer service provides the special features of the recommendation which develop the marketing activities. Training Plan The training session for the 10 mid level manage will be focused on the key procedures of the market research techniques. The market research techniques is designed to develop the authentic collaboration with the different techniques of research, how to bring the actual result, how to response with the negative result. This system will be enhanced when the research is designed to develop the specific actions of the research techniques. The ten midlevel manager will able to carry out the research of the organization. Conclusion In brief, the high level of value adds the high level of the organizations performance. The customer service is designed to provide the actual results which are demonstrated the individual customers (Bagozzi Foxall, 2009). However, the firms need to focus on the after sale service to bring the customer response which bring the brand equity in line with the corporate image. So, the research and development is the necessary part to know whether the customer is satisfied or not. Finally, the satisfied customer bring the huge benefit for the organization in long run with profitability and growth.
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